***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

Just had my first proper session since buying it, made my way from chern to NWAF, only spotted 1 guy on the way at Novy (OCUK/MBS server). Logged out on the roof of firestation pretty much full geared. Was going to server hop but knowing my luck I'd switch and I'd get shot right away lol.
I bought this but it's so boring and pointless without respawning loot and more guns , went back to arma 3 breaking point until they patch in more guns.
Just had my first proper session since buying it, made my way from chern to NWAF, only spotted 1 guy on the way at Novy (OCUK/MBS server). Logged out on the roof of firestation pretty much full geared. Was going to server hop but knowing my luck I'd switch and I'd get shot right away lol.

That's not a great idea as when you spawn in you do so standing up - easy target for anyone with a gun up to 700m away!
I just bought an XBOX ONE and Forza 5 / Fifa 14, so I am hoping in the three months it will take me to complete Forza and the one day it will take me get bored of Fifa, Rocket and co will have made some good progress!

I feel people will make better progress once the server files are out for private hives though. Look at MGT Epoch...running round with chainsaws that need 2 stroke oil to use!
First time on Marker's server was pretty good, completely rinced a group of 5 across the road from the well at balota (after rocky'ing some dude and taking his gear), anyone from here? Was going well until someone combat logged on us and logged back in moments later.
Yeah, we were on a good run until the combat logging **** came back in and shot us through a shipping container. :(
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Guys need help, tonight me and a mate was on got loads of gear etc and i fell sick from a blood transfusion..

Now i went unconscious but the defib unit wouldnt revive me, i logged out and logged back in, and i was as you call it a fresh respawn, no items nothing

possibly a bug that the defib didnt work?
Defibs don't work as far as I know, epi pen didnt work either when I tried it.

Also, last night when we logged out at Vybor.. well I say logged out, the server we were on rebooted. I relogged as a fresh spawn, tried 10 ish servers, constantly a fresh spawn.. sometimes in different locations.

I just logged in, back at Vybor with my full gear again.

How strange.
I find myself just wandering around Cherno/balota at the moment...It's getting a bit same-old same-old for me, Maybe i've played it a bit too much idk :(

I don't understand the need to venture elsewhere, 95% of the spawns are at balota/cherno or close to there, so why go away from there? everything you need to survive is within 5 minutes run so it's really boring for me just now.

They need a new respawn system, one that generates random co-ords and places you there!
just had another quick go spawn by the say place no loot all barracks empty server gets reset i end up back in the barrack 3 m4 and a pistol but no ammo see another player armed to the teeth i say im a friendly.....kills me :( spawn by the place i mentioned earlier with the church type building get battered by 3 zombies but some actually helped me gave me bandages food pop at first i thought he was going to handcuff me saw them in his hands (well they looked like them anyways) if it was anyone off here then thank you cant remember the username
I cant understand why people stay at the coast... the East has loads of loot, especially in Berezino and the Ship is fun to look around. I mean its a 15 min run tops.

Then you can wander inland to the NE Airfield, which is small but as ripe as NWAF. Plus if you find combat up there (which you do) generally the population is either more veteran, so makes the action intense OR more sociable and you can pick up a friend or 2 and have a decent group.

The south coast is just deathmatch tbh, we generally loot Cherno if we spawn near there.... then head East and round. Sometimes we will bypass Balota and head straight North to the NWAF, theres plenty to do inland and its worth getting yourself wise to the setup as the game will continue to evolve and develop, that all the land will be your friend and enemy.

We already have plotted our tent/camp location for storage.... things like that, might not be applicable now, but they will be and its fun to be ready. Also you can (if you really have to) then approach the south from different angles and come in fully fresh and packed ie Dual backpacks, full ammo boxes, rice, yellow tubs, med kits in pristine nick, defibts, IV Saline and Blood.... anti biotics/panikillers.... everything you can think of.

It might be a little more grindy to get it by going East, but its there and no need to server hop or anything.
Yeah I always head north or east as soon as I spawn. Because no one else does I find loot in every single town on Markers server. Everyone sits at balota/cherno and moans that loot does not respawn. Which is true but if you actually head inland or along the coast to berezino you will find loot everywhere.
Yeah I always head north or east as soon as I spawn. Because no one else does I find loot in every single town on Markers server. Everyone sits at balota/cherno and moans that loot does not respawn. Which is true but if you actually head inland or along the coast to berezino you will find loot everywhere.

Not been on in a few days, but every time I spawn I head north through the nearest village or city. Get a few drinks and some food and you are good to go..

Last spawn, I had three drinks and two cans of tuna, made the cargos ship then the ne airfield before I had the green thirst indicator. Never saw a soul either, was able to gear up at both places, then I headed down into kras and across to nw before exploring north of the airfield..
handcuffing people is hilarious when they wriggle about and fall over on there face, we did it to Hybrid took his shoes and couldn't stop laughing
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