Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Also, rear of shoulder is on fire, I can only presume it is my teres minor looking at diagrams, it keeps playing up

I had something similar a while back... used to feel like it was burning. Is it the shoulder of your dominant arm?

I think rolling everything around the shoulder blade with a hockey/lacrosse ball probably had the biggest impact for me in terms of getting better.
I really don't understand it mate, I stretch it and to be honest my left pec feels tighter sometimes and I dont get these iasies. Really russling my jimmies now, if I stretch it any more tye things going to snap and reluctant to jab a ball in there after last times rib issue :/
Well Scott touched my pec and I basically cried, think it was pec minor that was extremely tender also...So naturally I attacked it in the evening, forgetting I had chest day the next day :X

Oh, and congrats to the bro's on their comp, awesome work.

Monday 24th February: Chest
  • Bench: 3 x 8 x 52.5kg
  • Incline DB Press: 3 x 10 x 20's
  • Rope pull down pyramid up/down s/s: some weight up then down @ 15 reps

Then some work on my lats and tri's, adductors, pec's (stretch) and some crucifix stretch work.

Bench went well, certainly getting to the limit where form will start going, annoyingly Syla5 has abandoned me so I will have to start asking random bro's to spot me now. DB bench was good up until the last set, just fatigue I believe.
Sorry bro :( I will know my future gym fate soon as i am checking out the new "The Gym" tonight.

Is it not Wednesday? or is it all week?


I'm just about to set off for a session of Pat touching me. Good times.

I kind of need a similar fate for my chest to be honest, when he attacked it it did help no end. My problem is not having a spare grand to get everything fixed :p

Oh and how often is wise for me to soft tissue my pec as a whole? Is every day (for soft tissue work anyway) too much?
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Tuesday 25th February: Legs
  • Leg ext: 3 x 15 x 39kg
  • Squat: Worked up to 80kg single then...
  • Squats WS: 75kg x 8, 5, 5, 8.
  • Front squat: 3 x 5 x 40kg

Yes I was supposed to do 5 x 5 on back squats, forgot hence the odd set numbers.

Turned off my alarm today and woke up a bit late, will wake up early another day this week and do some more stuff.
Thursday 27th February: Shoulders
  • PP: 45kg x 5, 42.5kg x 7, 6. 30kg x 12.
  • Arnold's: 14's x 12, 10. 12's x 12.
    -S/S with-
  • Side raises: 3 x 15 x 8's
  • Face pull (tri stack with rope): 27kg x 15, 32kg x 15, 15.
  • X-Body hammers - 12 reps: 18's, 16's, 14's, 12's with 15 x 10's curls last.

I really like shoulder days :) Despite being weak.

The only thing I'm not too keen on now is the Arnold / Side raise bit, primarily as sometimes my shoulders click during the arnolds, then sometimes my shoulders aren't amazingly keen on the side raises at times....however these two exercises seem to be the better of the ones I have tried.
Friday 28th February: Back
  • Deads: 150kg x 3, 2 (**** you!), 110kg x 5, 5, 5.
  • Cable Row: 52kg x 12, 59kg x 12, 52kg x 12, 45kg x 12, 12, 12.


******* back! Felt gash today, second set at 150kg and it just felt horrible, just below middle, 110kg wasn't particularly great either. Annoying thing is I did 3 x 5 x 150kg not long ago.

After deads, everything felt horrible, so just hit the cable row machine to obliterate some things. I'm shattered at the moment, I need to sleep despite getting the normal amount of sleep I get anyway.

My body appears to be against me these past few weeks, shoulder keeps playing up and my back is becoming a nuisance.

Monday 3rd March: Chest
  • Bench: 3 x 8 x 55kg (Rep PB)
    -some inc. DB work, some S/S rope pull down v-push down work

Nothing major to report, DB bench appeared to aggravate my shoulder, no idea why as this used to cause the most grief.
On the plus side, Rep PB on barbell bench which I'm happy with, think this is the best I've done since doing my shoulder over and considering it's not exactly 100% at the moment, I'm chuffed.

Finished with some thoracic work and pec stretching stuff.
Tuesday 4th March: Legs
  • Leg Ext.: 2 x 20 x 32kg
  • Squats: bar x some, some, 40kg x 5, 50kg x 5, 60kg x 2, 80kg x 2
  • Squats WS: 5 x 5 x 72.5kg - I THINK that's what it was....Also failed rep 5 on 5th set, just leaned too far forward apparently.
  • Front squats: 3 x 5 x 45kg
  • RDL: 70kg x 8, 80kg x 8, 90kg x 8.

Squats felt lovely today, knees felt nice, it just felt nice.
I think I did 72.5kg....I had it down to do more but for some reason I think my brain got confused with the plating.

Front squats, felt nice, need to be more upright I believe. Kept scraping my throat, so might need to get some cloth for the bar or something :o

RDLs: just....nice.

On the plus side my knees are feeling quite nice at the moment, I can only presume I was doing something ghastly on the split squats.

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