Deadwood movie is happening

Yeah but i've got a two year old taking up my spare time and maybe time to watch an hour of TV a day that the missus will also like, can't see her getting into this :(

It's not all bad though, she generally watches the same things as me, just not a fan of westerns.
get her to look after the kid and leave you in peace to watch the show! 2 birds w/ one stone :-D

other than that, you'll not have time to catch it all up in time for the 31st :-(

praying this isn't going to disappoint, I think I can see a spoiler in the trailer which may be upsetting for some fans, but the rest of it's looking very positive.
Not sure why I looked into this thread but after seeing the trailer for the film it has made me start on the series I've had to rewatch episode 1 as I kept seeing people I recognised and couldn't think where from so had to keep googling them.

On episode 4 so far and really enjoying it.
Me and the wife just finished watching Deadwood Season 3 last night, having started the whole series from the beginning about 2 weeks ago (and never having seen it before)

Then we watched the trailer for the movie, it was so bizarre seeing everyone age 13 years in the blink of an eye.
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Absolutely stoked this is straight on Sky this weekend. Lets be honest, this probably would have done decent numbers at the cinema. Didn't expect to get it on telly instantly.

Will have to record it though as it's on the same time as the champs league final. Will be great to see the Deadwood lot again. Just hope it lives up to expectations.

Does anyone think this could be being used as a feeler for the possibility of a new series?

I am surprised that its on so soon and I haven't seen one ad for it. I thought Sky would be plugging the life out of it.
Oh wow, that's quick! I definitely won't have time to catch up with the series before then. Good to see it straight on TV though seeing how I still have two months on my Now TV sub.
I don't think it would have done much business at the cinema really, it's a feature length episode really - for fans to complete the story.

When I watched the show, the dialogue took me a few episodes to get used to and even at the end of the series I only understood 90% of it! The movie would have been baffling to anyone who hasn't seen the show.
Well this just popped up on my now TV this morning. I have see no adverts or promotions about it at all. Possibly they used all the budget on the 2 min apearances of all the faces.
It was ok, not great, a tad confusing in places and definately left open for more. Very much a fan service movie rather than solid story telling.
I also felt that the use of all the flashbacks was uneeded.
Olyphant pretty much said in all recent interviews he wasn't overly impressed with the story but was just happy to be working with the cast again.
I don't know what to do with this. Even though it was only a couple of years ago I watched all the seasons, I don't know I'll remember what was going on... and I don't know I want to watch it all again? How important was it you remember the story, or maybe it will come back to me once I watch the movie?
Did not enjoy it as much as the TV series, maybe too much time has passed, just did not seem right
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