De-lidded 3770k!!

Yeah the plastic card idea is the safest looking I have seen. Do blemishes on the surface of the die matter? It's hard for me to clean it without it losing some of its sheen.
Maybe from coffee filters or the IHS sliding around, but I am not sure tbh, just look's rubbish. Might be from the old TIM can't telll by looking at it. Just doesn't look pure like a gpu die.
They are just lint free paper pretty much, the ones I have might be a bit rough though, they are fine for heatsink/IHS but not really good for glass I suppose. :)
OK was gonna start another thread but think I'd just share my results and pics here :)

I had the IHS on originally but decided to remove it all together and go core direct contact in the end. Results are at the bottom.

Mandatory de-lidded shot

Removed bracket

First testing the contact with heatsink


Good contact, albeit with a bit too much thermal paste :p Notice the two black dots on the side indicating that the heatsink has made contact with the socket.

With everything installed

Before de-lid:

After de-lid, IHS still on, PK1 thermal paste:

After de-lid, IHS off, MX2 thermal paste:

So temps went from:
79 83 79 76 average 79.25C

65 72 73 71 average 70.25C

and now with IHS off:
60 63 65 64 average 63C

All tested at same speed and voltage, under same AC environment (around 24C)

To bridge the gap left by the IHS, I used 2 small coins roughly the thickness of the IHS underneath my heatsink's (megahalems) mounting mechanism in order to keep up the mount pressure. A bit of a botch job I know but it worked out perfectly in the end. Very happy with the results :)
I didn't :p I just thought as long as it's the same thickness as IHS you can't go wrong. I have to admit I was half expecting to hear the die cracking while I was screwing down the heatsink.

I didn't have to modify the stand offs at all since I already covered the gap left by IHS. I don't think it's possible anyway since the mount bracket can't get any lower because the capacitors will just get in the way.
Nice work! You really got that chip looking clean lol. Thanks to the cold weather my average temps are about 65C at the moment anyway with cpu fan at 700rpm. :D Maybe in the summer I'll have another go at delidding. :)

PS, what are your idle temps like?? :)

By the way I found the best way to put TIM on the die was a VERY thin line down the whole die, when taking off my IHS it was perfect, only a tiny bit extra around the sides. :)

Loving the Megahalems and those case fans, what are they?

Is that a 300??
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Got some insulating tape, unfortunately it didn't work. It's gone. :( Hope I do better in the silicon lottery next time around at least. Roll on Tuesday. :D

Might go for a 2500K this time around, it's not really a downgrade or an upgrade, but runs cooler? I don't think I'll miss anything the 3570 has that the 2500 doesn't.

I burnt a trace when chipping my Xbox, use a conductive pen to rejoin the broken trace. looking at your pic it looks like you broken two traces
what blade did you use steve?? great work,still reluctant to do mine though

Just your normal stationary knife :p It must have taken me 30 mins+ to do it. Some places I had to apply so much force my hand was shaking afterwards.

There's a side story though; I managed to scratch a corner of the die in the process and a few shiny bits flaked off :eek: as can be seen in the first de-lid pic (on the right side of the CPU caught in the silicon when the blade is removed). I was pretty convinced I had a dead CPU but luckily it's working fine (knock wood)

It has its risks!!

nice work steve :) so tempted to have a go. One guys thread i have seen uses a build up of gaffa tape either side of the die to minimise crushing of the die.

My original thought was to use athlon-xp style foam at 4 corners to minimise uneven pressure. But that was proved unnecessary in the end, for me anyway.

Nice work! You really got that chip looking clean lol. Thanks to the cold weather my average temps are about 65C at the moment anyway with cpu fan at 700rpm. :D Maybe in the summer I'll have another go at delidding. :)

PS, what are your idle temps like?? :)

By the way I found the best way to put TIM on the die was a VERY thin line down the whole die, when taking off my IHS it was perfect, only a tiny bit extra around the sides. :)

Loving the Megahalems and those case fans, what are they?

Is that a 300??

Ha took me a long time to clean it off with my fingernail, I found that arctic clean works, too, to some extend.

Yeah on second application I made the line as thin as possible but still a bit too much.

Idle temp I can't remember off the top of my head but from the min. temp. figures on the last screeny I'd say about 30C ish with the IHS off at 4.5Ghz. At 4.8Ghz though the idle is something like 38C because I'm using fixed voltage with IEST and turbo boost off.

Yep it's an Antec 300, space is enough for air cooling but it doesn't have very good cable management features. Case fans at the moment are pretty standard antec ones and the noise isn't that bad once you turn them down a notch.

Unlike the pic though I now have push-pull config on my megahalems with a standard prolimatech PWM fan and another scythe high rpm case fan I have lying around :)
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300 fans are decent tbh, only things I don't like about the 300 is no dust filters, no black interior but can mod cable management holes easily. Is one of my favourite cases.

Tempted to delid mine again but I will resist the temptation. :D
yeah but when the clamp isnt clamping the cpu down tight it gives you more room for adjustment kinda like a big springy bed for the cpu/heatsink(as it springs against the cpu pins) so you have less chance of cracking the core

hes still using the backplate of the cooler and the mounting bolts but hes packing the gap with a 2p coin
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