Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Thanks man. I'll be honest a few of the reps there were extremely dodgey this week. However it's good to know they're looking good in general.

On the plus side as well my knees are feeling reasonably well currently since cutting out some I can only presume my knee was tracking badly.
Thursday 20th March: Shoulders
  • PP: 45kg x 6, 6, 4 (wobble back on 5th and didn't really stabilise)
  • OHP: 30kg x 8, 8, 7 (Failed 8)
  • OH Squats: Bar x 3, 2(F3), 5.
  • Snatch pull work: 2 sets with bar, two sets with 25kg

Not bad mane. Pleased with PP, 50kg (current 1RM) is getting nicer to perform, need to work on 45kg a bit more I think and get some more reps.

OH Squats because lol

Doing snatch work at the moment because I'm finding side raises do not agree with me very well and these are a nice alternative.

Nice. :)

Get your head through moar on your push-press, as this will get you more stable at the top of the movement.

Unfortunately, as you were doing overhead squats, I know you can get your head further through. So do it. ;) :D

Regarding snatch work...


This is a nice diagnostic picture...

- you're rolling onto the balls of your feet too soon (i.e. using your quads to jump as opposed to your hips);
- the bar is getting pulled too early (i.e. it's a long way above your hip line, indicating you truncated your 2nd pull at the legs and yanked the bar);
- hip extension isn't as full as it could be (because you're using your quads)...
- you're not pulling the bar with your elbows pointing up.

Does any of this matter if you're not bothered about snatching? Not really. However, if you get it sorted, it means heavier weights get shifted and heavier weights = moar gains. :D

Good work on sticking with it, particularly in a commercial gym with no help, whatsoever, too. :) :) :)
Thanks matey, will remember that on PP, keep forgetting and it seems to get harder with 45kg =/

Overhead squat really shows signs of tightness...Shoulders particularly (I know this already) and obviously my chest. I do like it however.

- I noticed the ball of my feet thing when watching back, shall try to use hips MOAR.
- Pulling too early, so try and just delay it a tad? Or shall I wait for the 'clink' :D
- Aye, you said this before :) Will try to remedy.
- Hmm, will take another look and see how to fix.

Thanks though, much appreciated :)
Friday 21st March: Back
  • Deads: bar x 10, 70kg x 5, 90kg x 3, 110kg x 3, 130kg x 1, 140kg x 1, 150kg x 1.
  • Deads WS: 155kg x 1, failed second rep so had a small pause, 1 - HAH, so weak. 130kg x 3, 3, 3.
  • Chins: 4, 4, 1+3 negs
  • BORs: 3 x 12 x 50kg
  • Cable rows: (all low rests) 12 reps each = 39kg, 45kg, 52kg, 45kg, 39kg, 32kg.

I am so peeved off right now, these last few months my deadlifts have been terrible, prior to Christmas I was doing 160kg for reps before, after that I got back up to 3x5x150kg, other than that I can't progress, 150kg today wasn't amazing, then 155kg was just laughable....Considering not long ago I was going for a 1RM of 180kg this is not good at the moment :(
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Just drop back to volume at 80% or whatever. Remember your 1RM changes from day-to-day and week-to-week, so just take it as 155kg, and 120-130kg as working reps (5*5 or whatever).

And build from there. Very few people can hammer themselves at 90% and above even after months of adaptation so just allow yourself time to retune your CNS and muscles.
Makes sense, it's just annoying seeing as what I was doing before Christmas, when in essence nothing has changed and I managed 3x5x150kg relatively easily the other month as well...

Maybe that's what finally killed me off :p
Sure it's annoying, but that is just ego that is getting annoyed.

The point with regular training is to drive up to a 1RM and then build up over a periodised block of time and training to get your body used to a greater workload. So every 8-12 weeks, go for a 1RM, but spend the initial month or whatever just doing volume. Bucketloads of it.

It takes months of adaptation to brutal training regimes to stack up sequential or continual sessions at 90% or above! and even then few people can manage it.

And most of them are paid to lift, and have a lot of 'assistance' to boot. ;)
I struggle to set programmes. At least I struggle on how to reset on a program, this is generally where I need help

Anyway I have a physio session next week, hopefully my back can get pulled about a bit.
You mean the way it progresses? I have done wendler before and made reasonable gains on it.

I basically switched to five reps after xmas I think for deadlofts, so possibly tweaked something then.
Monday 24th March: Chest
  • Bench: bar x lots, bar x 8, 30kg x 10, 40kg x 5, 50kg x 2, 60kg x 1.
  • Bench WS: 3 x 8 x 55kg
  • Flat DB Bench: 18's x 8, 20's x 8, 10, 22's x 9 +1 assist
  • Inc. DB Bench: 16's x 8, 8, 8.
  • V-Push downs: 15 reps = 18kg, 23kg, 18kg, 14kg.

Followed by:
  • Pec stretch x 3 positions
  • Crucifix x 8
  • Hip opener thang on bench - Feels like my left knees wants to explode...

Nom. Back up to 55kg again for all three sets, will probably go to 57.5kg next week and take the same approach I did for my shoulder work.

I seem to have twitched in my sleep last night and jarred my shoulder up which felt horribly crunchy, shall do some more work on it tonight.
Tuesday 25th March: Legs
  • Squats: 5 x 5 x 80kg
  • Front squats: 3 x 5 x 52.5kg
  • Hack Squats: 5 x 5 x 67.5kg
  • RDL: 70kg x 8, 10, 10.

Enjoyed that, need to get in slightly earlier on leg days as the front and hack squats were pretty rushed, RDL's where done in about 2 minutes :p

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