Monday 3rd Febriary: Chest
Bench went well, certainly beginning to struggle, not stalled the weight yet though.
DB bench went really well this week, managed to shift the DB's up with no pains and the reps stayed clean.
- Bench: 3 x 8 x 52.5kg
- DB Bench: 3 x 12 x 20's
- rope pull with twist (superset): 16.3kg x 15, 18kg x 13, 16.3kg x 12, 14kg x 12.
- V-Push down: 16.3kg x 12, 18kg x 12, 16.3kg x 12, 14kg x12.
- Pallof press: 3 x 10 x 16.3kg
- S/S with - - Planks: 3 x 30s
Bench went well, certainly beginning to struggle, not stalled the weight yet though.
DB bench went really well this week, managed to shift the DB's up with no pains and the reps stayed clean.