Dark Souls 3

I was disappointed in the ending tbh. As usual it was almost impossible to know what you were actually doing as well!

Played through the whole game with a Dex build, always two-handing and never felt I needed a shield tbh. I do have some optional areas left, but not sure I will do them. I might start ng+, not sure... Finding Archdragon peak very hard!

Overall it was the strongest DS yet imo, but I won't worry waiting for the next one if I'm honest. it is getting a bit tired.
I was disappointed in the ending tbh. As usual it was almost impossible to know what you were actually doing as well!

Played through the whole game with a Dex build, always two-handing and never felt I needed a shield tbh. I do have some optional areas left, but not sure I will do them. I might start ng+, not sure... Finding Archdragon peak very hard!

Overall it was the strongest DS yet imo, but I won't worry waiting for the next one if I'm honest. it is getting a bit tired.

Using str build and I too rely on rolling while two handing my weapon, will try int build next, after I've finished this game and my Dark Souls 1 save :)
What's everyone's favourite ring and why? Since we all have 4 fingers in the game it can be a headache wondering which ones to use! One ring I will never take off is the Chloranthy Ring as stamina regeneration is so important in this game.

EDIT: Some rings are great for certain things, like farming souls or items, serpent rings for example, if we can exclude these sorts of rings.
Best ring is Carthus milk ring, I'm not far off Journey 3 and it's literally never left my 4th slot since I found it in Journey 1. :D
Will there be a very poor chance that this game will get a discount of any variety in summer?

I really dislike the cost atm.

i wouldn't count on it they don't need to discount it since it sells so well.

Just look at ds2 still 30 quid on steam!

cheapest you can get this is around 30 quid.
It is a cool ring must admit, with the utchi you feel like a proper ninja! Will play with it for a while.

Have you found Onikiri and Ubadachi dual katanas yet, and the actual ninja outfit from DkS1? Such an awesome setup. I haven't found ninja armor set yet but I know it's in the game, rocking Eastern atm like a samurai. :cool:
Sorry. Re-read my post and it came across a bit big headed lol, not the intention, i was just wondering if grinding a bit will help later on or is this like the others where it should be ok?

Sorry Kinger that wasn't how my post was meant to read either. I play this like I play all RPG's in that I grind and level until I'm just killing fools for fun. Ive seen people say theve finished it in 25 hours so I don't think you have to though
The axe guys are slow so roll towards them diagonally and you end up on their left/right back. Attack a few times, kill if you stagger them, roll again if you don't. Also, they will sometimes attack with combos - 2-3 quick, linked attacks. Roll to avoid the first ones, block the last one with your shield and then let them have it. Keep trying, this is a trial and error game.

Thanks that's helped, knights with shields is my next issue :(
Thanks that's helped, knights with shields is my next issue :(

Bait them into swinging for you, walk / run / roll back, let them finish then get a few swings in (how many depends on your weapon and how stun locked it can keep them) then walk / run / roll out of range and repeat.

Don't get into a back and forth with them, ie trying to out tank them, because if you do that you are going to have a bad day.
Running Dark Sword +10 with the Dragon Slayer Shield... amazing, can chew through enemies like they are not there, the shields special knocks enemies on their ass.....

in PVP a guy did a full fireball toss on me, shielded through it and was a slaughter
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Have you found Onikiri and Ubadachi dual katanas yet, and the actual ninja outfit from DkS1? Such an awesome setup. I haven't found ninja armor set yet but I know it's in the game, rocking Eastern atm like a samurai. :cool:

I haven't got them yet, but I've invested a little in dex just to try out a bit of ninja shenanigans later :)
Have you found Onikiri and Ubadachi dual katanas yet, and the actual ninja outfit from DkS1? Such an awesome setup. I haven't found ninja armor set yet but I know it's in the game, rocking Eastern atm like a samurai. :cool:

Have you got the Sellswords Twinblades? Cool left bumper move, uses no FP, and neat left trigger uses very little FP. Really cool set.
I love the Dancers twin swords, or whatever they are called. They weigh a bit, but attack really quickly.

For Dex though I'm not sure you can beat the Pontiff Knight curved sword tbh. I love all of the moves.
Bait them into swinging for you, walk / run / roll back, let them finish then get a few swings in (how many depends on your weapon and how stun locked it can keep them) then walk / run / roll out of range and repeat.

Don't get into a back and forth with them, ie trying to out tank them, because if you do that you are going to have a bad day.

Thanks I'll give it a try!
I've started ng+. I've got some really cool armours that I like such as the Artorias one, Mirrah set, I love the Dancers helm, Faram set, firelink set, but tbh I think the Fallen Knight set is now my favourite so I might play through the whole game with that. Does anyone know how to get the Alva set? It was my favourite by a mile in DS2.
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