Perfectly reasonable for a truck to pull out of a car in the circled position obviously. Should not even do it there if it were a car pulling out.
Ive seen the video thanks.
You are demonstrating a problem that exists in the mind of many modern motorists, not least those who have cameras all over their cars to capture things like this.
A good driver's responsibility is not only for his or her vehicle and those in it, it's for every other motorists, cyclist and pedestrian out there. It is much better to avoid an accident through allowing for others than to have one and be right. However as your post shows, motorists have become ignorant of that fact. I watched you video once and my first thoughts were this.
"Bit quick off the island, but nothing wrong with that" followed by "ah, lorry pulling out and he's not really accounted for that". That was my first thought and seems I am not alone. The fact you posted it shows you had though about it differently, because it is not really anything untypical that will happen many times in a year.
Lorry's don't drive like cars. They take a lot of effort to get off the line, then to accelerate. Often I see people diving down the inside of lorries with large trailers at islands. Their mindset will be "well I am in my lane" but they don't account for the fact that often a lorry can't navigate an island without encroaching a lane, neither can the caravan or the person towing with a trailer. Doesn't matter though, they were in their lane so they are fine. Same with the car who dives into a queue to come off a motorway or duel carriageway and then wonders why the lorry behind has flashed them. Their mindset again "well if you crash into me it's always you fault" when in fact they have simply stolen the lorries braking zone.
Bad driving is not driving defensively, not accounting for the fact that even though you might be the finest driver on the road others will be of mixed abilities and to protect you and all those in your car its best to drive making account for that. Your video to me and it seems many others shows a motorist pushing on, nothing wrong wit that, who in his/her haste didn't account for the fact a lorry might chose to emerge and they should perhaps allow them a bit of time to get going.
If a car pulls out in front of you on a 50mph road and you are doing 70mph and have to slam it all on that is just as much your fault as theirs but sadly so many drivers don't see it that way, but it doesn't change the fact it's bad driving on both accounts, not just one account. Having watched the video again I would suggest you pulled off the island at pace to get into a gap, the lorry tried to do the same but lorried....