Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Bad news injury's, I always hate to read when something is wrong with people :( I've Had a couple of injury's since I last did some PB's and since then it's put me out of action so keep that leg/knee looked after!
Left my damn log book at the gym I think =/

I think it's roughly:

Thursday 30th January: Shoulders
  • PP: 42.5kg = 7, 6, 6(maybe 7) 40kg x 6
  • Arnolds: 14's x 10, 12's x 12, 12.
    -S/S with-
  • Side raises: 10's x 15, 8's x 15, 15.
  • Face pulls (lat cable): 3 x 15 x 47.3kg
  • Followed by x-body hmmers S/S

Finished with some pec stretches and a bit of thoracic work.

Felt weak today, amusing how much difference 2.5kg makes to a lift. right shoulder feels like it's clogged or something, can't describe it, think it's just use and it's moaning.

Right knee is a bit better today, need to do some more work on it, I think it's coming from my right foot as this is being particularly troublesome lately as well.

I did take my squat shoes in today, no time to warm up and actually lift properly without compromising things sadly.
Friday 31st January: Back
  • Deads: Bar x 10, 70 x 5, 100 x 3, 130 x 1, 140 x 1.
  • Deads WS: 3 x 5 x 145kg -DS 110 x 5
  • Pulls / (BORs @ 60kg): 5/(10), 5/(10), 2+3neg/(10)
  • Cable rows: 47.3kg x 12, 12. 52kg x 12.
  • Lat pull: 47.3kg x 12, 12. 45kg x 12.

Final set of deadlifts:

Deadlifts felt nice, started to fatigue a little but no pains.
This chin / BOR superset malarky is amusing, still, feels lovely.
Cable rows, felt light today, so upped it on the final set.
Lat pull downs, just keep working.
Cheers :D

Whichever kermit told me to gey an extra firm rumble roller is going to pay, rumble roller of hammies that have DOMs? LAWD! Never know something so horrible yet so glorious.
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