Are you mistaking hate for frustration? Despite what I say I do want the game to succeed and I hope Rocket et al manage to prove me wrong and turn it into something amazing, because the idea is fantastic...
It matters to me (and hence frustrates me) because to my eyes they appear to be wasting the great concept by developing it very poorly, and having the gaul to charge so many people so much money on top of it... Combined with the fact that I am fairly familiar with working in a software development environment so it irks me when I see it being done badly like this
I'm glad you and so many others don't feel ripped off, I just hope that I'm wrong and DayZ SA doesn't totally flop, making you all think "Well that was a waste I can't believe I spent £20 and it never got finished" and then next time a truly hardworking and talented dev team put out an early-access alpha you think "Nope, not going there again"... (there's that frustration again!)