Dell S2716DG - Dells first G-sync

Just received mine. No dead pixels or problems. Very happy with it coming from a Samsung 24" 2443bw. Due to the bezel size it doesnt feel a hell of a lot bigger than my old screen, but running native 1440p gives me so much room! My 780ti was always going to struggle with it with games at max quality, but I'm finding that increasing the resolution and decreasing the game quality (ultra to good/high) kinda balances each other out. I cant say I ever had screen tearing issues with the Samsung anyway, so I'm not seeing a whole lot of benefit with G-Sync, but the display is super super fluid when moving around so overall I'm very happy. I made the decision to purchase the monitor now and then upgrade my card to Pascal when it is available. It makes more sense to update the screen as I'm using that all day, every day :-)

Running my work laptop over a DVI-HDMI cable I'm achieving 2560x1440p which I'm kinda surprised about as I thought the max was 1920x1200. My gaming rig is on the DP connector running at 2560x1440 @ 144Mhz :-)
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I'm still trying to justify the cost for it. I could get the AOC 1440p monitor for £219 and another GTX970 for £220 which equals £439

Then I could lock the FPS to 60 and I wont get any stuttering or screen tearing.


Get this Dell monitor.

The benefit of the first option is its slightly cheaper and I have more GPU power for future games. Weather or not future games will need more than 3.5GB of VRAM is yet to be seen but with DirectX 12 I think VRAM usage will be a null argument (I hope)
Not really. Multi-GPU support is pretty **** the last year or so i.e. just cause 3 and batman AK have no support at all and for the first few months fallout 4 didn't work too well either. IIRC assassins creed syndicate also doesn't scale too well, at least on launch it didn't and those are all nvidia sponsored titles too.

A few people also report stutter with SLI + gsync.

Single GPU is always best imo, definitely not the best bang per buck though.
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Yeah :( sadly of late multiGPU whether SLI or CF has been a bit lacking - though there are technical reasons for that in the main rather than just devs/nVidia/AMD can't be bothered - in previous generation I was always quick to jump onto an SLI setup but this time around holding out.
Personally, I'd invest more money in a monitor than a GPU as it can last a heck of a lot longer (provided you want it to).

A GTX 970 is more than adequate for a 1440p panel, and besides, one of the biggest benefits of G-Sync is how much smoother it looks at lower framerates.
Still running most games at ultra settings 1440p on my 780 without issue and around 60+fps - except modded Skyrim heh though with G-Sync 20fps is surprisingly playable in Skyrim.

Games like Battlefront, etc. still hover around 60fps with everything turned up - any other generation without G-Sync I'd have been upgrading to a new GPU by now as sometimes the minimum fps can drop close to levels that would be otherwise less than ideal.
.....Running my work laptop over a DVI-HDMI cable I'm achieving 2560x1440p which I'm kinda surprised about as I thought the max was 1920x1200.

Just realised that the DVI to HDMI cable I purchased is dual-link so is capable of up to 2560x1600!! Very happy with the picture quality. Now I just need my Lenovo OneLink Pro docking station to recognise its DP port so I can ditch the DVI-to-HDMI connection and get the audio passed through as well ;)
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Still running most games at ultra settings 1440p on my 780 without issue and around 60+fps - except modded Skyrim heh though with G-Sync 20fps is surprisingly playable in Skyrim.

Totally agree. I've been playing various FPS and MMO games tonight just to see if I can get the monitor to 'fail'. Cranked most things back up to max settings and because of G-Sync everything still looks and plays fine. I prefer to knock the quality back a little to try and push the FPS to over 100 though as thats when things really start to look silky smooth. Personally loving this monitor but I dont have much to compare it with as my last monitor lasted over 5years! My graphics card never lasts that long ;) Roll on Pascal and Skylake-E. Only then will I think it worth changing from my current setup now that I have this monitor.
Totally agree. I've been playing various FPS and MMO games tonight just to see if I can get the monitor to 'fail'. Cranked most things back up to max settings and because of G-Sync everything still looks and plays fine. I prefer to knock the quality back a little to try and push the FPS to over 100 though as thats when things really start to look silky smooth. Personally loving this monitor but I dont have much to compare it with as my last monitor lasted over 5years! My graphics card never lasts that long ;) Roll on Pascal and Skylake-E. Only then will I think it worth changing from my current setup now that I have this monitor.

So below 100fps it doesn't look as smooth? I thought with GSync it would look smooth regardless of the FPS the GPU is churning out :confused:
G-Sync simply means you dont get screen tearing or stutter. You still need to be able to push the frames through fast enough to see the benefit of a 144Mhz monitor. The 'sweet spot' where people seem to see the biggest difference is when you change from 60Hz to 100Hz. After that, the differences are almost (to me) imperceptible.
I have been running my Dell using a Kfa2 GTX 670 ex oc 4gb for the last few weeks, which was surprisingly good running at 1440, but I have weakened and just bought a KFa2 GTX 970 Infinity 8 Black edition, and I am thrilled with it.
I agonized for long enough buying the monitor, and could not believe it when I found myself standing at the counter of Overclockers buying a GTX 970, (I hate spending money these days), but the difference is pretty amazing. I really wanted to buy the KFa2 GTX 980 TI HOF supper duper edition, but the words would not come out of my mouth :eek:
At my advanced age I do not intend to change monitors again, and I have tested and not been able to max out memory on it yet (according to GPU Z), so it looks like a pretty good marriage to me and should last a while :cool:
It doesn't go down that far does it?

It does some funky stuff with frame doubling even quadrupling, etc. in low framerate situations which overall helps a bit - obviously it can't do miracles but it does give a slightly more ideal medium than either having to deal with the massively increased input latency at those kind of framerates with V-Sync on or horrific tearing with it off.

So below 100fps it doesn't look as smooth? I thought with GSync it would look smooth regardless of the FPS the GPU is churning out :confused:

Around 100fps or so (or higher) is where you start to get the optimal experience with low input latency and fluid smooth response but that isn't all G-Sync is good for - I used to find Skyrim utterly unplayable because I just can't live with 60Hz V-Sync and Skyrim with a 60fps cap without V-Sync is a horrid tearing mess - if you uncap the framerate the physics simulation explodes and the game has some issues with mouse sensitivity becoming erratic. With G-Sync I can hard cap the game at 58fps and its very playable - input latency is more than acceptable for single player, no tearing infact it just runs very very smoothly and I have a hard time telling I'm actually running at "only" 58fps - in the past it would have been a nasty experience.

(I use 58 as it seems to result in the minimum occurrence of various bugs in the game - capping at 59-60 still doesn't seem to completely stop some happening).
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Just got mine today,No issues at all,tweaked the settings a bit, not added a profile as im happy with just changing the brightness and lowering the gamma and i upped the digital vibrance in ncp..So far not found anything wrong with mine,not seen any banding played rainbow 6 and it was all fine,nice and smooth game play..No bleed or dead pixels either...Cant fault it really for a tn. :)And just tried the wake up from sleep mode it all works fine have disabled Monitor deep sleep in settings.
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@badass in your review, where you have stored the icc profile could you change under Preset Mode "standard" to "custom colour"? It's causing a bit of confusion amongst some noobs and is actually wrong. :p
Does this one have those awful pixel inversion lines like the Swift does? That put me right off it and I've been waiting for something better :/
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