Dark Souls 3

18 Feb 2007
Finally beat the Abyss watchers after about the 20th go .... just couldn't survive the second phase. Really enjoying this game even though it's not a genre I usually go for.
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
It is weird I know but I find in the souls series I really enjoy it this way for some reason.

Each to their own mate. I would recommend just using guides when stuck though, or in a tricky situation. You are missing out on one of the best parts of the game... playing cautiously, learning by your mistakes and tension/good stress which results in heavenly moments.
16 May 2011
I've just picked this up and haven't really got into a DS game before, however this looks like it could be a good challenge.

Any tips or links for a beginner? I don't want to get 10 hours in and then realise I should have set my character up differently or something... :p
Start as a Knight. You get a good shield which blocks 100% of physical damage right out of the gate. Decent sword and armour, though as you'll find out, armour isn't really huge in the grand scheme of things.
21 Jun 2005
Did I read somewhere in this thread there is a mod to improve the graphics etc?

Got a 35 twink guy for invasion he is fun and 2 shots most people he invades and got my other guy to level 170 last night so figured I'd start journey 2 now although I am debating grinding to level 200 first...
9 Dec 2009
I have finally made it close to the end of the game, after 30 hrs of enjoyable "rage" no pun intended I am now at the nameless king and oh boy is he a tough cookie.

I am maxed out at level 99 with 51 strength around 412 on damage on darksword that's maxed on heavy gem +10, his hits take a lot of damage and now I am burning through ember.
7 Jun 2011
I have finally made it close to the end of the game, after 30 hrs of enjoyable "rage" no pun intended I am now at the nameless king and oh boy is he a tough cookie.

I am maxed out at level 99 with 51 strength around 412 on damage on darksword that's maxed on heavy gem +10, his hits take a lot of damage and now I am burning through ember.

I would say he is the only boss in DS3 that is an actual challenge (for me anyway).....on my NG+1 run, I pretty much face rolled every boss without dying once....bar that chap..one of the most epic and challenging bosses in the series IMO.
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28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
I have finally made it close to the end of the game, after 30 hrs of enjoyable "rage" no pun intended I am now at the nameless king and oh boy is he a tough cookie.

I am maxed out at level 99 with 51 strength around 412 on damage on darksword that's maxed on heavy gem +10, his hits take a lot of damage and now I am burning through ember.

There isn't a 99 cap... That darksword should be doing more damage.
10 Apr 2012
I have finally made it close to the end of the game, after 30 hrs of enjoyable "rage" no pun intended I am now at the nameless king and oh boy is he a tough cookie.

I am maxed out at level 99 with 51 strength around 412 on damage on darksword that's maxed on heavy gem +10, his hits take a lot of damage and now I am burning through ember.

Is that all the Dark Sword does? My Anri's does 430 damage with 40 luck, 20 dex, 15 faith and 12 strength.
7 Aug 2013
Yet again, another boss who *supremely* punishes players if they dont have a lot of life.

Yhorm. About a million HP. And I simply cant get through a half an hour long battle without taking one of his one-hit KO's.
7 Aug 2013
Hint- Think back to Demon's Souls.
I learned what I had to do and I still dont understand what that hint would mean.

It's definitely something I had to look up. Would have never figured it out on my own.

And now to the next boss(Dancer). AGAIN - a boss who has multiple attacks that kill me in one hit. This is crazy.

Ya know what the big problem is? Each boss has SO MANY different moves. In the earlier games, I could usually hang around a boss and mostly learn its attacks and understand the telegraphing of them and everything. It is simply too hard to do it now. Not without tons and tons of tries. As I said, too many times I get hit once and I'm dead so I only learn a limited amount each time and have little to no room for mistakes. And then even if I do get a tentative grasp on their moves, they go into a different phase and have an entirely new set of moves, many of which are again switching up the timing to catch you out. And catch me out it does!

I like that the bosses are challenging and have a lot more to them than old Souls bosses, but it's basically too much at this point. I dont feel like I can 'learn' them like I used to. Especially when they all seem to have these purposefully misleading delays in many of their attacks just to throw you off.
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9 Jan 2011
I learned what I had to do and I still dont understand what that hint would mean.

SPOILER for people who haven't beaten Yhorm yet obviously

Just like in Demon's, a boss fight that places a weapon called Storm Ruler in the boss room that does mega damage to the boss. Alarm bells rang as soon as I picked t up.

Also, if you follow Siegward's quest he turns up and uses Storm Ruler for you.

Dancer is very difficult, bit brilliant as well. I actuslly found dodging her quite easy. Though I did occasionally get caught out by an extra attack at the end I wasn't expecting!
7 Aug 2013
Dancer is very difficult, bit brilliant as well. I actuslly found dodging her quite easy. Though I did occasionally get caught out by an extra attack at the end I wasn't expecting!
I'm finding it absolutely impossible. As I have like the like the last 5 bosses who have like 50 different attacks that are all difficult to 'tell' and where several of them kill me in one hit.

I might have to take a long break from the game. I'm just getting seriously annoyed. Obviously the game is not designed for the way I like to play anymore. It feels specifically designed to punish builds and playstyles like mine, actually. It sucks because I'm really loving things otherwise. And I do respect the boss design in general, it's just too ridiculous to learn how to avoid ALL these attacks reliably. There's way too many of them. And even those I have a decent idea how to avoid, some of them are still INSANELY difficult to actually dodge in practice.

Like the Dancer's spinning moves where she does it like 6-7 times in a row or something. If I'm anywhere near her when she starts it, I'm done. Nothing I can do. There's just no way to survive it. First hit takes 90% of my life, stuns me and makes it so I dont even have a chance to avoid another hit. Basically, one hit and I'm done and there's no way to avoid getting hit at least ONCE with that flailing around unless I just *happen* to be far away from her when she starts. Even then it's incredibly hard to avoid when she closes up.

The game seems to be really saying, "PUT TONS OF POINTS INTO VIGOR AND USE A SHIELD!!!" Which I dont like doing. But clearly it cant be played like previous games, where you not doing so was a perfectly viable playstyle without needing to be super skilled.
4 Sep 2003
Dancer was my favourite boss, the movement was incredible - looked slow and balletic but in reality had swords whirring round all over the place. Shame they are so underpowered when you get them :(
7 Aug 2013
Yea, I really did like the design of the boss and her attacks. Very methodic and smooth, yet aggressive, just fury gliding along.

'Dancer' was definitely the right name for the boss.

I eventually just summoned help. 3rd time I've had to do it now and I hate that I had to resort to it, but I just want to move on. I did put a couple more points into Vigor, though. Try and see if I cant shake some of these attacks that others can tank, but kill me outright.
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