First person is pure win, you can take our entire groups on your own as when you kill one the others dont all run to buildings and third person around them to see you. Love it
Yeah mouse can seem a little fast inside buildings I noticed in first person. Apart from that I love it
well cant see the server now seemed a bit odd as i just killed a guy with loads of gear and as soon i shot him i lost connectionstill got the gear though
just wiped aload outclensing the server
Are there any night owls on here that I could possibly team up with? As a night worker I usually only start gaming after midnight and my gamer mates are switching off at that time.
I just want to give it a chance while teamed up, as on your own it's the most boring game conceivable. Thank God for Epoch though, that'll keep me going for a long time and when they release Epoch on Arma3 I think we'll be laying to rest the standard DayZ bore fest that is the SA.