***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

Keep hovering over "buy" on this. How stable/buggy is it?

I know it is early access and expect to see bugs, but will I spend more time crashing than playing?

Ill jinx myself now, but rarely have a crash... maybe once in a 5 hour stint, if that... and thats not a major crash, its generally a loss of connection to server, so im just back on the map say 5 minutes before I was.

There are bugs, this patch fixes some of the major gripes... other than that, its minor things really. In all honesty, nothing that is game breaking considering its an Alpha... and if you remember that and then think, damn im having fun now, imagine what its like once this is added, that is fixed etc etc... endless possibilities this game, I just hope they have the right imagination for it.... the berry picking side of things gives me hope they do.
Quick question for all you DayZ'ers. How does the inventory system in the SA compare to the mod?

Inventory in the mod was one of the reasons I couldn't get along with it at all. Just seemed to confuse the life out of me!

Is the SA more straight forward or is still much the same?
You're all welcome on the XSGamers server.

Trying to keep it updated and will add patches as soon as they release them :)

Few bandits as per every server, but we try to deal with them.... and when they implement the anti-combat logging it'll be even harder for them :D

First Person viewpoint only for immersion.

Is it 24/7 daylight?
Quick question for all you DayZ'ers. How does the inventory system in the SA compare to the mod?

Inventory in the mod was one of the reasons I couldn't get along with it at all. Just seemed to confuse the life out of me!

Is the SA more straight forward or is still much the same?

Bonjourno! Have to team up sometime!

Seems to be pretty simple, drag and drop, my only issue with it is inventory lag when picking up/dropping kit, you have to give it a few seconds sometimes
Bonjourno! Have to team up sometime!

Seems to be pretty simple, drag and drop, my only issue with it is inventory lag when picking up/dropping kit, you have to give it a few seconds sometimes

Haven't made a buy yet, but I have pretty much every other zombie apocalypse game type out there so might as well pony up for this too seeing as none of the others really scratch that itch for me! Was just so put off by the inventory system on the mod, and the weird zombie animations.
Zombies are better but broken still. Looks like they could be very good with a bit of work.

The inventory is very much improved. After a few hours finding its cool features and quirks its great...The atmosphere is perfect best of them all, I have no idea why but its bloody brilliant.
Quick question for all you DayZ'ers. How does the inventory system in the SA compare to the mod?

Inventory in the mod was one of the reasons I couldn't get along with it at all. Just seemed to confuse the life out of me!

Is the SA more straight forward or is still much the same?

I've not played the game for a week or so, but the inventory in the mod was one of the things that I disliked about the game. In my opinion it is so much better in the SA. It is far easier to use, very few lost items (used to have stuff vanish, when swapping stuff around). You move stuff now by dragging and dropping rather than using arrows to increase / decrease quantity.
I can see the potential, but having played the mod it still feels a bit empty for me so have stopped playing it for a while or at least till the loot spawning is sorted out.
Quick question for all you DayZ'ers. How does the inventory system in the SA compare to the mod?

Inventory in the mod was one of the reasons I couldn't get along with it at all. Just seemed to confuse the life out of me!

Is the SA more straight forward or is still much the same?

If you were good at Tetris then you will be fine :D

Its better than the Mod but still a pain, but tbh with the amount of geat you end up carrying I dont know how else they would do it
Just spent the best part of an hour and a half tracking a sniper that had me and a friend pinned down, he hit me twice so I was completely greyscreened by the time I had bandaged, my mate ran about a mile and a half around the back of the mountain to try and get him.

We had no idea where he was but every time I inched out in prone to look he hit right next to me and my mate could hear his shots but couldnt see him.

In the end I moved slightly and just by chance caught a glimpse of his face in a bush, turned out my mate was about 20m to his right but couldnt see him, so I had to guide him until he could see then BOOM! Game over fellow sniper!

All his kit was in pristine condition, loads of full of bags of rice and 4x canteens, 2 epipens and 2 morphine, all the works, it must have taken him ages to get all that stuff!

Think that was the most anxious and intense gaming I've had in ages, was shouting 'I can ******* see him!' down the mic quite loudly :D

He must go there quite regularly and use it as his favourite spot as he was easily 800m away from me
This is what makes the game so good for me. The more stuff you collect the more paranoid you become. Hesitant to interact with people.

I was recently chased through Elektro by a mad man saying I killed his brother! I had only just arrived in Elektro, this guy was nuts, no reasoning with him, I even tried shifting the blame on to some random we passed while sprinting through the city.

I seen my opportunity when he put his axe away, I turned and with a couple of swings of the old steed he was down. I speak in to the mic 'Thats what you get for chasing me' I take his stuff and get the hell out of there.
So a game that's had 2 years in development by an official studio using existing assets from 5 years ago being in worse state than mods made by a few guys in their spare time between jobs is acceptable then. Honestly people need to stop playing the alpha card, it's a very poor excuse. The store page should say 'we couldn't be arsed to do anything so here's 2 weeks worth of work that we'll finish when we can be bothered, we know you're all going to buy it either way, but here's a generic disclaimer for the fanboys to use.'

Not to say I haven't enjoyed it thus far but it's definitely a cash in, they realised they hadn't done **** all in the past 2 years and also realised the DayZ boat has almost gone out to sea so they took a big dump on all of our heads to avoid losing $$$ when something undeniably better comes about, and by then they have our money anyway.

Dean slipped up, he said in an interview that he'd consider DayZ a success if it sold 250k units or more, yet it's in Alpha purely for hardcore players to test? He's specificly done nothing to market it blah blah? Shouldn't even be talking about that kind of stuff while a game is bare-bones Alpha.

Our only hope is that $20,000,000 might of put their arses into gear, but in two years time I wouldn't be surprised if the game has progressed as much as it had since the mod released up until the standalone came out last month.

Sorry I didn't realise you were an expert in game design. Can I see your adaptation of a 250km square mile map in a FPS? Have you looked at the engine side by side with the mod? Do your eyes even work.

Doors that way.
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This is what makes the game so good for me. The more stuff you collect the more paranoid you become. Hesitant to interact with people.

Yeah, that's what I like about it, I've had so many properly scary moments sneaking round a town, hearing someone nearby, cant pinpoint where they are and knowing all my hours of hard running and scavenging could be over with a single bang and black screen.

That paranoia is what makes the game so brutal though. Too many times I've taken a punt and approached someone to see if they were friendly only to be shot (even in the back once after giving a new spawn a pistol!). So now, once geared, I'll shoot on sight and expect anyone else to do likewise which makes the game feel like you are constantly being hunted.
Lol the hostility of people in this thread when anyone dares to question the developer is just ridiculous... Don't worry you'll get plenty of chances to be smug if/when the game gets to where you are so sure it will...

But I can't help but wonder if part of you didn't believe the doubters you wouldn't be so quick to try and smack down anything they say
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