Dark Souls 3

I don't think there will be a sale for a while. If I were you I'd go to DS3 straight off, then make sure you play Dark Souls 1 with DSFix at some point.

Does the franchise not follow a story though?

Checking on IsThereAnyDeal, it shows the last time Steam had DS1 on sale was 2 months ago :(
Does the franchise not follow a story though?

It does as in 1 and 3 are closely related, but not to the extent of having to play 1 before 3. If you complete 3 then go to 1, you'll say "ah, I see" or "such and such was in 3" or vice versa.

3 has a high number of players playing atm so invading, co-op to beat a particularly annoying boss are all much easier then they will be in 1 at this point in time, and that's a big bonus. Lots of helpful hints all over the place.
When will / what will be included with the season pass? Just wondering if it's worthwhile going for Deluxe or just getting season pass when they start releasing for it.
Currently going around the Lothric High Wall I think it is.

^First phase or second? What I found easiest with any boss in DS is to "hug circle" them. Block and roll like that.
Thanks I'll give that a try. I've got to the second phase only once so far. For a newcomer, which character is best to use?

Knight imo. Keep a good distance from the boss so he leaps, roll to the left and hit him 3/4 times. Rinse repeat. 2nd phase get in close and use your shield, while managing your stamina so you can hit it too.

Done first time with Knight using those tactics.

Good luck, you've got a long and hard road ahead of ya :)
Got him :D them tactics work a treat.

Is it just me, or does this game just throw you into the deep end? I've just reached Firelink Shrine and I've had no explanation about upgrading myself or weapons. I'm sure that we would be receiving more of a tutorial on other games.
Got him :D them tactics work a treat.

Is it just me, or does this game just throw you into the deep end? I've just reached Firelink Shrine and I've had no explanation about upgrading myself or weapons. I'm sure that we would be receiving more of a tutorial on other games.
You are told very little throughout the whole game. There is a character at firelink that will tell you how to upgrade things though.

The whole game is kind of designed to be a community experience tbh. People fond out things through trial and error and share it with everyone else. Lots of checking wikis and asking on forums etc.
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Makes sense. I still aren't sure how the online works and my game doesn't pause, so I guess I'm also online.

Where do I go from Firelink Shrine? The same way I came in? I feel like I'm exploring, looking for the next section but, I keep running around in circles.
Thanks I'll give that a try. I've got to the second phase only once so far. For a newcomer, which character is best to use?

Warrior. Has a really usefully weapon art (with the starting weapon) and can easily be setup as a build by putting points into hp and strength.

I think this may be one of my favourite games ever now that the combat has really clicked for me.
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Makes sense. I still aren't sure how the online works and my game doesn't pause, so I guess I'm also online.

Where do I go from Firelink Shrine? The same way I came in? I feel like I'm exploring, looking for the next section but, I keep running around in circles.

Use the sword from the first boss, in the brazier in the middle of the shrine which will enable you to travel to the High Wall :)

Hope this helps!
The bosses and the game in general on NG+1 with Soul Level 125 is just stupidly easy.....literally face rolling them....was thinking it would be a lot tougher....never really bothered with NG before on all the other Souls Games.
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Greatwood was really ****ing me off until I realised there were more weak spots besides the testes, then he became a walkover :p. It's honestly shaping up to be my favourite Souls game yet. Only a few minor annoyance like having to go back to the Shrine to level up and the menus no longer being navigable with the L1 and R1 buttons which makes it awkward to change weapons/items while moving.

Francky, try DS1 Ng+ with a suped-up mage. Literally killing Ornstein and Smough with two Dark Beads each. It's magical :D.
The bosses and the game in general on NG+1 with Soul Level 125 is just stupidly easy.....literally face rolling them....was thinking it would be a lot tougher....never really bothered with NG before on all the other Souls Games.

All of the Souls games get easier the more you play. It is a tiny gripe of mine. The difficulty at the start is usually spot on. Super tense and rewarding. Then gradually, bit by bit, things get easier and easier until you're godlike and own everything that moves.
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