Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

In English please.

Am I over-extending on lockout? My back has been giving me a lot of grief this week, I had to try and sit in about 5 different positions last night to just get comfortable.

Brb back pain, brb reading supple leopard, brb getting back pain while reading supple leopard.
Monday 7th April: Chesthnnnnnnng
  • Bench (ghey squat rack): 40kg x 8, 50kg x 2 (flew up), 57.5kg x 8*, 55kg x 8, 50kg x 8.
  • Flat DB Bench: 18's x 8, 20's x 8, 8, 8.
  • Inc. DB Bench: 18's x 8, 8, 10.
  • Rope pull down: 18kg x 10, 10, 14kg x 10, 10.
    -S/S with-
  • V-Push down: 18kg x 10, 10, 14kg x 10, 10.

  • Pec stretch x 3
  • Crucifix x 8
  • Hip reset thang

Awesome. Flat bench was in use when I got in so started using the rack to warm up, then someone else nabbed the bench, so I just continued in the rack (come at me) - Went well, 57.5kg is a rep PB I believe on Flat BB Bench, so I'm happy with that. Kept rests low.

Flat DB and incline, again kept rests low and the decent slow, this helped my shoulder no end.

Used a lighter weight on the pull/push downs, low rests as usual, concentrated on keeping everything firing properly, much better.

Usual post chest stretches, back needed a nice crack.

The upper-rear part of my shoulder appears to be giving me some aggro lately (either posterior or lateral deltoid...) and the front of my shoulder appears to be niggling somewhat.
If only I had a bro to spot me, would be epic.

Yeah i mean that place is always empty and there is never a bro around to ask for a spot.........:p:D
You know theres plenty of peolpe about to ask dude and all of them will help, and 95% of them will listen if you tell them how you wanted to be spotted tenderly with a hand on the small of your back. Stop being a social intravert when it comes to asking for a spot ;)
Yeah i mean that place is always empty and there is never a bro around to ask for a spot.........:p:D
You know theres plenty of peolpe about to ask dude and all of them will help, and 95% of them will listen if you tell them how you wanted to be spotted tenderly with a hand on the small of your back. Stop being a social intravert when it comes to asking for a spot ;)

Aye, just ask.

When I was at the gym I asked and got asked to spot/help load weights etc.

Going to be hard to improve chest without a spotter due to fear as mentioned. Without the fear of not being able to lift it off your chest you then remove the 'what-if' factor.
Saw Mr.Pat da physio tonight. Decided to focus on my shoulder.


Tight bicep
Tight infraspinatus
Tight teres minor
Tight lats

Solution? Graston everything. This was, interesting....

Red as a lobster irl. Pain face pb.
Tuesday 8th April: Legs
  • Squats: 70kg x 5, 75kg x 5, 5, 5, 5.
  • Front Squat: 30 x 5, 40 x 5, 50 x 5, 5, 5.
  • RDL (DB's): 30's x 10, 10, 10.
  • Hack Squat: 47.5kg x 5, 67.5kg x 5, 6, 6, 6, 6.

Woke up slightly late, both rack in use...Awesome. Because of that, rushed everything.

Had to use DB's for the RDL's as all the bars where in use...Yes, all five.

Ooh! I had to use some right old skinny bar also for squats, horrible, absolutely horrible.
Bro shame your finding it tough to get up in the mornings, one of the reasons I changed to afternoons again.

Curious though how you go from Front squats to RDL's but dont keep using the bar! #tonicejeff
(thats right i hashtagged :()
Basically as you said #tonicejeff

I usually do Hack Squat then RDL's but some kermit jumped on the hack squat so I made do. just slowed down the movement and it worked well enough with the shorter rests.

It is annoying....I struggle mostly on Thursdays to be honest as I'm usually out reasonably late Wednesday nights. If I worked in MK I might change over to afternoon training, however unless that happens I'll either have to just get to bed earlier (which I hate) or just make do and stop moaning when someone else uses the rack :D Doesn't help there are a few new people who have started that actually squat.....

EDIT: in essence when my alarm goes off at 5:50am I need to wake up rather than snooze it! :D
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Thursday 10th April: Shoulders and snatchy
  • PP:
    -47.5kg x 4, 3(Fail 4th) - Rep PB's!
    -45kg x 6
    -40kg x 6, 5.
  • OHP: 30kg x 6, 25kg x 8, bar x 10.
  • OH. Squat: Bar x 2 (neck twang =/), 3 (terrible), 5, 5 - Better!
  • Snatch stuff: some x some

Aw yeah, rep PB on PP, stupidly happy with that.
Dropped the weight down as form started to go and it probably ended up looking like a weird inverted PP-Reverse Good morning-backwards deadlift thing.....

OHP: killed me as usual afterwards, the good news is my shoulder doesn't appear to hurt on the initial press phase of the lift with these, it's just fatigue murdering me.

OH.Squat: Lawd, no idea what happened after rep two but had a massive twang on my left trap which went right up in to my head...Tasty. The last two 5 sets looked much better.

Snatch stuff, meh, same old just trying to ingrain the pattern a bit and not wack the bar so much. I have no bruises so I guess that's happening!

OH-Squat and snatch playtime
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Bro, how can you be so tight in those areas?

Will show you some joocey stretches whenever we do some snatch work.

Gonna stretch you real good boy...:eek:
Tight in what areas?

Edit: Oh you mean bicep/terest minor etc?

Because when I jaffed my shoulder everything else froze to keep it from snapping further (my A/C joint was bruised, so I'm guessing if they didn't twang like they did it would be separated :p) So because of that, everything is tight on that side.
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Get pulling with your elbows vertical, dude. :)

For some OH squat prep, try some Sots pressing: go down into a back squat position bit with a snatch grip on the bar. Descend into the hole and once there, press the bar up. :)
I don't understand elbow vertical, do you mean pull 'up' or pull 'back' or do you mean pull so your forearms are down? If the latter I can't do that. And being honest on a couple of the reps my shoulder felt like it wanted to crunch like crunchy nut corn flakes.

Benny mentioned sots pressing, I can barely push the bar up in to that position when in a standing position....heh
Start with Klovov Presses with an empty bar then, as it's effectively the same, just standing. Then progress in to Sots presses.

When MrThingy says pull with the elbows vertical, think forearms. Almost like a snatch grip upright row. You want your elbow to be stacked/inline with your wrist. So the bar is being pulled directly & vertically up and not backwards/diagonally.
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