Any more news of updates ? I am losing faith
Because a lot of the fun times I remember from the mod were when my squad was getting and repairing vehicles, riding in vehicles (party bus!) or flying around in helicopters for a laugh.
The thrill you got when you're flying down the road in a bus and a jeep comes around the corner towards you and everyone piles out trying to shoot the others first was insane.
Gameplay & fun comes before absolute realism.
Any more news of updates ? I am losing faith
Ahh happy days
Tempted to reinstall Arma2 just to run the mod and buzz around in vehicles again.
Anyone know what the mod is running like nowadays?
So....i'll ask again as I do after every update...did they fix the zombies yet?
Frankly, until they're sorted, it's not worth playing.
Tonight I shall be giving this a once over to see if anything has changed..... I'm not expecting much.
Depending on when you last played the zombies are better as in easier to hit, the don't usually come through doors, you can lock them in rooms.
for those who haven't seen it
latest dev blog some interesting stuff in it. read