Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

I played this on my Xbox 360 and my god Blighttown was horrible.

Dropping to couple a frame per seconds was horrible.

Would have played on PC but didn't have a wired controller...
OK folks :)

I only got a few hours into DkS II on PS3, mooching around the area where the first female merchant is, and, "if memory serves", just bumped into someone who is a well-known character that wants you to go into a dungeon for him.

Now I have finally got my gaming PC, is this game worth getting on that platform and starting again from scratch, and is it, unlike the first one, OK to play with keyboard & mouse?

Thanks, GmF; pretty much what I expected to read, I think.

I shall sally forth and obtain a 360 controller ;)

Good choice, not only is this game a million times better with controller, but a lot of modern games on the PC are suited to a controller if you play casual games (not games like CS:GO, or BF etc).
Just use your ps3 controller and ds3tool if you don't mind it not being wireless. Also when you know exactly where you're going and what to do that few hours turns into about half an hour :p.
Moot, I'm considering the PS3 controller, but had generally heard that the route to fewest problems was via a wired 360 one.

Might have a muck around with the PS doofer in the meantime :)
Moot, I'm considering the PS3 controller, but had generally heard that the route to fewest problems was via a wired 360 one.

Might have a muck around with the PS doofer in the meantime :)

Wireless is the way to go, as then if you ever fancy some coop action on other games, your mates can play too without having to be wired up.

I often play 4 player arcade racer games with mates.
Loved DS1 but hated DS 2.

DS 2's level design is terrible for the most part and the environments are forgettably bland. Enemies lack the character of the previous game and rather than cleverly being placed and balanced within the environments to be both challenging and fun like the first game are simply haphazardly strewn everywhere making significant sections of the game feel like a chore.

Many of the bosses are copy-past or hybrids of DS1 and rather than focusing on making fights interesting, instead lazily try to inject difficulty by adding multiple foes which again makes the game feel tedious.

And that is how I mostly felt playing DS2: bored. Like I was working my way through it almost through obligation to say I completed it rather than because I was compelled to like in the original.
Must admit, the few sessions I had on DkS II on my PS3 didn't really inspire me as much as the first game.

Mind you, if it wasn't for the amazing support from the guys 'n' girls of the Eurogamer forum, I would have given up on the first game too.

I am looking forward to giving this another chance.

Aside: quite telling, perhaps, that my iPhone auto-correct changes "another" to "Anor" and "quite" to "Quelaag's" ;)
Loved DS1 but hated DS 2.

DS 2's level design is terrible for the most part and the environments are forgettably bland. Enemies lack the character of the previous game and rather than cleverly being placed and balanced within the environments to be both challenging and fun like the first game are simply haphazardly strewn everywhere making significant sections of the game feel like a chore.

Many of the bosses are copy-past or hybrids of DS1 and rather than focusing on making fights interesting, instead lazily try to inject difficulty by adding multiple foes which again makes the game feel tedious.

And that is how I mostly felt playing DS2: bored. Like I was working my way through it almost through obligation to say I completed it rather than because I was compelled to like in the original.

Have you played Demons Souls? I just got a ps3 just to play it, I also loved ds1 but I have to say demons souls is much better.
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Get ready to tear your hair out fighting Ornstein & Smough but getting a feeling better than winning the lottery when you finally beat them :D

Not sure if that one was to me but it's DkS II I've been asking about; I'm already a vet of the first one and gave the Chuckle Brothers a proper pounding :)

Got my DS3 controller set up this evening via the software mentioned to me here plus "Better DS3".

It seems to be working alright, emulating a 360 pad; I just need a game to test it on now. Might grab a couple of freebie demos or something in the morning, then get Dk S II when I feel up to it (!)

Thanks for all the replies.
The update to bring the game to Steamworks is out today. Major issue though is that it breaks DSFix. I'm sure he'll be on it as soon as he gets time but I'd have hoped they would have embraced what he's done for this version of the game by now and ensure that any updates worked with DSFix.

Seems to only be an issue with unlocking the frame rate.
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