Dark Souls 3

7 Aug 2013
Location/enemy spoilers ahead!

So did anyone actually enjoy Irithyll Dungeon? A poor mans Latria with the most annoying enemies in the series.
Yea, I did. I always thought the Demons Souls bell-ringers were quite annoying, too. This is a more compartmentalized reimagining of 3-1, but it still has its own flavor. As do many of the 'throwback' areas in the game. As much as they may throw in fanservice sort of aspects, they rarely ever just rehash it, it's largely redone in an entirely new way.

Another thing I like about it is that it has a single bonfire. You are tasked with a properly long run through it and outside into the caverns against some tough odds before you're ever going to find another bonfire. It also messes with you by providing an *early* shortcut but it still leaves like half the run to the next bonfire, messing with your expectations and making for a more panic-inducing trek through the area as you wonder when the hell you're going to get a break.
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23 May 2011
While I like the one bonfire thing in theory (I love how Demon's Souls handles the whole shortcut aspect and sense of dread that comes with having to beat the entire level in one go) but in this case all it made me think was "Great, a long elevator down and a long ladder back up..."

At least in 3-1 the bellringers could be dodged easily enough, the health reducing effect with the jailers just seems to be completely random and can hit you from across the room. It's just frustrating rather than adding any real difficulty to the area.
4 Sep 2003
I quite liked the dungeon. A couple of traps that I inevitably fell for, low hp but high damage enemies to keep you on your toes, well designed shortcuts and jailers that were tricky to deal with initially but really simple once you'd figured out the best way to approach them.
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Yea, I really did like the design of the boss and her attacks. Very methodic and smooth, yet aggressive, just fury gliding along.

'Dancer' was definitely the right name for the boss.

I eventually just summoned help. 3rd time I've had to do it now and I hate that I had to resort to it, but I just want to move on. I did put a couple more points into Vigor, though. Try and see if I cant shake some of these attacks that others can tank, but kill me outright.

It's good to co-op in this version must admit, and I've needed help more than once, and I use a shield for some bosses!
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
171 hours, level 117 and still not completed the game. Now I'm wondering what the heck I've been doing! I believe I've collected everything, bought every unique armour set, farmed for scales and twinkling titanite to +9 5 weapons so far and am loving just taking my time. The boss in the "secret" area is blimming tricky must admit.

I love it when a game is released and I actually get far more than my monies worth, in fact it's almost worth the price of my 970gtx too that many quality hours.
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
I have finally made it close to the end of the game, after 30 hrs of enjoyable "rage" no pun intended I am now at the nameless king and oh boy is he a tough cookie.

I am maxed out at level 99 with 51 strength around 412 on damage on darksword that's maxed on heavy gem +10, his hits take a lot of damage and now I am burning through ember.

If you're a str build have you infused that sword with a heavy gem(you will still be able to apply resin/buffs)? It will make a big difference if you haven't.
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4 Sep 2011
70 hours in,level 119 with all the best armour and weapons collected and every boss beaten except the fire demon because I cant be bothered to go back to it now. Just about to set off on the run up to the final boss. This has to be one of the best games I've ever played
21 Jun 2005
The guy did the boss runs at SL1 with no healing, dodging, rolling etc it was mental to watch, some of the bosses took him 15 hours of attempts though.
13 May 2012
Personally left feeling disappointed after beating this over the week-end. Not a bad game by any means, but there was just an overall lack of polish in some areas and the areas were not diverse enough. There was no single point in the game which blew me away...

Irithyll came close at first glance, but upon further inspection the feeling of copy pasta really starts to settle in... Actually, Archdragon Peak was a nice lil' surprise (Dunno how to explain, but just the way it looked (bright n' clear blue skies) felt like such a departure from the rest of the game, and it was all hidden behind "emote-ing" :D) Shame the actual area was kinda ruined by the god awful wall-clipping and chain staggering enemies :o

I feel like my experience was somewhat soured by the fact that in the back of my mind I was always referencing and comparing it to other Souls games. Hopefully one day we'll get the "perfect" Souls game (or whatever they'll be re-named in the future.) Imo each game is kinda a mess, but in their own special way :D
7 Aug 2013
I feel like my experience was somewhat soured by the fact that in the back of my mind I was always referencing and comparing it to other Souls games.
I also think you're probably looking at those games with some rose-tinted glasses. I feel much the same happened with Dark Souls 2. All the sudden, it was super popular to hate on DS2 and people nitpicked every single little detail and proclaimed DS1 to be infinitely better, except that DS1 is highly flawed in many ways, too. But DS1 was many people's first foray into the Souls series and thus they have cherished memories from it and overlooked many of its flaws. Something they couldn't do with DS2 because it wasn't as fresh anymore. Not that DS2 doesn't have many ways that is actually is lesser than DS1, but people weren't giving it a fair comparison in many cases.

So far, I'm thinking that Dark Souls 3 might well be the best of the bunch so far.
14 Sep 2009
Accrington, Lancashire
Has anybody had any experience playing through the game using the password settings with friends? I've convinced a friend to give this a try and I've been helping him through some of the early areas in co-op. I'm wondering whether I'm able to specifically invade him or whether I'm gonna have to trick him I to summoning me when I've put a PvP sign down :D
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
I also think you're probably looking at those games with some rose-tinted glasses. I feel much the same happened with Dark Souls 2. All the sudden, it was super popular to hate on DS2 and people nitpicked every single little detail and proclaimed DS1 to be infinitely better, except that DS1 is highly flawed in many ways, too. But DS1 was many people's first foray into the Souls series and thus they have cherished memories from it and overlooked many of its flaws. Something they couldn't do with DS2 because it wasn't as fresh anymore. Not that DS2 doesn't have many ways that is actually is lesser than DS1, but people weren't giving it a fair comparison in many cases.

So far, I'm thinking that Dark Souls 3 might well be the best of the bunch so far.

I think there's a reason DS3 is based mainly on the same foundation as DS1, it's because DS1 is a masterpiece. I cannot play DS2 now, I'm playing a DS1 save and DS3. No rose tinted glasses, DS2 was a poor effort on many fronts, which prevent it from being a masterpiece. imo.
4 Sep 2011
I think there's a reason DS3 is based mainly on the same foundation as DS1, it's because DS1 is a masterpiece. I cannot play DS2 now, I'm playing a DS1 save and DS3. No rose tinted glasses, DS2 was a poor effort on many fronts, which prevent it from being a masterpiece. imo.

Why is DS2 such a bad game? Serious question as I havnt played it before but would like to
4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
I can't get this to work properly on my rig at all. Doesn't matter what graphics settings I choose but after playing for like 2 minutes the FPS tanks to single digits and even pauses :\ Makes it completely unplayable.

I've got 2x 980 ti's and a gsync monitor so this shouldn't be happening. Suggestions?
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