***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

I'm not too great at explaining things at times, but this guy has got it right:

They have changed so much, and written some bits from scratch, that it certainly is very different from the other engines they are taking assets from. To say it hasn't changed much is a disservice to the dev team.

I'm not saying Dean is the one who knows it all either (as his attitude isn't that good at times), but he is the guy working on it and I do have faith that the changes they've made will be worth it. I'll take a basic, glitchy game (for now) with no hacking any day over the current one, despite how much I enjoy it.

Agree with you on the hype fully though, when it releases there is going to be an insane amount of complaints. It will be buggy, lack features (no vehicles, no tents etc) and need a TON of work still, but I'm looking forward to that. Because it will only get better from then. I'm impressed with what they've got already, and a mostly hack free DayZ will be awesome.

Well you wouldn't think so looking at that video, the only things I noticed were the inventory and the movement. The animations are still shockingly bad and everything else looked pretty much the same.
Well you wouldn't think so looking at that video, the only things I noticed were the inventory and the movement. The animations are still shockingly bad and everything else looked pretty much the same.

You're just looking at assets, not the engine, which is where most of the time has gone.
You're just looking at assets, not the engine, which is where most of the time has gone.

Well obviously, on release I'm not going to sit and study the code. Unless I can see benefits to the actual game itself I couldn't give a damn what they've tweaked. It all looks very much the same to me.
Well obviously, on release I'm not going to sit and study the code. Unless I can see benefits to the actual game itself I couldn't give a damn what they've tweaked. It all looks very much the same to me.

The benefits will be no hacking/scripting. HUGE benefit, and their primary goal for alpha. The rest comes later. If you aren't interested in that, it's worth skipping the alpha and playing later.
The benefits will be no hacking/scripting. HUGE benefit, and their primary goal for alpha. The rest comes later. If you aren't interested in that, it's worth skipping the alpha and playing later.

Not the first time I've heard a company say hacking/scripting will be impossible. I can see it being reduced but someone will find a way.
thee will be hacking day one guaranteed but its just how its handled more than anything.

private hives now well run do eliminate most cheats or you can at least roll back

so with the harder to cheat and no admins being able to access or abuse tools it should in theory be a fairer game the play than ever.
It might actually work in our favour and all the 'trash' players might bail to other so called next gen products. We will be left with a smaller but more quality community. I hope.

Reading some of Rocket's comments on reddit (reddit is awful by the way) that is what he seems to be saying himself, that he doesn't want lots of people playing the alpha and basically telling people not to buy it based on what they think it might become because they don't need the money. So to wait until it looks good enough to you (probably by beta at least) to purchase it or simply don't purchase it at all.
Not the first time I've heard a company say hacking/scripting will be impossible. I can see it being reduced but someone will find a way.

Oh yeh it will certainly happen, but hopefully on a much smaller scale.


23.20 this evening by my reckoning.

It will probably just be what we have already seen/heard. No chance of a release date or anything like that it seems.
What were you expecting exactly?

I really think people have been spoiled with big budget games with huge teams.

To be fair since seeing The Division my interest in Day Z has plummeted, which is a shame because I've been looking forward to the standalone for so long. Day Z has just taken too long now and despite being so close to the standalone finally becoming available, something new is on the horizon that looks stupendously better :(
To be fair since seeing The Division my interest in Day Z has plummeted, which is a shame because I've been looking forward to the standalone for so long. Day Z has just taken too long now and despite being so close to the standalone finally becoming available, something new is on the horizon that looks stupendously better :(
It's gonna suck balls when Ubisoft announce that it won't be coming to PC.
That video isn't doing anything for me, looks pretty crap tbh. The only thing I thought stood out was the new inventory system.

I agree,It doesnt look all that much better than Dayz mod imo,Zombies still move and act crap,they move way too fast too considering theyre dead and rotting.

Also why do all the doors open outwards?. :p
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