Yes, all dynamic effects appropriate to the UH-1 are present and make themselves visible as part of the real time flight model calculations in similar fashion to other DCS AFM platforms. Besides the major effects you mentioned, some of the other notables include tail rotor vortex ring state, main rotor underspeed (overpitch), varying trim positions depending on speed, weight, altitude, and payload, pitching moments associated with rolls, and many other effects related to the complex mechanical and aerodynamic forces of the helicopter. The critical point is that the nature of AFM modeling is such that these effects aren't scripted into the model, but are produced by it naturally and dynamically in real time. In short, the DCS UH-1 flight and systems modeling will be no less dynamic and in-depth than the Ka-50. Just much less stable in flight, because it has no stability augmentation system outside of some clever elements of the tailplane design.