DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

I picked up A10 at xmas on the steam sale, I just havent had time to learn it and do it justice but i kinda knew that when i bought it.

Like the Janes games and some other flight sims ive had before i only play around the edges casue I just cant commit the time to get that good at them, however for the challenge you cant beat them. When you actually get into the air first time you feel like you have accomplicshed something and actually hitting a target even more so.
I was lucky enough to be taught. My teacher is a real life pilot and flight instructor. Hes also an A10 and flight sim nerd and excellent mission maker. So that makes it really good for me and my mates to play.

With tutorial you progress really fast. And his knowledge of aircraft beyond a game sense is great. Particularly when he is teaching the actual flying and navigation stuff. ILS and 0 vis flight using all instruments! good stuff.
OMG I am SO getting in the M1A1 lol .... and when are we getting a Longbow & a Blackhawk ???

Well turned everything up as high as it will go and it looks very nice :) I just need to get my joystick out of the loft and clean it up ....

I would like to see some at sea helicopter action ......
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Not on the cards I dont think. F15 and F18 are. as well as a whole host of migs.

An apache would be savagely cool as would a DAP blackhawk.
Been wanting to play flight sims for a while now but found it rather difficult to really give them a good go with keyboard & mouse or a 360 controller due it being twitchy and so on. I am thinking of getting a joystick to give them a good go but obviously don't want to buy something like the X52 in case I don't like them. So just wondering what joystick would be people recommend for a decent price?

I'm posting this here because 1. I want to play it and 2. I didn't feel it was worth making a new thread.
I use a saitek cyborg evo. Not great, not terrible. I've next to no experience with joysticks so i've no idea where it sits on the curve. But I find it pretty decent for getting into things.

My mate played with a keyboard and mouse. And quite frankly he was a liability to fly with. and dead weight.

Once he got a stick (admittedly the git got the full HOTAS!) He was rocking it up with us. Certainly makes a difference.
looks good but I hope there is some sort of change to DCS World with it that fits with the right period

otherwise -for me - "meh" - I bought P51 in the sale - and nice as it is - just doesn't fit right in the game world

I don't know why they don't either

(1) stick to aircraft/helicopters that are all in same period

(2) make each expansion their own game world

otherwise :( don't see the point
looks good but I hope there is some sort of change to DCS World with it that fits with the right period

otherwise -for me - "meh" - I bought P51 in the sale - and nice as it is - just doesn't fit right in the game world

I don't know why they don't either

(1) stick to aircraft/helicopters that are all in same period

(2) make each expansion their own game world

otherwise :( don't see the point

Cost and time are the main issues - however that said, they are building the tools for 3rd parties to develop their own terrain. They are building these along with the new graphics engine to arrive with the Nevada Terrain module.

Eventually the idea is that you can purchase, say Vietnam, and any of the Vietnam era modules you are interested in. Same is intended for WW2 stuff. It is still early days in the DCS concept.

Cost and time are the main issues - however that said, they are building the tools for 3rd parties to develop their own terrain. They are building these along with the new graphics engine to arrive with the Nevada Terrain module.

Eventually the idea is that you can purchase, say Vietnam, and any of the Vietnam era modules you are interested in. Same is intended for WW2 stuff. It is still early days in the DCS concept.


Nate, do you think they are going to try and analy rape us again (ala BS1-BS2 "upgrade") by asking for more money for the "new" engine ?
I can see both sides to the argument on that one.

I'm interested though, Nate. What sort of capability does the UH-1 offer? If I was to purchase it, I would be looking at what it brings to the table in MP, infantry transport, for example.
Interesting use of language there. I'd be interested as to your thoughts on why it should be free.


Because the DCS concept was for a modular sim system and we have already paid for it

Tho if they DID ask for money for it would that mean that updates for the planes we have already paid for (and some paid for twice) will still be available to us ?
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