Well the monitor arrived this morning but sadly I've not really had time to test it. Couple of things to note from my limited time with it, though. I'm coming from the VG248QE (1080p, 144Hz, 1ms).
First, the good.
The resolution is awesome, simple as that. I was told the jump from 1080p to 1440p wasn't particularly big, but to my eyes it's a huge improvement. I've gained 3" of diagonal space and despite that the screen looks much sharper. Coding / working on this, with my Asus in portrait alongside, is going to be great.
The colours, again to my eyes, are gorgeous. I'm using the multi-coloured lion wallpaper (sure you guys know the one!) and side by side with the VG248QE there is a huge difference. Perhaps the res helps, but the image pops out so much more than on the Asus. I don't think TFT Central have uploaded their ICC profile yet, but I just tweaked the values in the Nvidia Control Panel using the Lagom contrast / gamma / black / white tests as a guide.
The look of the screen is to my liking too, the stand and base are darker than in the images, and the whole thing looks quite classy. The stand seems strong and has a good level of height adjustment. I needed to put 2 thick books under my Asus to get it to the correct height; that's not required with the Dell.
The OSD is clear and easy to navigate. I was worried it was going to be like the Asus again (guessing which buttons do what) but using the screen to display their function is a nice touch.
I have no dead pixels, and, from my limited testing, no real issue with the vertical line issue. I've tried moving quickly over dark backgrounds and scrolling fast through content but thus far I haven't noticed any anomalies.
And...the bad.
I seem to have a band of light bleed at the very bottom of the monitor. It measures about 1cm in height and extends all the way across the bottom of the screen. It's almost like a light shadow of where the Windows taskbar would sit (if it's not hidden!) and I can only really notice it on a black background. I'll try to take a picture of it later. Honestly I'm a bit sad about it as BLB was the one thing I wasn't worried about - thought that was a trade-off IPS panels had to make!
Also, as reported by Easyrider, the screen moves around when using the buttons to control the OSD. I don't think it actually moves the positioning at all, but it is a bit disconcerting to see the monitor roll about each time I press a button. Shame as otherwise the stand seems solid.
So I'm a bit undecided on what to do. I'm hoping to get time to play some games on it tonight and see what I think. I want to test G-Sync and see if I have any of the vertical line issues in-game. I did boot up SFIV quickly and it was glorious...vibrant and detailed in a way I've not seen before. I suppoe that's not going to show the issues described in previous posts, though. I also want to test ULMB, as this will be a key feature for me to use with SFV. G-Sync won't be needed in that but keeping blur under control will be important.
I'm hoping the backlight issue will fade and no further issues appear. If that happens I'll definitely keep the monitor. If the glow doesn't disappear and I find any other issues it's going back. If the glow stays but no other issues arise...well I guess I'll decide after a few hours of game time!