DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

I Found Combined arms fun in SP - For Singleplayer it is more of an RTS type game with first person vehicle control. I enjoyed it, your mileage may vary.

Also you can do stuff like this :)

I still can't get why ED still sell black shark 1 and FC2?

It can only be to milk more money and con people into buying something
that the will have to spend more money "upgrading" to the next "version"

The whole idea when they sold us the DCS concept was that it was supposed to be modular
how do these being sold as such fit into this idea ?

Did someone move from EA into ED's marketing department ?
That huey looks nice but doesnt interest me so much. I want more combat aircraft that work in conjunction with eachother so we can make some more exciting multi role missions. I think that would show a lot more popularity and get people buying 2-3 modules rather than the single one they want to focus on.
Flex Guns, Unguided rockets and Door Gunners, make the Huey very much a combat aircraft I'm happy to say. It also ties in nicely with scale of battle in Combined Arms too.

But I get your point, hopefully as the further aircraft begin rolling out, the mission possibilities will be fleshed out.

a fully realised 15 16 or 18 would fit nicely in with the A10! Though a small part of me would really want the 15E or 18E rather than Cs MFCDs are cool yo! Its why the F22 has 6 >.<
Believe it or not, all are in Development. The F-15 and F-18 C's are being done by ED themselves and the E versions of both are in development with 3rd Party Developers.

I knew the Cs were but the Es? you just made my day! Has DCSW seen any 3rd party modules yet? How do they stack in quality and depth to something like A10?

P.S this hobby is gonna get expensive fast! Not even got a proper HOTAS set pedals or trackIR!
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The DCS:-Huey by Belsimtek, is the first 3rd party module going to be released. Next will probably be the DCS:-MiG21 by Beczl Studios. If you see DCS:XXXX as the title, it means the aircraft is of sufficient detail an quality for Eagle Dynamics to Licence the use of "DCS-XXXXXX" as the title.

To Quote recent news

The Future of DCS

Currently the team is focused on completing Flaming Cliffs 3 and continued updates and improvements to DCS World. Once Flaming Cliffs 3 is complete, more of our focus will shift to upcoming DCS titles like the F-15C, F/A-18C and Fw-190D9. Looking further out, Eagle Dynamics and our partners plan a large number of new modules that include the Su-27SM, F-86F, MiG-15Bis, MiG-21Bis, Hawk, Mi-8, Mi-24, OH-58 and AH-1G, to just name a few.

Some pics........







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EDIT:- Apologies - edited the pics

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I have just come back to the world of PC's after a while away .... this looks awesome what is it ?? is this a base program that you then add to ?

forgive the ignorance but its been a while. I have just had a new system built by OC so looking for some quality to load onto it and this looks right up my street..
you get DCS world. a free sim platform which comes with a frogfoot. You can then purchase "modules" such as the A-10C or the KA50 etc etc to add to the DCS-W platform.

Fairly expensive but what you get is a fully realized aircraft and sim. Multiplayer capable with a decent mission editor. Its very complex but oh so rewarding when you master a new skill.

Personally I recommend the A10C module. things a beast.
Nice one! I've got little interest in the frogfoot so i didnt give it a fair chance. you may like it.

The A-10 though is an amazing bit of kit. very involved! I've got a lot to learn but loving it.

you'll really need a joystick for this. Be warned though, you will get suckered in and start spending £400 on joysticks and £100 on pedals, £150 on trackIR, why not 3 monitors, MFDs etc. Just a heads up ;)

For starters though any basic joystick with a hatswitch will be enough to get you learning and addicted!
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