Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Cheers mrthingy :) I didn't realise personally as I've not compared, but it's good to know. I'll upload the 135kg later for you to look at if you can?

Thanks Deception, yeah they seem to be going well, really pleased.

No worries, sir, although I suspect you'll be in for it tomorrow! :D
Friday 14th December: Shoulders and core
  • Mobility
  • BB OHP: 10xbar, 4x25kg, 2x30kg. 10x30kg, 2x8x35kg. Dropset: 20xbar
  • Arnold press: 3x8x12.5's
  • Front raises: 3x15x10's
  • Side raises: 3x20x7.5's - About as nice looking as a seal having a fit
  • Single arm side raises: 5kgx20 (each side)
  • DB face pull: 3x20x15kg
  • Body saw: 18, 15 (dead), 15 (more dead)
  • Beached Whale flags: 3, 3, 3.
  • Goblet squat +5kg plate with pulse: 3x10

Well, my cores dead, my shoulders are worked and I'll no doubt pay for it tomorrow with megadoms.

The side raises were just lol, not even straight armed but quite frankly I was working my shoulders.

Atleast it's the weekend and I can rest..........
Something along those lines. I already have epic doms. My shoulders feel like they're going to fall off. And I'm no doubt going to have a barbell on the floor tomorrow with my damn arms still attached to it while my body is standing up!
Even the bad reps in that set are still good!

You can handle two deadlift sessions in a week, right brah? ;)

I'm doing paused deads tomorrow, so there will be a bar on the platform anyway.
Well, as with syla5, lie, steedie, dom and ice, we had our mini meet today. To say it was awesome is an understatement! Loved the training, loved the chats, so nice to train alongside peope with the same mindset.

I dont have specifics with my lifts today, but i manged a new pb on squats today @ 110kg which im pleased bout, if my hips/glutes didnt feel so gash i migt have squeezed out a couple more.

Deadlifts, i was pretty tired from thursdays session, let alone after squats today, warmed up with 60kg, faffed around for ages and worked up to 120. Hit my pb from thursday which was 140, decided to go to 145kg after some egging on, then hit 150kg afterwards which im SO happy about, considering i was farting around with 80kg around feb earlier in the year im over the moon. :)

Thanks guys, loved today :cool:
Here are the two lifts from yesterday:

Posted by steedie in the ratz thread:
Delvis 110kg Squat

Delvis 150kg dead, EASY

Overall pleased, butt needs to be a bit lower, but its easily rectified.

Things to work on squat wise is to get in to the hole quicker, i seem to faff around an inch or two above it and just make everything really slow on the way up.

Deadlifts wise, hips down chest up, keep everything tight, screw my feet in (as with squats) and have about 95% of the weight ready to shift before going for it.
Monday 17th December: Legs
Well, after the weekend of squatting I wasn't sure what to expect, so here goes:
  • Mobility
  • Squats: 5xbar(along side some good morning-esque squats), 4x60kg (these felt good), 2x80kg, 5x100kg (felt hard this week, rep 5 struggle a touch)
  • Squats WS: 5x5x70kg - More weight needed
  • RDL's: 3x8x80kg
  • Leg extensions: 12x20kg, 12x40kg, 12x60kg, 12x80kg, 12+8x60kg, 20+12x40kg, 30 or 40 x 20kg (lost count completely)
  • Single leg calve raise: 20kg: 20, 20, 15.
  • BW calve raises (supersets above) 20, 20, 19.

Added in the leg extensions as my quads just did not feel worked after squats, after that they felt like exploding though.

My left elbow had a weird pain during squats, along with RDL's, no idea why, possibly just over worked due to deadlifts thursday, squats and deads saturday, and today? Who knows.

All in all pleased with the squats, working weight needs to be a bit more, the 80kg felt slow today let alone the 100kg, so not sure what happened there.
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With the drop set on the squat, really focus on your knee position and foot screwing. If they aren't fast, and I mean really fast, don't increase the weight.
With the drop set on the squat, really focus on your knee position and foot screwing. If they aren't fast, and I mean really fast, don't increase the weight.

On the 5x5 set you mean? It just didn't feel like I worked my quads at all hence the leg extensions. There was a couple of slow reps but nothing painfully slow.

I'll try and upload the first set later.
Well, left elbow feels gash, not sure whats going on. Lower back/whatever the hell it is has felt pretty gash most of today.

Ah well, chest soon, may play with a set of flat bench with the bar and work it up gradually.

