Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Thanks. So stick to 70kg again after time off, but still do some heavy sets prior? Or would you go heavier afterwards?

Cheers ice, the helps much appreciated
Hi all

After some thoughts for training next year, probably going to try something strength orientated. My deads and squat are kind of following that pattern anyway so may smash the compounds for strength then assistance for size...

Any thoughts?
My thoughts on this would be do what's going to make you feel happy without putting yourself in a position where you might fear hurting yourself again.

I think ice has mentioned before that your lifts are technically good now, but slow, so maybe work on brining more power in to your lifts before focusing on strength truly, speed is important.
Well, its been a good year 2012 for my training, and its my first full year of training since starting out. I have learned many things, sustained injuries and made many friends, all of which I thank for their support this year, people mock me for using a forum sometimes, but without it I doubt I would be where I am now.

Ive seen some awesome strength gains, along with numbers on my squats and deadlifts I never really even thought about.

On a more personal note, here is some progress pics for this year, hopefully others will be happy with the changes that are shown, because I am and for the first time in my life i'm happy with how I look :)

February 2012:

October 2012:

2013 will be a good year, im hoping to join a gym with access to more equipment, which should help me on my way towards more aesthetic and strength gains.

Have a good evening all :cool:
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Delvis, your posing....your ******* posing :D

I'm seriously going to have to sort that out at the meet

Other than that, you look pretty damn good in your front double bi, well done mate, the hard work has paid off
I know its terrible :D it does the job for progress showing currently.

Cheers mate, the help over the year has been appreciated :)
To be fair, your front double bi and back double bi aren't far off. But your side....something, :D we'll fix it though brah, don't worry
4 months? Ya weirdo :p

Not taken much in December, the october pics had similar positions. Here is the december album:

And a pic:
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sexy :D

you done pretty well leaning out this year..last year even, and strength improoved also :). Just go for more mass now trying to keep same BF.
Well, back to training since before XMas, I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow :D

Thursday 3rd January 2012: Legs @ kiss gym
  • Mobility:
  • Squats: Barx10 (with some good morning squats), 5x40kg, 5x60kg, 2x80kg, 2x100kg (HAH, only just came up)
  • Squats WS: 5x5x65kg - Needs more explosivness
  • RDL: 3x8x70kg
  • Goblet Squats: 3x10x30kg
  • Legs extension: 25kgx10, 32x10, 39x10, 45x10, 52z10, 59x10, 66x10, 73x10, 79x10, 59x10.
  • Calve press: 3x10x45kg (never used these before, pretty good)
  • Seated leg curl: 25kgx10, 32x10, 39x10, 45x10, 52x10, 54.3x10, 39x10.

Seeing as my school gym is closed, I thought I'd give the local Kiss gym a whirl, all in all it's not bad. Various benches around, 3 squat racks, 2 smiths (urgh), big ol leg press thing, along with some bizarre bench press machines and resitance machines, shame, if they stuck a dedicated bench press in there I'd probably join up.

Not a bad 1st session this year, squats have dropped, 100kg felt like death, 65kg needs to be more explosive.

Debating whether to do Chest tomorrow as there won't be anyone there or Chest on Saturday, as I'd like to make sure I can deadlift with no noobs in the way.
Friday 4th January - Chest and Triceps
  • Mobility
  • Barbell Bench press: 10xBar, 10x30kg, 10x40kg. WS: 3x5x50kg
  • Incline DB Bench: 3x8x20's
  • Calbe Fly: 18kg each side: 3x10. 9kg each side: 16.
  • Assisted dips (41kg): 3x10.
  • Pec Fly Machine: 10x27kg, 3x10x24.1kg (+2 fi8nal set)
  • Tricep rope pulldown: 3x20x14kg, 1x20x9kg.

Loved today, bench press felt good, shoulder felt happy, I also love using cables for my chest they just remove the whole shoulder issue entirely.

Doing bench press in the squat however felt dirty but it's all they have, it is also extremely difficult for some reason, the catches are just in the wrong place for it, so you either need to really push the bar up over the catch or basically bench it out of the below catch.

My triceps were also on fire :D Showering was amusing. Deadlifts tomorrow, intending to get there a little bit earlier to beat the Saturday rush.

Also checked out the Pure gym again for a more in depth walk around, the PT was a bit of an eejit, practically insulted the other guys and his wife I was walking around with and decided to tell me I shouldn't stay in the freeweights area and I need to do some of the classes they provide to keep my CV fitness up. Lovely chap.

Oh, and it's not a bodybuilding gym :D
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