Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Yes, but he doesn't know you.

You need a kick up the ****.

If you're not a bloody sweaty mess by the end of the session you're doing it wrong.

You will need to make sure that if you don't do BBB that you hit the other exercises as hard since you will not be tired or worn out from doing the simple lifts.

What do you think I do now? Do my working set on squats then do fairy weights on everything else? :p

I was either going to continue doing 5x5 on subsidary exercises or 3x8-10.
I'm not sure if Delvis would agree with me on this, but I think he wants to get stronger and he wants to stay healthy, whilst improving any problems that still remain. Neither stronglifts nor 5/3/1 will allow him to do this.

Delvis, another question for you. Are your main goals, at the moment, directed toward strength or size?

1st: Yep. I wasn't initially intending on doing BBB, I was going to try and do some more specific alternate exercises, so single leg work etc.

2nd: Strength primarily, at least for a fair whack of this year.

I'm all ears if you have other ideas floating around. Naturally, if I find this program to be causing me problems, I won't carry on.

In a word. Yes. :p

I disagree. I've always either increased weight or reps each week on my alternative exercises after my main lifts.
I understand your frustration with the situation however I kind of disagree.

Firstly, the routine that Delvis was doing had a stronglifts type progression already built in but it was a lot more sensible allowing for him to make sure he wasn't snapping his **** up. He has been making a very steady progress since being on it on all of his lifts while making improvements on dysfunction that affect him in his daily life.

My main confusion arises with the fact that he wants a new program at all at the moment. Delvis, if you fancy a change then it makes sense to have one but I don't think you need to do either of those programs.

Stronglifts is unnecessary for him if he continues with a routine based similarly on the one he has at the moment and it would actually be less affective.

5/3/1 is also not ideal for the reasons that Syla5 said previously. You end up working too close to maximum for someone who still has problems that could lead to injury if not treated correctly. There is nothing about 5/3/1 that would account for this and therefore the problems would most likely get worse. Freefaller has been using 5/3/1 very affectively and is making some really fantastic progress but he hasn't just jumped into the routine he has adjusted his weights so as to not over stress himself. He also has a fantastic program of assistance work that supports his main routine well and works to prevent any problems arising. Unfortunately Delvis doesn't have the experience necessary to adapt the routine for himself in the way and also does not have access to the awesome equipment FF does. Also BBB is absolutely useless. It does nothing but tire you out. Do not do BBB. The only good thing is the volume which can be implemented in a much more sensible way with much greater benefits.

I'm not sure if Delvis would agree with me on this, but I think he wants to get stronger and he wants to stay healthy, whilst improving any problems that still remain. Neither stronglifts nor 5/3/1 will allow him to do this.

Delvis, another question for you. Are your main goals, at the moment, directed toward strength or size?

Good post. :)

The reason I was suggesting at least 1 or 2 reps of BBB is just to get some time under the bar at a decent weight, knowing that he won't have the ability to do subsidiary exercises necessarily at the right level - however your point is spot on, though it does depend on what he wants. He's got a habit of chopping and changing programmes a lot - so he needs to be given strict guidance and a kick up the arse!

I had assumed that he was "free" of his ailments and as such a strenuous 5/3/1 with big progression might help him,. However, I wonder if he's being overly cautious or not applying his training properly, as it seems a little disjointed. He needs to stick the programme and actually push himself - I think he lets himself "fail" too easily.

I'm still a believer of hitting the big compounds with all of your might - then giving a good 80% on the assistance work. And then having a proper deload - where girls laugh at you when they see the weights you're lifting. Too many people don't understand how to do this.

I think Delvis has too short an attention span, or feels he's not making progress quickly enough - but as such it's a catch 22, he doesn't push himself enough but then goes off on another venture half cocked.
Good post. :)

The reason I was suggesting at least 1 or 2 reps of BBB is just to get some time under the bar at a decent weight, knowing that he won't have the ability to do subsidiary exercises necessarily at the right level - however your point is spot on, though it does depend on what he wants. He's got a habit of chopping and changing programmes a lot - so he needs to be given strict guidance and a kick up the arse!

I had assumed that he was "free" of his ailments and as such a strenuous 5/3/1 with big progression might help him,. However, I wonder if he's being overly cautious or not applying his training properly, as it seems a little disjointed. He needs to stick the programme and actually push himself - I think he lets himself "fail" too easily.

I'm still a believer of hitting the big compounds with all of your might - then giving a good 80% on the assistance work. And then having a proper deload - where girls laugh at you when they see the weights you're lifting. Too many people don't understand how to do this.

I think Delvis has too short an attention span, or feels he's not making progress quickly enough - but as such it's a catch 22, he doesn't push himself enough but then goes off on another venture half cocked.

While I agree, my chopping and changing only happened previously and when I first started. All of last year I followed a pretty straight forward hypertrophy routine based on progression of weights or reps.

This side of Christmas however, it's been a little odd, but I've still aimed to increase the weight on the main lifts.
Y PEOPLE NO GET POINT?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! Gah!

