Getting impatient for DS2 now...just started again!
I was going to continue with my level 120 character that is half way through NG+ in Duke's Archive, but I am just going to start again. I know most people love it, but I am really not a fan of NG+ in DS, as part of the fun of the game is risking everything to get to the item that you can see in the distance, but in NG+ you already have most of them, and know already if it is worth getting them.
Where can I find it mate?
I'm back at darkroot garden farming souls now. Pretty relaxed but not getting many souls very quickly
Its actually in darkroot, past the sealed door, if you go through the door turn eight and hug the right wall and its on the ground once you get to the cliff part.
Turn eight? So turn slightly left? lol.
Not familiar with that term. I've plucked most of the garden already, apart from the look surrounded by mobs.
Just started again recently last time I got to catacombs but started again
Last route I took was Taurus Demon >Gargoyles > Capra Demon >Gaping Demon >Fire boobs girl>Sens Fortress > Anor Londo> Catacombs (killed some boss then got to tomb of Giants where it was all dark and couldn't see crap, then I got reset back to early Catacombs for some reason, or I think so anyways)
Should I be taking a different route?
Should I pop back to Undead Asylum to get the ring and doll to do the painted world? Last time I went back, I fell through the floor and got killed by the fat boss from the start
You can, the ring is only useful in a few places (Blighttown/Sens basement) and Painted World can be an absolute ball ache if you aren't prepared for it as once you enter you cant leave till you pass the boss. Its one of the more annoying areas in the game and the enemies are pretty strong.
I usually go butterfly after gargoyles as darkroot has some good stuff. Then Anor Londo > Asylum/Painted World > Catacombs > New Londo > Duke Archive > Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith > Giants. I usually throw Ash Lake in somewhere after duke archives.
I always leave Giants till last as its annoying and you get the sun hat in Lost Izalith which makes it a lot easier. Catacombs is good to do early ish for the Right of Kindling from Pinwheel which makes all the Lord areas less stressful.
Just leg it to Pinwheel as soon as you get to firelink shrine for the first time and use Leeroy to kill him for you. You have to reverse hollowing and it's pretty tricky to do but when you know the route it makes it much easier. That way you get the Rite of Kindling roughly 15 mins after starting a new game.
Honestly I don't think its worth the hassle, there is really no need to get the RoK before Sens because Bonfires are so common.
Before I head back to Anor Londo to defeat the ***** O&S. Should I pop back to Undead Asylum to get the ring and doll to do the painted world? Last time I went back, I fell through the floor and got killed by the fat boss from the start
It's better to defeat O&S before going else where. Once you get the lordvessel the ability to warp between bonfires is such a time saver!