DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

I can see both sides to the argument on that one.

I'm interested though, Nate. What sort of capability does the UH-1 offer? If I was to purchase it, I would be looking at what it brings to the table in MP, infantry transport, for example.

Not sure at present, it is only a beta currently - full release has things like

Multiplayer coop mode for crew members of the same helicopter under development for a later update.


I know the underlying AI for troops is being worked on but I can't say with any certainty how it will fully develop - I believe currently in 1.2.3 is possible to get the AI to run to your chopper when you land with a bit of scripting in the Mission editor.

On another note - a Beta version of the manual is available,


You've already paid for what? Nevada?


It is probably a difficult concept for you to understand as some of us are
actual paying customers not minions of Eagle Dynamics who get it all for free
and who spend their time going around internet forums trying to suppress the
opinions of paying customers.

When DCS was announced and we were told it was going to be a modular sim
and that more planes would be released at a later date ,
we bought Black Shark 1 and were happy because more stuff was going to be coming ...... soon.

Then they released A-10C and promised "Nevada" (well free to us stupid enough to buy it in Beta) and gave us a better sim experience,
but still did not integrate them both into a unified sim engine :(

So they spent 4 years stumbling about until they worked out how to create
a unified sim engine and instead of merging Black shark into it they tried to
charge us twice for the Black shark ( Black Shark 2 - the quest for more money)

They make a ton of money selling the addon aircraft, improvements to the sim engine should be free.

I wonder if the new term "Nevadaware" will catch on outside the sim community ?
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They make a ton of money selling the addon aircraft, improvements to the sim engine should be free.

I see where you are misinterpreting things. The New Graphics engine is what is behind the Nevada Terrain module (Hence the wait). It doesn't apply to anything other than Nevada (and future terrains).

Nevada is a module you have to purchase, A-10 beta users bought it already, why should it be free?

I think Nate the comments were in relation to your sentence that said that Nevada would possibly be released with a new graphics engine - its this latter part that seemed to spark concerns
It is probably a difficult concept for you to understand as some of us are
actual paying customers not minions of Eagle Dynamics who get it all for free
and who spend their time going around internet forums trying to suppress the
opinions of paying customers.

Actually Nate has replied to me a few times in this thread and others quite honestly about why some things offered would be better experienced elsewhere. I think he brings some interesting stuff in here. However, I do agree with your sentiments and I feel, for me, the ED are performing actions that are resulting me in not purchasing stuff from them - not quite on the EA level but certainly enough to make me question the wisdom of their decisions.
I see where you are misinterpreting things. The New Graphics engine is what is behind the Nevada Terrain module (Hence the wait). It doesn't apply to anything other than Nevada (and future terrains).

Nevada is a module you have to purchase, A-10 beta users bought it already, why should it be free?


Ah, so this new engine is only for the Nevada map then ? bit of a weird decision
I think Nate the comments were in relation to your sentence that said that Nevada would possibly be released with a new graphics engine - its this latter part that seemed to spark concerns

Ah OK, perhaps I am not being very clear - apologies.

Nevada is built on the new engine. The current Black Sea terrain will be unchanged. So, if you have Nevada,you fly about in the new engine, only in Nevada. The Black Sea remains largely as it now.

So you have to pay for a graphics update and a new map? ED are just as evil as EA. I won't buy their "products" anymore,

Why are you being charged for planes, terrain and you have to pay twice for black shark 2. I mean come on Nate. Please square that hole.
Ah, so this new engine is only for the Nevada map then ? bit of a weird decision

Not really when you consider why it is being redone. The Current map and graphics engine was designed (and then extended) with the limitations of 32bit address spaces in mind. This is a limiting factor in how much stuff you can fit in a given area. This also has a limiting factor on the amount vertices you can attribute to stuff like the terrain mesh and other objects in the game world.

Currently the Black sea map/terrain engine is at the very limit of it's capabilities. There isn't any more address space to fit stuff in.

To simply plonk the Black sea into the new engine would yield little benefit, it would look much the same. In order to truly benefit, the terrain that will use the engine has to built from scratch. As there will be (effectively) no limitations, the terrain can be any size and be exponentially more detailed.

The only real limitation is memory space. This also the reason why all DCS will be moving to 64bit only in the near future.

Originally the Nevada terrain was a 3rd party project that failed. ED took it over and restarted it from from scratch, but it could never be done in time for the A-10 release, so it was used as a test bed for the new engine.

I hope that makes thing clearer.

question is though - will future expansion packs etc - rely on owning Nevada rather than the current DCS World ?

I was so "in" with DCS A10 - superb product - still enjoy it now

but recently I've been completely put off

in fact not even getting enjoyment out of the P51 at 75% off - just nothing much interesting to do with it
Not really when you consider why it is being redone. The Current map and graphics engine was designed (and then extended) with the limitations of 32bit address spaces in mind. This is a limiting factor in how much stuff you can fit in a given area. This also has a limiting factor on the amount vertices you can attribute to stuff like the terrain mesh and other objects in the game world.

Currently the Black sea map/terrain engine is at the very limit of it's capabilities. There isn't any more address space to fit stuff in.

To simply plonk the Black sea into the new engine would yield little benefit, it would look much the same. In order to truly benefit, the terrain that will use the engine has to built from scratch. As there will be (effectively) no limitations, the terrain can be any size and be exponentially more detailed.

The only real limitation is memory space. This also the reason why all DCS will be moving to 64bit only in the near future.

Originally the Nevada terrain was a 3rd party project that failed. ED took it over and restarted it from from scratch, but it could never be done in time for the A-10 release, so it was used as a test bed for the new engine.

I hope that makes thing clearer.


excellent that they are moving to 64bit only

Does this now mean that the retarded excuse that they could not allow you
to change key settings in game (because they have never figured out dynamic link libraries) is now done away with and we can now look forward to being able to change key binding in game
(as every other game since the dawn of time has been able to do so?)
ah ok - fair enough

as long as all new aircraft work in the "old" DCS World - then all good

ahahahaha, you know they won't do that.

Actually the current design means the aircraft Modules are self contained for the most part. It doesn't matter to them where they fly. The choice of terrain is transparent to the aircraft modules.

excellent that they are moving to 64bit only

Does this now mean that the retarded excuse that they could not allow you
to change key settings in game (because they have never figured out dynamic link libraries) is now done away with and we can now look forward to being able to change key binding in game
(as every other game since the dawn of time has been able to do so?)

Not sure Key bindings have anything to do with going 64bit.

Not sure Key bindings have anything to do with going 64bit.


The stated reason ED gave for not being able to do this VERY simple thing
was that they did not have enough memory to have the game engine loaded
as well as having the settings code loaded at the same time in a 32bit exe(or they were not
smart enough to know how to unload/load code modules)

So going 64bit will remove this limitation and they could allow users to
adjust game settings without having the close the game engine down
hense that is why I ask this question
Hadn't heard that before, I do know that reintegrating everything (Ala Lock ON 1) is a long term goal. So maybe key bindings will move from the current options menu. I really don't know.

Hadn't heard that before, I do know that reintegrating everything (Ala Lock ON 1) is a long term goal. So maybe key bindings will move from the current options menu. I really don't know.


Like ED you are totally not getting it , I shall speak slower as I would a child

If you are flying (that means up in the sky) with the wind whistling past your cockpit
and you want to change/check a keybinding you cannot do this

I would like the ability to check/change keybindings without have to stop flying

So to re-cap I want to be able to change settings without closing down the game engine and returning to the main menu

is that any clearer ?
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