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A Few questions.
I have a pistol which says it takes .45 ACP ammo. I have a box of .45 ACP ammo. When trying to merge them I am told the ammo does not fit. Do I need something else (ie. find a magazine)
you need a clip to put the bullets in
- I have a .357 magnum revolver and .357 magnum bullets but it will not let me merge them (goes red when the bullets are dragged over the gun). Why not.
not sure, perhaps the bullets are ruined? you also need toto shoot all the mag bullets before you can reload I think
- How to use the compass ?. I equipped it in a slot, selected the slot and nothing (number key). I press/multipress/hold 'K' and nothing happens.
equip it into you hand and get it out. go to first person view. press space to raise it
- Are there no 'in-game' maps at all.
yes there are 8 fragments i believe but i find it much easier to use something like the izurvive at on another screen/phone/tablet. This app is also great if you are playing with mates as you can make a group and mark your positions which makes it easier to meet up
Also, I has an issue with items missing when logging in to a server. Example: I had a decent non-military set of equipment. I logged out of a server and went for dinner. When I returned and logged back in some of my equipment was missing. The items gone were more sought after (cargo pants, pistol and ammo, hunter backpack, medical stuff). It was like someone stole these from my character after I had logged out of the server. Other items were still with me like the double barrel rifle and some food etc.
Are they missing from your actual pockets/backpack and still showing in your quick inventory slots (1-9)? That means you dropped them. When you drop something it still shows in your slots as an outline but you no longer have it. I fell for that one early on as well
Any idea what is going on there. Bit of a non-starter if people can loot my items when I am not even connected.
Lol if someone did steal your pants! It is possible as you sit for 30 secs after logging out. This is to discourage people combat logging (getting into trouble and just logging out to prevent death). I think it is unlikely someone used this 30 secs to steal from you and most would just kill you anyway to make sure they got the loot in time. I think you would also need to be restrained to allow them to access you gear
Hmm, reply with quote is not working on the forums now...
Ok so I need a gun, bullets, mag... anything else ?. Hopefully I don't need to go looking for a spring, receiver, trigger, hammer or any of the other parts
. I would have hoped a gun would have come with a mag but just no bullets. Oh well.
What is the best way to tell if a gun has bullets loaded (ie. the magnum) short of pointing it at a least favorite friends head and pulling the trigger ?. The rifle had the two bullet loader under the gun in the inventory but this gun is in the backpack as this character does not have a holster.
If I ever find the compass again I will try again. Thanks.
Yep, the items were as white outlines in the quick slots. Sort of like a drink can after you have put it in the quick slot and then drunk it. So are you saying the items should have been on the floor around me and I could have picked them up ?. They were not dropped by me. I know I was squatting by trees but not for that reason so no need to drop my pants
. Hope Rocket is not reading this... have enough realism without needing to take a crap and then check the results for bowel cancer etc...
When I logged in without pants I felt violated. Luckily it looks like I was wearing a clean pair of persil white underwear
I thought you couldn't take from someone unless they were dead so was pretty surprised.
The game is pretty fun so far. The running back and forth is getting a bit old though... one side of the map to the other is really taking some time. I like the idea of bicycles meantioned earlier.
In the two days I have been playing I have managed to blunder around in the dart for a few hours before working out I needed to add the battery to the torch and then another hour walking at a 45 deg andgle before realising [space] pointed it... I then came across someone else and had to tell them so not really intuitive
Have only been attacked once by another player, from behind.... with a fire extinguisher. A couple of hits with a wrench and I had a nice new shiny crash helmet
Died of starvation, now seem to have two characters depending on which server I log in to, played with a blury screen for hours trying to find a cure to this 'signal' that I was sick until I gave up and resorted to the internet to find out it was a bug... Just going in to the render menu with out changing any settings cleared it and fixes the [shift] key failing to work as well.
It seems to be running pretty well on the R9 280X at 3840x2160 (turns out my Dell Ultrasharp 27" monitor is native at 2560x14440 so I need to scale it down). I was pretty surprised but the PC under my desk is generating a fair bit of heat now.
Strangely, the last person I met in game was friendly guy fully kitted out with military equipment and had voice comms and a British accent... on a Singapore server (where I am currently living). That was sort of surprising...