Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Good to see you back on the BB bench broseph.

However, see nothing wrong with suggesting classes etc, CV should not be overlooked for just weight training (WARNING MASSIVE HYPOCRIT ALERT!!!) :) And he's just trying to raise the profile of the classes a bit. Besides, there might be some totty in there, nomsayin'?
Cheers mate :) Feels okay at the moment, just need to be clever about it really.

Oh I know, it was more just the way he was about it all, as I know about CV fitness and stuff and I intend on adding some in :) He actually apologised at the end of it for the way he worded everything.

Quite excited actually :D
Saturday 5th January: Back and Shoulders
  • Mobility, some RDL's done with the bar
  • Deadlifts: 8x60kg, 4x80kg, 1x100kg, 1x110kg.
  • Deadlifts WS: 4x3x130kg (4th set mixed grip) Very nice, felt amazing.
  • BOR: 6x60kg, 6x70kg, 75kg: 6, 6.
  • SAR: 20kg: 8. 24kg: 8, 8. Realy controlled and slow negs.
  • Lat pull down: 3x12x39kg. LOVE these, no idea why. Nice and controlled.
  • Seated row: 3x10x51.2kg
  • BB OHP: 10xbar, 5x40kg. 5x5x30kg.
  • Arnold press: 3x8x12kg (ph)
  • Cable front raise: 4.5kg: 12, 14, 14. Slow and controlled.
  • Cable side raise: 3x12x4.5kg.
  • Cable face pull: 12x18kg. 16x23kg. 20x27kg.

Lonnnnng workout today, but I've only had the last three days to do my usual four days worth in so I'm pretty shattered and all kinds of tight everywhere now.

Deadlifts were brilliant, doh grip for the first 3 sets on the WS, then mixed for the final set, everything felt tidy. My whole back felt amazing at the end of it, I really can not wait to get in to the new gym and take advantage of the cable tower, it's going to be all kinds of epicness. :cool:

Shoulders feel good, right one seems to feel fatigue and build up lactic acid a lot quicker than the left but that's to be expected.
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That's a lot of work, nice!

Video of next squat session pls?

Loved it though :cool: Wish I could do it all the time really!

Should be able to get my squat, I'm in the school gym next week so should be easy. Squats this weak felt pretty poor (first session back since before XMas) in terms of explosiveness and that was 65kg...Should I stick to 65kg for 5x5 again or up to 70kg as per before Christmas?
Go light until it's fast. I'd imagine that the difference between 60 and 70kg isn't going to be huge in terms of stimulus, so start lower and increase when you smash it.

Btw it won't hurt you to do some more heavier sets if you feel like it.
Go light until it's fast. I'd imagine that the difference between 60 and 70kg isn't going to be huge in terms of stimulus, so start lower and increase when you smash it.

Btw it won't hurt you to do some more heavier sets if you feel like it.

Yeah I tend to work up to 100kg and do what I can on that for one set just to get something heavy.
Will be able to use the new gym I've signed up to in under two weeks :cool: Just need to work out training times, it's either morning or late in the evening after dinner.
Monday 7th January: Legs
TODAY. IS NATIONAL BENCH PRESS DAY. So I decide to squat, in a gym with no bench press..FOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • Squats: 10xbar, 5x60kg, 3x80kg, 5/6x100kg (lost count, felt dizzy for some reason)
  • Squats WS: 5x5x65kg
  • Front Squats: 5x40kg, 5x45kg, 2x5x50kg.
  • RDL: 4x8x75kg - 1st rep deadlifted from the ground, grip was knackered by the 4th set.
  • Calve press: 25kgx12, 52kgx20, 16. 45kgx16, 32kgx16.

Squats last Thursday, Deadlifts Saturday, Squats today, CAN NOT WALK. Feels amazing though.

Squats felt good, the 100kg in hindsight were pretty ace in fairness, although I was rather annoyed at them. Sorry ice, the place was so packed I didn't get a video :(

Pleased with the RDL's, grip definitely needs work but it held out on the 4th set. Not done front squats in an age, quads are blown up now.
Nice work man, looks like a solid session!

Cheers mate, felt good, I would have preferred to do more probably, but i'm going to have to get used to training in under two hours soon enough if I'm going to be training in the morning. Doing 5x5 for sets seems to take longer as well.

Glad you went in the end!


Although when I walked in and saw how busy it was, I did say: "STEEDIE, yoooooooooou son of a *****". :D
Tuesday 8th January: Chest and Tri's
  • Mobility
  • Barbell bench: 10xbar, 10x30kg, 6x45kg. WS: 5x5x55kg
  • Incline DB bench: 5x20's. 4x6x20's.
  • DB flyes: 3x12x7.5's
  • Dips (unassisted): 3x10 @ BW
  • French press (seated): 5x15kg, 5x20kg, 5x25kg.

Pleased with the barbell bench, oddly, both of my shoulders felt a touch odd, nothing serious though. Incline DB bench was weird, I've come to the conclusion I hate the DB's there now, as 20kg DB's are 20kg + some extra weight, doing 20's last week at Kiss was much easier, the sooner I get to Pure the better.

DB flyes felt pretty solid, no pain there. Dips felt awesome, depth felt okay, still got to work on it though.

French press oddly enough started to hurt my left elbow, no idea why, or whats caused it, but I'll play it by ear and see how it goes.

Pleased all in all, nice total weight shifted. I really CANNOT wait to do some cable work on my chest.
My TP has the same issue with seated (and lying) french press but not with incline. I cant explain why because mechanically it makes no sense, but doing them incline doesn't bother his elbow.
Nice work on the bench! Its good to see that whatever you have been doing to fix them has been working :)

Cheers dom. Things seem to be okay, just narrowed my grip a bit and kept the elbow in more a touch and tried to concentrate on following a J line if that makes sense? Will have to play it by ear with regards to my shoulder :)

My TP has the same issue with seated (and lying) french press but not with incline. I cant explain why because mechanically it makes no sense, but doing them incline doesn't bother his elbow.

How odd...Previously I've had no issue with them, seated or standing so no idea what was going on, probably brought on by the dips or something.

Thank you though, I will give it a go next time :) I'm changing gyms soon so I'll be able to take advantage of some cable work soon rather than french pressing.
Meh, shoulder seems to be clicking oddly when moving it around, no major movements just general usage, will keep an eye on it.
Just make sure you do a lot of soft tissue on your pecs, rear delt and teres, also hammer stretching your lats and triceps. That should help to reduce any unnecessary stresses in your shoulder.

Could you get a video of your benching? Trying to do a J movement (if its how I think you are doing it) may not be the best idea for someone with dicky shoulders.
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