***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

haha me massey and our new team mate (krono from here met up and gave him a mosin was feeling friendly ) absolutely pummeled elektro :p killed probably 30-40 people on markers server tonight. i died once by some freaky axe man but spawned close to elektro again,massey and krono killed a guy with a mosin cheers ! fully geared again :p

continued on shooting many in elektro with mosin man its good ! some with lots of good gear.

until massey went to handcuff a new spawn the new spawn broke the worn cuffs just as he was giving him disinfectant and then massey ended up drinking it instead :p

had one bad desync that teleported me back again marker just before restart.

this group off here dunno who? but.. there was 7 we killed six one combat logged on fire lol

massey and krono

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DG lies, this is his crew:

It does but I can see it lagging when a server is due a restart with max players.

Ran perfectly fine on a 32v32 PvP mission for over an hour when we tested it. Probably all change when the nubs start adding ridiculous amounts of stuff to their mods/missions though.
haha me massey and our new team mate (krono from here met up and gave him a mosin was feeling friendly ) absolutely pummeled elektro :p killed probably 30-40 people on markers server tonight. i died once by some freaky axe man but spawned close to elektro again,massey and krono killed a guy with a mosin cheers ! fully geared again :p

continued on shooting many in elektro with mosin man its good ! some with lots of good gear.

until massey went to handcuff a new spawn the new spawn broke the worn cuffs just as he was giving him disinfectant and then massey ended up drinking it instead :p

had one bad desync that teleported me back again marker just before restart.

this group off here dunno who? but.. there was 7 we killed six one combat logged on fire lol

massey and krono

30-40 newbie spawns doesn't count!! The last but one picture (above), you've clearly "planted evidence" and dropped an M4 next to the body, no doubt to make it look like it was a fair fight.

Every single time I've come across a survivor in Electro or Cherno they've always been a new spawn with a bat/axe!

You can also clearly see that the guy on the left didn't have any weapon on him... The next screeny saw him with a gun next to him. Plus who has a fully kitted out gun with a small backpack and a bat?

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haha so DG is killing new spawns, combat logging and planting evidence?

You cheeky fellow you :D

Just think of the endless possibilities now:

DG: "Yeah we killed loads of guys tonight, nobody stood a chance... I'm so so so cool, much cooler than any of you guys".

OCUK Community: "But DG you can only kill newbie spawns and plant weapons. Your argument is invalid".


DG: "You don't know what your talking about, I can kill anyone with any gun from any distance. Its so easy"

OCUK Community: "But DG you can only kill newbie spawns and plant weapons. Your argument is invalid".

lol goon ask marker to check or ask krono from here we only met him last night we killed a guy gave him a mosin then slaughtered about twenty people in a hr they had m4s fully geared and mosins.

funny thing was i know that group was from here every one had a m4 or mosin we got about 1000 rounds of the lot they had everything im thinking it may be tfu goon as you seem a little butthurt ;) whoever the group was the amount of gear they lost they will be gutted ! probably took em a week to get it all . :)

i only want to know which group it was because under the first shot we did the first guy combat logged left all his mates to die :p such a skillful player.

hahah they all know we rule !
lol goon ask marker to check or ask krono from here we only met him last night we killed a guy gave him a mosin then slaughtered about twenty people in a hr they had m4s fully geared and mosins.

funny thing was i know that group was from here every one had a m4 or mosin we got about 1000 rounds of the lot they had everything im thinking it may be tfu goon as you seem a little butthurt ;) whoever the group was the amount of gear they lost they will be gutted ! probably took em a week to get it all . :)

i only want to know which group it was because under the first shot we did the first guy combat logged left all his mates to die :p such a skillful player.

hahah they all know we rule !

But DG we can only judge on what we see... and what we see is you only killing newbie spawns and planting weapons. Your argument is invalid.

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Not sure how DG got so good, in the mod he spent half the time falling of buildings and breaking his legs. I take it you stay on the ground now m8? I am so far away from electro it is unreal.

@whoever moaned about me and DG arguing all the time well we ain't we are just messing about. I actually quite like DG he is a good lad.
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