Dark Souls 3

20 Jan 2009
I can't get this to work properly on my rig at all. Doesn't matter what graphics settings I choose but after playing for like 2 minutes the FPS tanks to single digits and even pauses :\ Makes it completely unplayable.

I've got 2x 980 ti's and a gsync monitor so this shouldn't be happening. Suggestions?

You tried disabling sli ?
4 Sep 2011
Yup and also disabling gsync, makes no difference at all :\

Im running it just fine on the latest drivers with a TX and Gsync on a Predator X34. You tried running the cards clocks at standard if they overclocked? I would disable SLI anyways as I'm running it maxed out @3440x1440 with my Tx at stock clocks and its rock solid

Are you using an XB1 pad and windows 10 by any chance? Ive had to ditch my pad and use the DS4 because it would tank my framerate after 20 minutes for some strange reason. I read its a driver issue
9 Jan 2011
So far, I'm thinking that Dark Souls 3 might well be the best of the bunch so far.

I agree, and as I have always said, I think people's thoughts on the games are greatly dependant on which one they played first. With so little really changing in the way of mechanics throughout the series, and with the way the games are in terms of their uniqueness and their ability to really immerse you, people are always going to look more fondly on their first exposure to this type of game imo.
10 Apr 2012
So did anyone actually enjoy Irithyll Dungeon? A poor mans Latria with the most annoying enemies in the series.

Agree with this, would have been fine and a lot of fun if their hp draining move didn't have 100 foot range on it, just no counter play to the large room full of the jailers unless you're either A) ranged or B) prepared to sprint through. Actually encourages melees to skip it just by cancerous monster design lol.
23 May 2011
I agree, and as I have always said, I think people's thoughts on the games are greatly dependant on which one they played first. With so little really changing in the way of mechanics throughout the series, and with the way the games are in terms of their uniqueness and their ability to really immerse you, people are always going to look more fondly on their first exposure to this type of game imo.

While I agree with this is some regard (Fighting Flamelurker with my crappy build on NG+ with a 2 handed weapon because it was all I had for 4ish hours is one of my most memorable and satisfying moments with the series), Dark Souls 1 is still easily my favourite from the series. The complete lack of poise (like seriously, WTF From?!) and maintaining Dark Souls 2's parrying system really hurts Dark Souls 3 for me. My favourite thing to do in Dark Souls 1 was grab the Wolf Ring and parrying everything I could, because it was fun. Parrying in DS2 and 3 just doesn't feel worth it to me anymore because the difficulty to perform it doesn't justify the damage dealt. Another annoyance with DS2 and 3 is that you constantly seem to be fighting 2-3 enemies at once. That's fine at times, but it gets tiring when it happens the whole game.

Agree with this, would have been fine and a lot of fun if their hp draining move didn't have 100 foot range on it, just no counter play to the large room full of the jailers unless you're either A) ranged or B) prepared to sprint through. Actually encourages melees to skip it just by cancerous monster design lol.

What I ended up doing to be honest. Just grab the treasures and go.
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Why is DS2 such a bad game? Serious question as I havnt played it before but would like to

It is not a bad game as such, it is a 9/10. But compared to DS1/DS3 it falls short. If I could give DS1 more than 10/10 I would, it really is a masterpiece, and so is DS3.

My main gripe is it just feels boring after a while, whether this is down to technical shortcomings combined with bland levels, armour and weapons with less exciting combat I can't put my finger on it. I just got bored of it pretty much(after 100 hours, which makes it a 9/10).

This game I'm already 170hours in and planning my next run through, same happened with DS1.

If you haven't played it before I suggest you do.
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Agree with this, would have been fine and a lot of fun if their hp draining move didn't have 100 foot range on it, just no counter play to the large room full of the jailers unless you're either A) ranged or B) prepared to sprint through. Actually encourages melees to skip it just by cancerous monster design lol.

iirc you can run up and quickly kill 2/3 a time and run back. Risky but I did it this way.
9 Dec 2009
On NG + and finding the game **** easy now, just up to abyss watchers killed crystal sage on second try and decons was a walk over. Abyss watchers is slightly trickier but his combos still hurt slightly just need to learn not to get greedy. I maxed out estus flasks, maxed out dark sword +10 just working on some dex endurance and int for magic weapon
26 May 2014
iirc you can run up and quickly kill 2/3 a time and run back. Risky but I did it this way.
You can also pull them one at a time with a bow, which makes things easier. In fact, pulling with a bow trivialises a lot of encounters, since other enemies generally don't react to it. Even if a pack of enemies are set to all automatically activate when you get in range (the three ghru on the bridge near the second bonfire in Farron Keep for example), you can pull them one by one with a bow, because the enemy scripts apparently only trigger on your character entering their range, not on damage.
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
You can also pull them one at a time with a bow, which makes things easier. In fact, pulling with a bow trivialises a lot of encounters, since other enemies generally don't react to it. Even if a pack of enemies are set to all automatically activate when you get in range (the three ghru on the bridge near the second bonfire in Farron Keep for example), you can pull them one by one with a bow, because the enemy scripts apparently only trigger on your character entering their range, not on damage.

:) yep, I learnt early to carry a bow. Because of the number of mobs in this game I have found it essential. No idea why others don't think it's important. +9 longbow with cheap standard arrows and cheap wooden arrows do nearly 200 damage with my +9 longbow.
9 Dec 2009
on another question how comes you can only reinforce the dark sword +10 on a heavy gem. If I infused it with a shallow gem would that remove the heavy Gem or does it buff it even more?
28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
on another question how comes you can only reinforce the dark sword +10 on a heavy gem. If I infused it with a shallow gem would that remove the heavy Gem or does it buff it even more?

No. If you are a strength build I recommend you keep the heavy gem.You could turn it into a hollow which will increase your loot drop depending if you're hollowed or not, but if you have high strength you will lose a lot of damage. Heavy gem scales that weapon in A, the more strength you upgrade the better it will get.
23 May 2011
:) yep, I learnt early to carry a bow. Because of the number of mobs in this game I have found it essential. No idea why others don't think it's important. +9 longbow with cheap standard arrows and cheap wooden arrows do nearly 200 damage with my +9 longbow.

It's boring though. I hate having to stop to pull out my bow because they constantly throw 3-4 enemies at you at the same time otherwise. It wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that poise is completely useless. With poise you could run in eat a hit or two and still be able to roll out and get some distance to heal if needed. Now you just get stun locked constantly.
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