@ice: Here is the 75kg set (1st set of 5) and the 100kg before it just for funsies.
Tuesday 18th December: Chest
  • Mobility
  • Flat BB bench (testing): 10xbar, 25kgx10+10*, 30kgx10+10
  • DB Bench: 25'sx8 (these hurt my shoulder) 20's: 10, 10, 10 (much better)
  • Incline BB bench: 30kgx8, 40kgx8, 45kgx8, 50kgx8 (left elbow started to hurt here)
  • Dips @ BW: 8 - Stopped here, eblow was flaring up and really didn't want to knacker it even more

* widened my grip more on the 25kg flat BB set, felt much nicer, I'll try post the vid up if I can, my grip was stupidly wide and probably half the reason I have issues.

The 25's on the flat DB bench just hurt, it seems I must have been doing them like a complete twonk because when trying to follow the proper path (as with BB bench) they just didn't work. Dropped them down to 20's and it all felt much nicer.

In general my shoulder feels good, but my chest didn't feel that worked, not sure what to make of it. Read up on how to bench properly and the line to take to my chest, hand positioning the lot, seems to have paid off.

Left elbow has been hurting all day, it will get some rest today and hopefully be okay for Thursdays shoulder session.
Those lighter reps are so you can learn to move the weight quickly, which isn't going to happen if you make it heavier too soon ;)

Stretch your adductors, get your knees out and make those reps perfect.
Those lighter reps are so you can learn to move the weight quickly, which isn't going to happen if you make it heavier too soon ;)

Stretch your adductors, get your knees out and make those reps perfect.

I'm being slow this morning, you are referring to the 5x5 set yes? :) I'll up the weight slowly, as that 70kg set felt good, the later sets I powered through more

Will look at stretching my adductor (might do that already without knowing) and concentrate on knees out as usual.

EDIT: something like this for the adductors?
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Sorry, I meant this for the adductor:

Any good?

Thursday 20th December: Shoulders and core
  • Mobility
  • BB OHP: 10xbar, 6x30kg, 2x6x40kg, 2x8x35kg.
  • Arnold press: 3x10x12.5's - pleased with these
  • Front raises: 3x15x7.5's - nice and controlled
  • Side raises: 5's: 8, 10, 10 - full rom, shoulder didn't really like these, also controlled.
  • DB face pull: 4x10x15's
  • Body saw: 15, 11, 14. - lower back was feeling odd here
  • Pallof press with band: 3x10

I HATE my shoulders with a passion, they're pathetic and really put me down sometimes. Even so, I'm pleased the 12.5's shifted, and the 40kg on OHP for two sets, just got to keep hammering them. I dropped the weights on the front and side raises as 1.) I wasn't swinging the weight around and 2.) I was controlling the weight up and down.

Ah well, deadlifts tomorrow, hopefully no ones in the office tomorrow below me!
Steedie mentioned the shoulder workout didn't seem half bad, so I don't feel like a weak ***** so much now.

Anyway, final workout before Christmas, could have gone better, could have gone worse:

Friday 21st December: Back
  • Mobility
  • Deadlifts: WU: 6x60kg, 4x80kg, 1x110kg, 1x120kg.
  • Deadlifts: WS: 140kg: Fail, fail, (mixed grip now) 2, 2. 130kg: 3, 3, 4.
  • BOR: 60kgx10, 65kgx10. 70kgx10, 60kgx12
  • Reverse grip BOR: 60kg: 10, 10, 12.
  • SAR: 40kg: 8, 10, 10.

HAH! 140kg deadlifts felt like a lead weight today (not used to training at 10am?) double overhand just wasn't working (I have a vid showing it) so switched to mixed and did 2. Dropped to 130kg to move some weight properly, form could have been better.

BOR's felt good, lots of pinching. SAR's got me some nice pump going, even if there was some body english going on, my left hand however is certainly a weak link.

Well, that's it until the other side of Christmas now, intend on doing stretching next week, possibly some BW stuff but I doubt it. Will post the deadlift videos later if I get a chance.
I'm being slow this morning, you are referring to the 5x5 set yes? :) I'll up the weight slowly, as that 70kg set felt good, the later sets I powered through more

Will look at stretching my adductor (might do that already without knowing) and concentrate on knees out as usual.

EDIT: something like this for the adductors?
Nope, those reps are FAR too slow, even if they moved better later on.

Taking your % of max (75kg is around 68% of your max), you should be much more explosive. If you're interested, I'll probably film my 140kg (~65% of my max) on my mock meet day.

Trust me brah, do the work where it's needed :)

That adductor stretching is ok, but there are other options too. Play around and see what works best.
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