Dark Souls 3

I tried a magic build for a while (got to Farron Keep), but found it incredibly dull and largely ineffective. Apparently it gets better once you get to high levels, but is still very restrictive, requiring the use of specific equipment to keep up. Useless in PvP too as all the spells are so easy to dodge.

It's a shame, as I remember really enjoying the magic user I had way back in Demon's Souls. Hadn't tried it since then, but apparently it's particularly nerfed in this one. It was a lot stronger in Dark Souls II apparently (which I didn't play much of).
Indeed, the magic build has been nerfed in a big way this time. It's okay at higher levels and does big damage but with an increased risk the way I played with all out attack. Staff and sword together gives the game a real fast pace but with little or no defence it also means you can take very few hits and most bosses have at least one attack that can easily one shot you.

The thing I found most was that just about all the bosses barring one or two were actually more difficult with a magic build which is very much the opposite of Dark Souls 2. I found my warrior class tore through most of the bosses and obviously with increased health and defence this balanced the odds further in my favour.

And yes, magic for PVP is just godawful. Nothing more I can add there.
I just CANNOT beat the bosses in this game. Way too hard, at least for my build/playstyle.

Tons of different attacks, most are quite fast and not well telegraphed and a lot of them have these stupid delays to them purposefully designed to trip you up. And all hit like a ton of bricks. The problem is - when there's so many different attacks, distinguishing the telegraphing of them is super difficult and they're so quick that you have very little time to 'judge it'.

Up against the Prince and I got the first fight my very first time through, but died immediately in the second fight(like I didn't even have time to do anything). Since then, through about ten more tries, haven't been able to get through the first fight once. Often not even knocking a 1/4 of his health off before tripping up and getting caught out.

Three of the last five bosses I've had to summon help to just finally get them over with. I think I'll probably have to do it again here. I just dont have the patience to master every boss' attack patterns through dozens of tries just so I stand a chance.

I've never had this problem with any of the other Souls games. Had the odd boss I struggled with, which is fine and expected. But I'm running up against a wall nearly every single time here. I feel like they understood that bosses like Artorias and Fume Knight were fantastic and then decided to make every fight like them. The bosses are good, dont get me wrong, but they're too hard and its seriously trying my patience. I dont like summoning for help, but I feel like if I dont, then I'm just gonna end up rage quitting the game for good because I'm not gonna spend hours and hours and hours on each boss.
I just CANNOT beat the bosses in this game. Way too hard, at least for my build/playstyle.

Tons of different attacks, most are quite fast and not well telegraphed and a lot of them have these stupid delays to them purposefully designed to trip you up. And all hit like a ton of bricks. The problem is - when there's so many different attacks, distinguishing the telegraphing of them is super difficult and they're so quick that you have very little time to 'judge it'.

Up against the Prince and I got the first fight my very first time through, but died immediately in the second fight(like I didn't even have time to do anything). Since then, through about ten more tries, haven't been able to get through the first fight once. Often not even knocking a 1/4 of his health off before tripping up and getting caught out.

Three of the last five bosses I've had to summon help to just finally get them over with. I think I'll probably have to do it again here. I just dont have the patience to master every boss' attack patterns through dozens of tries just so I stand a chance.

I've never had this problem with any of the other Souls games. Had the odd boss I struggled with, which is fine and expected. But I'm running up against a wall nearly every single time here. I feel like they understood that bosses like Artorias and Fume Knight were fantastic and then decided to make every fight like them. The bosses are good, dont get me wrong, but they're too hard and its seriously trying my patience. I dont like summoning for help, but I feel like if I dont, then I'm just gonna end up rage quitting the game for good because I'm not gonna spend hours and hours and hours on each boss.

They can be tougher than the bosses in DS1 for example. What I recommend is watching a youtube video that shows you the best way to beat them. Once you get the hang of it it'll be almost easy.
I tried a magic build for a while (got to Farron Keep), but found it incredibly dull and largely ineffective. Apparently it gets better once you get to high levels, but is still very restrictive, requiring the use of specific equipment to keep up. Useless in PvP too as all the spells are so easy to dodge.

It's a shame, as I remember really enjoying the magic user I had way back in Demon's Souls. Hadn't tried it since then, but apparently it's particularly nerfed in this one. It was a lot stronger in Dark Souls II apparently (which I didn't play much of).

