
Raymond Lin does your car have a heated front screen ?

Am also pretty sure that my heated screen is badly effecting the picture quality from my camera ..

No, but I think my footage is clearer than yours, although the price difference between them isn't a lot.
Yes the camera hardwire is exactly the same and can be used with the plug & play cable and hardwire cable..
So you could move it from car to car,

But you also need a second screen mount http://thinkwaredashcam.uk/product/f770-mount/
It also very easy to clip it in & out of the screen mount..

Easy? I couldn't manage to get mine out! Will give it another go later as it's not doing anything at the minute.
Easy? I couldn't manage to get mine out! Will give it another go later as it's not doing anything at the minute.
Am removing mine all the time from the mount to take the micro SD card out/in as my fingers are to big and hit the window..

It a pain in the ass removing and putting back the micro SD card at night in the dark need to always use a torch..
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Why are you removing the SD card so often? With my K1S, I just disconnect the control box and then plug it into my PC via USB.
No, but I think my footage is clearer than yours, although the price difference between them isn't a lot.

Hard to tell if its clearer as the F770 footage in on dark country roads where as yours is on much better lit public main roads. Plus theres all that youtube compression and stabilisation stuff to take into account.

Some dude drove into the back of our car a couple of weeks ago - this was the footage - sorry about the rear camera but theres no rear wiper on my coupe.

I've got a heated front screen but I've also got the F770 polaris0r installed (just whacked it on, never got round to fiddling with any settings tbh)
Another vote for the F770 here, I've had it 4 months now and Highly recommend it, The hardwire kit connects the unit directly to the car's fuse box allowing you to use the parking mode.
Just started looking at dashcams because my dad wants one for Xmas and having read a few reviews I'm quite liking the look of the Nextbase models as the quality looks pretty good and the cost seems reasonable!

I'm undecided between the 212 model and the 312 - as far as I can see the main (only?) difference is that the 312 has WiFi - has anyone got any experience of there models and can tell me whether the 312 is worth the extra £30??
Am still trying to work out if I want to install my F770 rear cam..I Keep thinking no because it will drain the car battery much quicker....

After looking around the net I seen different power draw figures quoted but they seen to be
Front cam only 3.5watts
Front & rear cam 5.2watts
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Am still trying to work out if I want to install my F770 rear cam..I Keep thinking no because it will drain the car battery much quicker....

After looking around the net I seen different power draw figures quoted but they seen to be
Front cam only 3.5watts
Front & rear cam 5.2watts

It'll draw to a certain voltage level (adjustable in the software) and then shut off! It won't drain your battery to the point of killing it and stopping you from starting your car!
It'll draw to a certain voltage level (adjustable in the software) and then shut off! It won't drain your battery to the point of killing it and stopping you from starting your car!
That the problem it shuts off already sometimes due to low voltage before I finished a whole days work (11hours) ..(You got remember the dash cam also been running all night before I even park at work)
So adding the rear cam would shorten this time before it cuts even more..

Not much point in having dash cams fitted if there going be off half the time..
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