I beat the 2 gargoyles last night and rang that first bell, so i guess i go back to the boss near the black smith? Just doesnt seem like i do much damage to him!
I did sprint past him and end up in the darkroot gardens or something, i guess its a case of just exploring and going back if im not ready?
Also ive picked up a lot of weapons now, should i be usig the longsword and upgrading that or is there a better type of weapon for the warrior that i may alreadu have?
I do have the drake sword but dont wanna be overpowered and take aeay the feel of the game
You can venture down there if you want, but it's not necessary at this point, but it may be useful to kill the areas boss for some souls.
Again, drop the drake sword. if i remember correctly, the drake sword doesn't scale with any of your stats, so as you level up, your missing the chance to do extra damage if you had a wep that scaled with what you are leveling. So there's a point in the game where it just doesn't cut it (literally ) anymore.
After a few upgrades it far surpasses the Drake Sword
Not exactly true, without decent stats in Str and Dex and at least +5 the Drake Sword is still better, the Drake Sword is also considerably lighter and faster.
Saying that the claymore is a very good weapon, the problem is that by the time it becomes really useful (Sens Fortress) you can get the Man-Serpent Greatsword which for Str characters is just flat out better.
Okay I truly suck at this game !! Sorcerer class trying to beat that asylum boss at the very start of the game. I can jump off ledge and impale him for about 40% of it's health but then I'm lucky if I can get 2 more attacks off before he pounds me to pulp !!!! Should I be getting in close to tickle his belly or fire off magic from range ? to be honest I'm not good at either hehe, cracking game though.
The game doesn't force the way you should play upon yourself, it lets you learn from past experience. For example, the very first "proper" boss (not the tutorial one), the easier way to kill it is to do the dropping attack from the tower. But how should I of know this, isn't it a bit unfair that they hind the ladder behind you, out of sight? Well, by this point you should know, from killing the first boss, plunging attacks do a lot of damage, so you should always be looking out for way that you know how to kill the boss. Again, with the capra, people find it hard to deal with multiple enemies, but just before you were dealing with 2 huge gargoyles, and often faced more than 2 enemies at the church. So for the capra, try to apply what you have learnt to see if you can beat it (that's what I did anyway )All but given up on this game I am stuck on that Capra demon and have probably spent over an hour trying and what must be 30 attempts easily. I don't mind a challenge but when it almost feels broken to get charged and smashed down to 25% in 2 seconds the 3-4 minutes to get back there each time become tedious and boring which is not something I want in a game.
I know I can summon help but really it shouldn't be so ridiculous I am sure most of you will say it isn't but honestly it is, so unbalanced and it is relatively early on in the game so doesn't really scale imo.
All but given up on this game I am stuck on that Capra demon and have probably spent over an hour trying and what must be 30 attempts easily. I don't mind a challenge but when it almost feels broken to get charged and smashed down to 25% in 2 seconds the 3-4 minutes to get back there each time become tedious and boring which is not something I want in a game.
I know I can summon help but really it shouldn't be so ridiculous I am sure most of you will say it isn't but honestly it is, so unbalanced and it is relatively early on in the game so doesn't really scale imo.
Seriously though, learn to dodge early on. Look at what attack he's about to do, if he flies up run back a bit and cast a spell. If he holds his hammer up straight upside down roll to the side and cast a spell and if he looks to swing it from side to side roll backwards and cast a spell.
Basically dodge and cast while he's recovering from the attack .
All but given up on this game I am stuck on that Capra demon and have probably spent over an hour trying and what must be 30 attempts easily. I don't mind a challenge but when it almost feels broken to get charged and smashed down to 25% in 2 seconds the 3-4 minutes to get back there each time become tedious and boring which is not something I want in a game.
I know I can summon help but really it shouldn't be so ridiculous I am sure most of you will say it isn't but honestly it is, so unbalanced and it is relatively early on in the game so doesn't really scale imo.
Spent an hour today trying, got to 50 minute game session time and allowed myself 1 hour if I couldn't do it after that was going to stop playing all together and just admit the game is not for me.
Beat him on the 62nd minute hot diggity! Block instantly as soon as I went in and not roll like I see before, circled around and got the dogs on the stairs and then stood at the very back of that bridge and 3 drop attacks later dead.