***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

keep a eye on the official forums for dayz http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/76-announcements-information/ patch changes is here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177017-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-037115791/

if you look there at the top will often be the newest patch details.

the new patch (0.37.115791) is up today (public) and plans of the new experimental(not known if that will be up today though)

for those who haven't played it makes a lot of difference.

Nice thanks for the reply.

Last time i logged out i had a lot of gear, when i logged in i had nothing, has there been a reset or something?
did you join a hardcore server (1st person only)? if so you get a new character, when you rejoin a regular server you will get your gear back

I lost my gear on the first update so it can happen but the last 2 have been fine
did you join a hardcore server (1st person only)? if so you get a new character, when you rejoin a regular server you will get your gear back

I lost my gear on the first update so it can happen but the last 2 have been fine

That's exactly what i did :)

Thanks mate.
I've turned into a bit of a bullet sponge of late.

Died 3 times in 2 days... lol.

Not that bothered as getting attached to gear is daft at the moment as it's so easy to get kitted up to a decent standard again anyway.
Plus playing with my XSG mates helps as they pick up stuff for me and I do likewise as it's safety in numbers :D
Out of curiosity, is there an anti cheat system for the game yet?

Just chatting with my brother in law, he logged in and was then shot, respawned on the beach, took a step and was then shot. There were only 2 others on the server from the same clan. Wierd.
Battleye on Stable, nothing on experimental as far as I'm aware. Also worth pointing out at this stage server admins have no tools to combat cheats, so it is a bit surprising that is isn't a bit more common.
I had someone spawn in just 20 yards from me; he was fully kitted up from what I could see. I shot him severel times but he didn't die. Is your character protected while you spawn in?
Any regular server haunts? had a good little run around earlier.

Fresh spawned in and walked towards elektro, there was NOTHING to be found anywhere! eventually found some food/drink and a biker helm :D then someone somehow managed to sneak up on me while I was being supppper cautious, he literally popped out of thin air it frightened the life out of me, he was uber geared and we exchanged some friendly dance moves even though I was sure he was about to shoot me in the face. He then finally answered me on direct comms and said if you promise to not watch me walk away I'll leave a present here for you, so I agreed and he dropped an m4 and run off.

Not everyone in this game is a ****! they're just rare..
and in other news tanks in SA :eek:

guy has got vehicles (from old arma 2 and arma 3 place holders and got em on a cracked on version server )

servers will have maintenance later at 5pm hoping the new experimental is up then :)
Have they changed the spawning points, last four times I've popped up in a small town.

I know the one you are referring to, it seems quite rare but it isn't new.

Stable is due to get a new patch today at 17:00 GMT, unless of course it is delayed again.
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