I think you're right... might do a dex build with plenty endurance, and use the wash pole or uchigana, with sharp gem. Seems a good build for PvP(Its a setup I have most problems with on my PC build(str/faith)).
They can be tougher than the bosses in DS1 for example. What I recommend is watching a youtube video that shows you the best way to beat them. Once you get the hang of it it'll be almost easy.
Oh I do this plenty. It definitely helps. But it's also hard to find people who play with the same sort of build and playstyle I use(relatively low HP, no shield, no magic). So many players aren't exactly doing any better than I do, but they can take the hits that I cant, they can spam the boss with ranged magic attacks, they can just block instead of dodge in many instances.

And then of course doing it myself is a whole nother thing. It's me having to decide when to hit the roll button, trying to figure out whether an attack is going to be one of their super quick ones or one of their tricksy delayed attacks designed to catch early rollers off-guard and punish them. And I really cant take much punishment with how hard the bosses hit.

Sorry this is like the 10th time I've whined about my problem with the bosses, but I'm just venting mostly. I think this game just isn't as well suited to lower HP, no-shield builds like the other games have been. I know it's all possible to do, but the skill level and ability to memorize the dozen+ different attacks a boss uses throughout their multiple phases is higher than before.

I'm gonna have to just pour some more points into HP going forward. I need to be able to make mistakes(take hits) and get away with it more.
Oh I do this plenty. It definitely helps. But it's also hard to find people who play with the same sort of build and playstyle I use(relatively low HP, no shield, no magic). So many players aren't exactly doing any better than I do, but they can take the hits that I cant, they can spam the boss with ranged magic attacks, they can just block instead of dodge in many instances.

And then of course doing it myself is a whole nother thing. It's me having to decide when to hit the roll button, trying to figure out whether an attack is going to be one of their super quick ones or one of their tricksy delayed attacks designed to catch early rollers off-guard and punish them. And I really cant take much punishment with how hard the bosses hit.

Sorry this is like the 10th time I've whined about my problem with the bosses, but I'm just venting mostly. I think this game just isn't as well suited to lower HP, no-shield builds like the other games have been. I know it's all possible to do, but the skill level and ability to memorize the dozen+ different attacks a boss uses throughout their multiple phases is higher than before.

I'm gonna have to just pour some more points into HP going forward. I need to be able to make mistakes(take hits) and get away with it more.

If you're up to the Cathedral of the Deep, you can get to an NPC you can use to re-allocate your points. Dodging is the best way to deal with bosses it just takes a lot of practice and skill(which I'm short of). A shield is handy though also, and is defo handy for PvE in general.
Abyss Watchers is fun with both the NPC phantoms and a player all helping (via the Dried Finger). Total chaos. Been making a point of getting all the NPC summons in my second playthrough just to see them in action. Some of them are super OP. Anri is probably the most useless one, since he does so little damage. Black Hand Gotthard is a beast.
Abyss Watchers is fun with both the NPC phantoms and a player all helping (via the Dried Finger). Total chaos. Been making a point of getting all the NPC summons in my second playthrough just to see them in action. Some of them are super OP. Anri is probably the most useless one, since he does so little damage. Black Hand Gotthard is a beast.

If you summon the NPC for the Old Demon King you get a pretty decent armour set out of it!

Black Hand Gotthard is ridiculously op for some fights!... I found the guy with the hammer(Eygon?) to be the most useless.
Strange... my saves are not being recognized by the game? It came up with the latest accept terms and conditions and I only have "New Game" option! I have got backups but can't get them to work! wtf?

Ah, I logged in to my other account to play Mafia 2 and merged my main account, thus the save didn't work. Just logged back in to my main account and everything is rosy, Thank God!
Smouldering Lake worm made me nope back up pretty quick. I've seen a walk through for it so will attempt it soon.

Get a summon, hopefully they'll have magic. You get a bone shard for that I think. You'll struggle if you are melee, best bet is run to the right then roll under it. Then you get to...

fight a pretty tough boss, or run right up a ramp
Finished Dark Souls 2 today, so I bought this straight away, but I'm really having trouble with parrying in this game.

I seem to be getting a lot of half parrys, I can't tell if I'm going too early or too late.

And damn that guy with the Katana, I tried to play fair with him, but after aboutt he 8th death I just R1 spamed him. :o
The parry window is extremely tight with regular small/medium shields. There's a sub-class of small shields that have an extended parry animation which makes it a lot easier. There are only three shields with it though, namely the Buckler, Small Leather Shield and Target Shield, and they're all pretty bad as actual shields. There's also the Parrying Dagger that has the same timing, but is obviously even less of a shield.

I gave up on parrying, personally. Never been able to do it reliably. Hiding behind a greatshield FTW. ;)
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