***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***


:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Fell through those broken stairs and it stuck me in here of which I cannot get out! Tried restarting and it still puts me here :(

You tried going prone and just crawling towards the wall with the window?? Sounds daft but i had a problem where i ran into one of those garage type of building and ended up in a part that i couldnt get out of until i tried going prone and crawling out.
You tried going prone and just crawling towards the wall with the window?? Sounds daft but i had a problem where i ran into one of those garage type of building and ended up in a part that i couldnt get out of until i tried going prone and crawling out.

There's an invisible wall there :)
anyone just at balota 5 mins ago, shot at me, then i introduced my friend the firemans axe and they went down like sack of spuds
First person is awful, headbob is irritating even when turned all the way down. Game isn't smooth at all in cities in first person, but it was playable in 3rd person. Also now you just die from anywhere with no clue where anyone is so the only option is to just camp. I hate the 3rd person exploiting that goes on but feels to me that the game wasn't designed to be only first person.
First person is awful, headbob is irritating even when turned all the way down. Game isn't smooth at all in cities in first person, but it was playable in 3rd person. Also now you just die from anywhere with no clue where anyone is so the only option is to just camp. I hate the 3rd person exploiting that goes on but feels to me that the game wasn't designed to be only first person.

turn it off?
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