Dawn of War 3?

Footage has dropped, I did a brake down on what we have so far:
Nice video :)

The game looks really nice, the effects & some of the dynamics of terrain look amazing.
Also the size of armies looks pretty good.

The base building could be interesting if they have different races building things in different ways.
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We haven't had a good rts in a few years now so can't wait loved DOW 1 and 2. Plus I love all things warhammer.

Looks like they've significantly upped the scale this time.
Just found a video interview with Game Director Philippe Boulle :D

PC Exclusive
Lady Solaria, Imperial Knight

So much hype :)
Just hope they add in Chaos with the voices like in DoW altho Eldar should be fun :D
I like the over-heat mechanic. the way that titan unit moves is awesome - and it has an ultimate :)
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The developers sent me some footage from the Gamescom mission, thought I'd make a video out of it and share it with you chaps, surprise at the end for those who haven't caught up yet ;)

Dawn of War 3 now has an official release date! They also have started to take pre-orders, I made a video discussing the release date and also discussing the Collectors edition they have, is it worth the price? Hope you enjoy the video!

The game looks really good
Don't think I'll be pre-ordering any game for £100 any time soon :rolleyes:

Noticed it's £40 on steam to pre-order but might wait to closer to the release date to check on prices

Really cool that it's coming out soon tho :)
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