Looks like the guy who ran over that police officer was almost certainly a *****.
Looks as though he was charged with stealing a quad bike and murder, when you look on google maps at the 'Four Houses Corner Caravan Park' it's basically a gypo site.
I wish the Navy or RAF would send some ordinance in it's direction, raze the **** hole to the ground and everyone in it.
Scum of the earth.
I vaguely remembered this case being mentioned on here after seeing an article on the BBC homepage just now about the verdict... the article seems a bit odd by itself, missing some detail:
BBC said:
Albert Bowers, of Moat Close, Bramley, and Jessie Cole, of Paices Hill near Reading, laughed as they left court during the trial"
On trial for murder/manslaughter but laughing as they leave court??? I mean they intended to steal a quad bike (an otherwise low level crime) - the killing of the officer was supposedly accidental, a low level crime has blown up into taking a life - they ought to be distraught no? They took a life, they've also ruined their lives, career prospects etc.. right?
Then this bit...
BBC said:
As the country went into lockdown over Covid-19, the first trial collapsed two-thirds of the way through the prosecution's case.
Security at that trial in March had been stepped up after police said they had uncovered a possible plot by "associates of the defendants to intimidate the jury".
^^^ that isn't normal at all - youths involved in a low level crime - stealing a quad bike which then escalated into "accidentally" killing a police officer in the process are able to intimidate a jury like some organised crime boss...
What on earth is going on here BBC, what aren't you telling us???
How are these youths accused of an incident where an otherwise minor crime went horribly wrong leading to manslaughter of a police officer suddenly able to intimidate a jury?
Then thinking back to this getting mentioned on here - they're travelers! That completely changes the context and those details from the article now make much more sense - of course they're able to intimidate a jury, they've got a whole community with plenty of other criminals to look out for them - funny how BBC doesn't mention that at all!
You've got to read multiple sources these days to get the full picture on any news event when these deliberate ommissions are made - for example does the Guardian mention it in their coverage? Nope...
The mirror does however mention links to the travelers site:
The Sun and the Daily Fail make it very clear: