Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

I think from memory I externally rotate, so that my palms would be facing each other above my head with my elbows backwards...just to throw a spanner in the works.
I think from memory I externally rotate, so that my palms would be facing each other above my head with my elbows backwards...just to throw a spanner in the works.

Ultimately, it is what works best for the lifter: if somebody externally rotates and can stabilise 187kg at 85kg or 176kg at 77kg, nobody will care too much.

However, when the bar is waving around a long way behind the head, it isn't stable and will prevent holding a decent load. The reason this sort of lifting takes a while to get used to is because it relies on the mechanical strength of the joint rather than the muscle... Use it to work for you. :)

The typical cue is 'elbows pointing down the bar,' but the other coach I have had suggested rotation forward at the shoulder (internal) to 'hide the armpit'... Whatever works, at the end of the day.
Friday 18th April: Back
Deads: bar x some x 2, 70 x 5, 90 x 5, 110 x 5
125kg x 5
130kg x 5
125kg x 5
110kg x 5

Chins: 5, 4+1neg, 3+2neg
-s/s with-
Bors @: 60kg x 12, 8. 55kg x 10

Cable row: 47.3kg x 12, 12, 12
-s/s with-
Lat pulldown: 39kg x 12, 12, 12

Stretching to finish off.

All felt nice, deads all doh grip which was hnnnng turns out my old chalk balls are crap so used a new one, much better

First set of rows felt glorious, then everything else got heavy :p Same with chins first set was great, I just plateau so quickly.
Monday 21st April: Chest
  • Bench: 60kg x 6, 6, 6. 57.5kg x 6.
  • DB Bench: 22's x 8, 8, 8.
  • Inc. DB Bench: 22's x 8. 20's x 8, 8.
  • V-Push down (20-30s rest) 23kg x 12, 12. 18kg x 12, 12. 14kg x 12, 12.

Finished with:
  • Pec wall stretch
  • Pec banded stretch
  • Psoas-eque stretch
  • Banded hip opener thing
  • Shoulder/Lat banded stretch


Bench press: Rep + Set PB! :D Awesome
DB Bench: 22's felt tasty
Incline: Pure fatigue here, heh.

Loved this session, pleased to be repping 60kg for multiple sets, just need to keep an eye on how the shoulder is going.
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Fine, bunch of tards, do not mire my set PB, see if I care.

Tuesday 22nd April: Legs
  • Squats: 5 x 3 x 80kg
  • Front squats: 5 x 5 x 50kg
  • Hack Squat: 47.6kg x 6, 67.6kh x 6, 72.6kg x 6, 6.
  • Snatch grip RDL: 40kg x 6, 50kg x 6, 60kg x 8, 70kg x 8.

Adjusted on some of the sets, need to remember to lead with the knees (particularly on front squats) as these felt much better.
Will try at the end of this blockage mate ;) Current 1RM is only 50kg I think anyway...heh

Back squats feel alrite, they literally do feel like a chore though, I don;t think I'm doing the best bar path and setup for my dimensions, something I need to play with
thursday 24th April: Shoulders
  • PP: 50kg x 3, 47.5kg x 4, 4, 45kg x 5, 3.
  • OHP: 30kg x 8, 6, 25kg x 8.
  • O.H Squat: bar x 5, 5, 5.
  • Snatchy work: bar x whatevs

Kin laaaaal. Push press, repped my 1RM :) So yeah, 50kg isn't my 1RM.

OH.Squats, these felt better after some tweaking with shoulder positioning, hopefully they're better from a 'safe' point of view.

Snatchy, tee hee, wait till the last thing I try....FAIL.

Trained in the evening which was different, so I was a bit gassed this morning.

friday 25th April: Back
  • Deads: 130kg x 3, 3, 3. 110kg x 5.
  • Chins: 5, 5, 4+2 negs
  • BORs @ 60kg x 12, 12, 12.
  • Cable row: 52kg x 12, 12, 12.
    -S/S with-
  • Lat pull: 41.3kg x 12, 12, 12.

Deadlifts: These felt lovely today :)

Chins: good, decided to not superset them with the BORs and they felt nicer.

BORs: as above, no super setting and I actually managed a better weight.

Rows and Lat pulls: just tasty, followed by a nice conversation with someone about how we think everyone is a Tuesday who just comes along and takes the equipment when your using it.
Most definitely, they felt worse last week than this week despite them being heavier this week? :D

Not unusual from my personal experience: because a weight is 'light', my body can cope with lifting it 'badly' (i.e. limited glutes/hammies/whatever).

Same with Olympic lifting: my technique only seems to sharpen up at above 80% as my brain seems to realise that it will get squashed if it doesn't...

Idiot brain.
Monday 28th April: Chest
  • Bench:
    -60kg x 6
    -65kg x 6, 6.
    -60kg x 6.
  • DB Bench:
    -24's x 8.
    -22's x 8, 8.
  • Inc. DB Bench:
    -22's x Fail setup, Fail setup.... 6 - Nope ,shoulder.
    -18's x 8
    Stopped here, shoulder was being a pain :(
    Did some flossing on the bicep insertions to my shoulder, seemed to help.
  • V-Push down:
    -23kg x 12, 12, 12.
    -18kg x 12, 12, 12.

-Pec wall stretch, pec band stretch, static psoas, some lat stretching.

Good session really all in all, it's a shame my shoulder tweaked a bit, it's been accumulating over the last week or two :( Will see what I can do with it tonight.

Either way, bench rep/set PB again :) 5KG off of my current tested 1RM.
Tuesday 29th April: Legs
  • Squats: 80kg x 3, 82.5kg x 3, 3, 3, 3.
  • Front Squat: 55kg x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
  • Snatch RDL: 50kg x 5, 60kg x 8, 70kg x 6, 70kg x 8, 70kg x 6.

Noice. Tasty session, squat felt good just need to keep everything tight and remember a few things.

Front squats, not bad, moar upright plz.

Snatch RDL's, it's my grip failing me, will have to do what I can then use straps I think.

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