Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Friday 11th April: Back
  • Deads: 125kg x 5, 5, 5. 120kg x 5.
  • Chins: 5, 4+1neg, 2+3neg
    -S/S with-
  • Bors: 55kg x 12, 12. 50kg x 12.
  • Seated Cable row: 45kg x 12, 12, 12.
    -S/S with-
  • Lat pulldown: 34.3kg x 12, 12, 12.

Things felt good today, I think....Couple of odd deadlift pulls, need to stop hyper extending (I did on some reps), other than that I need to tinker with a few things as some reps fly up easily others feel a lot heavier.

Chins/Bors S/S horrible as usual. Cable row and lat pulldown, tasty.

Finished with some stretching.
Yeah but I think what he's emphasising at the end is that the bar is pulled in to the hips with the lats, rather than thrusting the hips forward soley. They meet in the middle.
Yeah but I think what he's emphasising at the end is that the bar is pulled in to the hips with the lats, rather than thrusting the hips forward soley. They meet in the middle.

Pretty much.

The 'sweet spot' for these lifts is tiny: effectively around 3/4 inches of thigh. And all though the first and most of the second pull, the lats have to keep the bar back as far as possible.

The point with the 'position 1' concept is to get a lifter used to that final 'stable position before the hips explode, with the bar sitting tight in the hip pocket, as such. Block lifts and hang lifts are all meant to get the lifter used to moving around specific positions, and the lats are crucial to all of them.

The cue for 'hips through the bar' is to get the lifter used to driving from the hips, glutes and hamstrings rather than the quads alone, which is what the cue for 'jump' occasionally does (how many people have you seen that jump with their heels nailed to the ground?)... So always make sure the bar is held close and you can get to (and start from) position 1 without any thought.
Of course they do, because it's difficult. :)

To be fair, the Russian method doesn't preclude heel rise, but if you let it in from an early stage it is much easier to develop bad habits. Which is why I am telling you not to. ;)

What you probably will notice is that all of them (assuming they weren't rubbish) have their hips fully extended.

Check out the snatch master, Somnambulist's (and my) man-crush...

Heel rise? Tiny. Hips fully extended? Either before or very soon after the heels budge.

World record... Why not? :D
Tasty. Point to note, I'm not doubting your coaching/pointers I was merely saying what I've seen quite a lite, to be honesty he does it as well, I guess I'm being exceedingly picky and the 'heels down' queue is more mental so you don't just jump from your toes and use your quads so much.

Awesome video though :D
Monday 14th April: Chest
  • No bench or rack free....fuarrr. Warmed up with DB's
  • BB Bench: 57.5kg x 8, 8, 8 (rep/set PB!)
  • Flat DB Bench: 20's x 8. 22's x 8, 8.
  • 20's x 10, 8, 8.
  • V-Push Down: 18kg x 12, 12, 12. 14kg x 14, 14, 14.

Finished with stretching, pec wall stretch, band pec stretch, back crack using crucifix method.

Also: Woop! Rep/Set PB for bench, so pleased with that. Some of the reps where so fluid, need to try and get that every time. Awesome.

The rest, shoulder felt good, again, incline appears to aggravate it on occasion. Need to smash my lats this evening as that's one of the thing's pulling my shoulder in to bad positions.
Tuesday 15th April: Legs
  • Squats: 80kg x 5, 5, 75kg x 5, 5, 5.
  • Front Squat: 40kg x 5,5,5,5,5.
  • RDL - Snatch grip: 40kg x 8, 50kg x 8, 60kg x 8.

Some kermit woke me up at 3am by phoning me and that disturbed my sleep somewhat so I missed my alarm. As such, shorter rests than usual on the front squats and rdl's.

Hips are destroyed for some reason.
Thursday 17th April: Shoulders + Snatchy
OHP: Bar x 8, 8. 30kg x 6
PP: 35kg x 6, 40kg x 1
- 47.5kg x 6, 3.
- 45kg x 4+1
- 40kg x 7, 5.
OHP: 30kg x 7, 25kg x 8, 8.
O.H.Squat: Bar x 5, 5, 4.
Snatch stuff: 3 x many

Hnnnnnnnnnnnnng more reps on PP, so er, PP rep PB again! Managed to fluff the first rep somewhere which put me off for the rest of the set...nevermind. Still find it hard to get under the bar at the heavier weight, which I presume is merely down to lack of strength at one point.

O.H.Squat, these felt a lot nicer today, after the first set anyway.

Snatch stuff, first set terrible, second set notbad.jpeg? Third set, not sure if I went back to set ones standards or not :D
Congratulations on the respective PBs... :)

Regarding the other stuff...

PP: Keep your chest down and get your head through quicker.
OH Squat: try and rotate your elbows (and shoulders) to face behind you, and keep your shoulders pinned in your traps and lats by imagining you're bending the two ends of the bar down and forward.
Snatch stuff: second set was better, but you really need to work on getting those hips right through the bar (i.e. getting full extension). I can also see you're not pulling vertically, but I think you know this. :)

Good work. Keep going. :)
Ta on PB congrats!

PP: Yeah, as said, I can't do it on the heavier stuff :(
OH Squat: So er, externally rotate? As such? So my actual elbow point is backwards? They felt better and a bit more stable today.
Snatchy: Yeah, first was terrible. I thought I pulled a few of them well-ish at least. I'm finding it hard to get my hips through the bar on these (if you watch the setup on OH Squat I go through more I think?)

Will continue as always. :)
No. Internally rotate them. ;)

You're not going for fully internally rotated, but to prevent your shoulders EXTERNALLY rotating. To be fair, it seems the fashion for the big snatchers at the moment seems to be to REALLY internally rotate with shrugged up shoulders and everything.

You have to think backwards once your arms go over your head.
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