***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

causes massive lag spikes and has been confirmed ;)

Not something I can confirm. I have tested each setting for performance. Standing over looking Cherno.

Rendering Resolution and Objects being the most demanding setting. Followed by AA and AO

Rendering Resolution 100% to 114% was 2fps change, going higher and performance really drops.
Objects best on Low
AA and AO both off and use SMAA for AA without the FPS hit.
Shadows Low helps in towns.
Post Processing - disabled
Clouds I leave on Max.
Texture detail and filtering both on max.

With my setting even in Cherno and Elektro I keep FPS above 50fps most of the time outside towns 80+
night time is more fun though shame more don't enjoy it.

Its pointless though with the gamma slider. Everyone is just whacking that up and looking at a greyscale daytime really. Can see how it'd be good if it was enforced and torches/night vision were the only possible way to see. That way you know if you flick your torch on you are inviting every zombie and bandit for miles around and it adds an extra something to the game.

Will never happen though, there will always be sneaky ways for players to see as well as daytime, its not just a case of solving it by overriding the gamma settings.
Its pointless though with the gamma slider. Everyone is just whacking that up and looking at a greyscale daytime really. Can see how it'd be good if it was enforced and torches/night vision were the only possible way to see. That way you know if you flick your torch on you are inviting every zombie and bandit for miles around and it adds an extra something to the game.

Will never happen though, there will always be sneaky ways for players to see as well as daytime, its not just a case of solving it by overriding the gamma settings.

I must admit my freinds do this, when i whack my gamma up it still hard as hell to see so i only play on daytime servers.

I'm useless at night get smashed by zombies left right and centre i can't handle it.

Anybody else noticed how hard the zombies have become since the patch hard to kill them with an axe now :(
You chose first person for immersion, yet remove the night time? :(

Its a shame that most servers are removing the night time, its part of the game and it adds WAY more immersion then forcing first person.

Why not add a couple of hours of night? And then reboot? I don't want to leave your server as I've been playing on it for about a week.

The consensus within the guys from XSGamers was that they preferred playing daytime and having only approx a 3-4hour slot before auto-restarts it was chosen to go with daytime for now.

Add in the "gamma-boys" then night time play was becoming irritating as you try to immerse yourself in it, to have someone run around with grey scale vision and can see perfectly well.

Personally I don't mind the nights, although they could do with being less dark, but that option may come at a later date.

Also, we have quite a few new guys learning the game & it's much easier and less frustrating to play during the day when trying to teach/help the newbies. Nothing worse than being a fresh spawn, getting whacked by a zombie and having no idea what's going on as all you can see is pitch black.... (that happened in Balota in my 1st game :D )

If we can tweak the day/night cycle down the line then it's something that we will aim for, but not at the expense of our players enjoyment.
Picking this up today to play later. One of my friends doesn't have a headset and we normally use skype to play online so we can chat.

How does Dayz work with talking to randoms you might meet? Is it via onscreen text or microphone? Will my friend not having a headset really effect our game?
Picking this up today to play later. One of my friends doesn't have a headset and we normally use skype to play online so we can chat.

How does Dayz work with talking to randoms you might meet? Is it via onscreen text or microphone? Will my friend not having a headset really effect our game?

You can use both text and microphone, but using text lets people know what your name is.
Will my friend not having a headset really effect our game?

No, will be fine. Is worth getting one though as if I hear/see someone very nearby and they don't respond pretty quickly via voice chat then I'll consider them unfriendly and shoot.

I don't normally give someone enough time to type a greeting in via keyboard, its hesitate = die in DayZ :D
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Its just full of server hoppers now. The amount of people i've ran into today with M4's all pristine attachments.

Going to avoid this game now for a couple of months i think, or a least until this issue is fixed and more things are added.
First attempt at playing today.

Could not get on a server which was daytime. When spawning it was a struggle to find my friends (is there a map where we can inform each other where we are?) and lastly we found it really hard to pretty much find anything.
First attempt at playing today.

Could not get on a server which was daytime. When spawning it was a struggle to find my friends (is there a map where we can inform each other where we are?) and lastly we found it really hard to pretty much find anything.

http://dayzdb.com/map#4.081.125 I use this as a map mate, just have to read the signposts in-game then figure out where you are and where to go.

I feel your pain trying to find stuff and daytime servers, just stick with it and use the server browser to find ones with good time that are low pop
Had the best game of Dayz so far tonight on an Hardcore server.
Me and a mate was looting in the town of Lumber Mill, when we seen what looked like the hole server running together lol
Joined up with these guys and they was all heading to the ship wreck and new town top right.

All these we random people, makes one hell of a change to the random kill on sight it was superb till the server restarted and we lost most of them :(

Here some footage of this madness
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I'm getting fed up of most people I encounter.

I've spawned several times back into a military base only to here somebody say "friendly" then shoot/axe me on site. I'm trying not to server hop/combat log so have usually spent 3 or 4 days after work trying to get enough gear only to be killed straight up by a bandit.
Played this for another couple of hours today to try and get a feel for it and like it. But it still feels clunky and not very noob friendly (same as the mod basically) don't get how people are having fun on this.......please enlighten me.
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