***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

What server do you guys use. I tend to go on PvP ones in berazino.

Killed a hacker with a glitches unlimited SKS clip and a bag full of nades. Really hard to use them. The throwing a animation needs work. Laggy and uncontrolled
Yeah fair enough. I was including myself there too haha

The engine does suck though. Zombies clipping, dsync... it's worse than BF4 and that's saying something haha

Oh yeah it's terrible, and i've only properly played about 10 hours, so i'm sure to find more debilitating bugs, but hey, at least there is guns :p

Does anyone fancy playing now?
Must admit I'm getting fed up with losing connection and rejoining servers only for it to think I'm server hopping and killing my character. Repeatedly.

Needs much, much more development progress still though!
That sort of thing is OK, its Alpha, what needs to stop is the constant silly hats they keep adding and other silly little things. Sure people say well they are a different department so some work here and some work there. OK fine so this department does the hats so get rid of them and use the money they pay them to fix the bugs and add the patches that need doing.... Simple really. Then hire the staff to add those stupid things when game is in beta or just before beta as beta should really be a finished game with just optimizations left.
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Played Dayz SA for a couple of hours today, saw 2 zombies. Much of the loot I found couldn't be picked up and then my inventory decided to disappear.

At least it was a reminder not to part with any more money before a game is finished.
I don't seem to have hardly any of the problems you guys are having... I do seriously find it annoying that people just shoot on sight in this game.

I have no issues with the bugs,

just massive amount of hackers on PvP servers, ghost in and just kill you. the whole game is script base and will always massively attrack hackers

they should bring in points system to stop people killing people...

ie if you shoot another person who does not have a gun you lose points
I have no issues with the bugs,

just massive amount of hackers on PvP servers, ghost in and just kill you. the whole game is script base and will always massively attrack hackers

they should bring in points system to stop people killing people...

ie if you shoot another person who does not have a gun you lose points

Why points? I don't care about points I care about loot.

If that guy with no gun can kill me for my gun and not lose points, then I'll kill him first which is what happens now anyway
I never understand why people do stuff like that, it's a core mechanic of the game to find things. Then to read 'reasons' of justification for glitches/exploites... Reason it anyway you like, it's cheating end of.

I can see no way I'll be returning to this game, the mindset of some of the people who play it will spoil it for so many.
Wow lol, don't agree with how the game plays now.. ala Call of Berezino 17 - Post Apocalyptic warfare.

I for one like the exploration and looting, I liked it when you weren't killed on sight and could actually talk to other people. Despite it not being like this anymore I do still play it daily with friends.
Wow lol, don't agree with how the game plays now.. ala Call of Berezino 17 - Post Apocalyptic warfare.

I for one like the exploration and looting, I liked it when you weren't killed on sight and could actually talk to other people. Despite it not being like this anymore I do still play it daily with friends.

there seems to be many different games modes. that is why a point system like in Breaking Point would work. many a time i have tried to be friendly and approached people with my gun down only to be 'jacked' it is to dog eat dog. Friendly only servers are where bandits go for easy kills. At least with breaking point (which i don't like as much as Dayz) there are certain class's to avoid and ones to speak to,

random friendly chat is few and far between, i hada noob come at me with a axe that i gave him the other day...
With reading the above that is most blatantly an exploit, though it's an amusing read with Jimlad trying to justify it :p

on another note i think i may need to join you guys as the game is getting a little stale playing lone wolf most of the time!
I'm in a 'clan' and have been for a long time. Not one of us has ever cheated, glitched, exploited or duped once. If you had a tiny bit of pride or respect you would do the same.

Trying learning how to play rather than cheating your way through. Or preferrably stop playing all together and go play with the traffic.
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