Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Thursday 27th March: Shoulders and snatch work
  • OHP: bar x 10, 10, 30kg x 8.
  • PP: 35kg x 5, 40kg x 1, 50kg x 1, 45kg x 6, 6, 6.
  • OHP: 30kg x 8, 25kg x 8, 20kg x 8.
  • OH Squat: Bar x 5, 5, 5.
  • Snatch Pull work: lots x lots

Yeah, extremely tight everywhere today, lack of sleep and a bit weak. As such, a few dodgey reps (ie back bending back rep) - Either way, pretty happy with that. Need to still try get my head through more on the heavier working sets as I seem to fail to do this effectively when it's on the working set.

Snatch work, meh, more of the same, some of them where definite improvements, some the same as last week.
Saw Pat da physio wizard tonight. Lawd.

Some of my back pain is attributed to tight psoas, lawd have mercy do not get fingers jabbed in to these. Instantly after some work on them the arch I have in my lumbar whilist laying down was reduced loads and the pressure seems to have subsided a bit.
Also been prescribed some single leg deads as my body os twisted apparently :(
Friday 28th March: Deadlifts
  • Deads: bar x lots, 70kg x 5, 70kg x 5, 90kg x 3, 110kg x 3.
  • Deads WS: 3 x 5 x 120kg
  • Chins: 5, 4+1neg, 2+3negs
  • BOR @ 55kg: 12, 9+3, 10+3
  • Cable row: 12's - 45kg, 52kg, 54.3kg, 52kg, 45kg, 39kg.
  • Single leg RDL: 3 x 8 x 18kg

Deadlifts: Starting a new block with these as something wasn't right before, first session doing this so I'll have to make sure the weight is correct. These seemed fine anyway. Also adjusted my foot positioning in terms of where the bar sits over my feet, felt loads better.

Chins, just lol.
BORs, fine on the first set, then due to the supersets my back just had no strength left :o

Moved it closer to my shins at the starting position, prior to bending my knees.

Seems to stop it penduluming it's way up so much, just felt a lot nicer, naturally I'll find out once it gets heavier.
Moved it closer to my shins at the starting position, prior to bending my knees.

Seems to stop it penduluming it's way up so much, just felt a lot nicer, naturally I'll find out once it gets heavier.

Considering the last time I saw you deadlifting the bar was almost on your shin I am assuming that you have been moving it further away and have now just gone back to how it was before?
Monday 31st March: Chest
  • DB Bench: 22's x 8, 8, 8.
  • BB Bench: 40kg x 8, 50kg x 8, 55kg x 8, 50kg x 8.
  • Inc. DB Bench: 18's x 10, 10, 10.
  • V-Push down: 18kg x 15, 23kg x 15, 27kg x 12, 23kg x 15, 18kg x 15, 14kg x 15.
  • Pec stretch x 3
  • Crucifix x 8

Flat BB Bench was in use when I got in (this seems to be the norm now :() so just cracked on with DB Bench - These felt good.

BB Bench: pretty tough this week after the DB Bench work, so not overly fussed, wanted to try 57.5kg this week but I'll have to do it next week now. Annoyingly I'm going to have to start asking for a spot.

Incline seemed to hurt my shoulder today, this also appears to be what happens now....Incline aggravated, flat doesn't. Talk about a full circle.

Push downs just lol on the heavier ones, ah well.

Received an awesome crack in my spine doing the first crucifix, felt amazing.
Tuesday 1st April: Legs
  • Squats: Nope, all racks in use.
  • Hack Squat: 47.6kg x 10, 57.6kg x 10. 5 x 5 x 67.5kg
  • Squats: 5 x 5 x 80kg
  • Front Squat: 3 x 5 x 50kg
  • Snatch Grip RDL: bar x 10, 30kg x 10, 40kg x 8, 50kg x 8, 8.
  • Single leg RDL (left): 3 x 8 x 18kg

I hate people. Walked in, both racks in use, so used the hack squat. Finished the hack squat, noticed the guy who was using one of the racks wasn't there but his coat was? Looked around, he's using a bike on the other side of the gym....So I just nabbed the rack. Then the other rack was in use by someone consistently for the next 30 mins or so, at least he was using it properly.

As I did hack squat first my legs got a bit wobbly, so just shortened the rest periods a bit for the rest of the session.

Knees are starting to go a bit on 80kg Squats now, need to make sure I keep tight otherwise I'm going to have to re-asses my squat progression.

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On the way down: not cool.

On the way back up: not necessarily (depending on a number of caveats) a bad thing.

Key to all this is: how did they feel?

Only on the way up I believe.

They didn't feel terrible however I can feel things not working correctly and form will start to go. I was also a little fatigued after the Hack squats and some lumbar smashing / psoas smashing yesterday.

Basically I'll see what it feels like next week :p
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