It IS slow. Doing Stronglifts, he could be adding 2.5kg to each lift EVERY WEEK!!!! If he lifted like his life was actually dependent on it and ate the right amount of food. Working sets of what, 60 - 70kg squats, 55kg bench press, deadlifts is bizarrely high compared to everything else at about 120kg. But these are NOT the numbers you'd expect a strong lifts routine to stall at.

So progression of 2.5kg weekly should still be attainable on stronglifts imo. Not 5kg monthly :\

I think everyone is forgetting that the recent down turn in weight on Delvis squats is due to working on a different part of the exercise. He's been working on speed/power as that really needed to be focused on. He has still been doing at least 3 heavy sets of squats/deads a week and been increasing the weights, hes just not been putting them in his log as the working sets, which is miss leading.

If you look through the log from page 6 to current, it has only been in the last 2-3 weeks that his top end weights for his heavy sets have actually started to go backwards, hence the deload!

Since around the middle of last year delvis has rebooted his squat and deadlift, his form is really now very good compared to what it was. His speed is improving and his top end numbers have gone up, why is this progress being forgotten?

Progress isnt all about shifting bigger numbers every week. Sometimes some fundemental issues need to be fixed to really help overall progress.

Monkee, lets have a conversation in 3-4 months, one of us will be able to say "i told you so" at least :p
Aimed and achieved? It looks sporadic to me.

I don't mean to come down hard on you - but your work outs, posts and ditzy behaviour is sometimes infuriating - you could achieve so much if you actually just got on with it, and thought about what you did/said. I'm not going to say that you're one of these people that will never achieve anything, because that's not fair, and I don't know you well enough - but looking back over the years you've now been part of the gym rat community unless you are being actively hounded (ie recently by the likes of Dom and Scott) your progress has been somewhat erratic.

I myself have taken a huge step back - however, I'm now getting ever closer to my previous totals.

Patience and hard work and a bit of stubbornness is required, as well as some sacrifices.

Making a note of your 1RMs now:

Squat 100
Deadlift 135
Bench 62.5
OHP 40

If those don't increase by at least 25% by the end of the year you're wasting your time.
Making a note of your 1RMs now:

Squat 100
Deadlift 135
Bench 62.5
OHP 40

If those don't increase by at least 25% by the end of the year you're wasting your time.

He trains in the same gym as me, if i dont see him putting more weight on the bar i can kick his behind for you :). Oh and if he isnt doing an extra 25% by June i wont be happy!!
(hell i dream of doing an extra 25% by june!)
Also BBB is absolutely useless. It does nothing but tire you out. Do not do BBB.
I'm afraid I agree with this 100% based on my experience of BBB last year.

Delvis - 5/3/1 obviously focuses on the compounds, and there's nothing wrong with that, but what you can't afford to do is compromise on form. Strict form is extremely hard to maintain after you've already pushed yourself to the limit during the 5/3/1 phase so expecting to do another 50 reps immediately after is a sure fire way to injure yourself if you don't have the experience, mental strength and stamina to get through it... I didn't :)
Aimed and achieved? It looks sporadic to me.

I don't mean to come down hard on you - but your work outs, posts and ditzy behaviour is sometimes infuriating - you could achieve so much if you actually just got on with it, and thought about what you did/said. I'm not going to say that you're one of these people that will never achieve anything, because that's not fair, and I don't know you well enough - but looking back over the years you've now been part of the gym rat community unless you are being actively hounded (ie recently by the likes of Dom and Scott) your progress has been somewhat erratic.

I myself have taken a huge step back - however, I'm now getting ever closer to my previous totals.

Patience and hard work and a bit of stubbornness is required, as well as some sacrifices.

Making a note of your 1RMs now:

Squat 100
Deadlift 135
Bench 62.5
OHP 40

If those don't increase by at least 25% by the end of the year you're wasting your time.

Just to note, 1RM's are actually:

Squat 110
Deadlift 150
Bench 67.5
OHP unknown - working set 5x5x37.5

They are lower on the first cycle to embed myself in to the program.

Also, I shall give you a brief history like my OP gives you:

2009: I brought my first argos 30kg DB set, and some naff bench, started for a few months, met my GF, practically stopped training and moved out to a new house.

2010: Started up again, same shizzle, DB's and bench, then brought a 50kg BB set. Training started to go well, did some bench pressing, went clay shooting with a shotgun the next day, shoulder broke. That's what caused my shoulder problems, I couldn't lift my arm above my shoulder for well over a week.

2011: We moved to another house, I then started using the naff work gym which is where I started become more active on here again. Training was odd I agree, and there was no proper program other than to try and lift weight.

2012: Got my arse in gear, got a proper program, my diet got sorted out, I went on a cut, progress was made. However in February I did something to my lower back, didn't train for a couple of months. To this day, I have a dull ache in my back even while sitting at this desk.

That said, I completely agree, training has been naff, it's been sporadic, but it's not been because I'm a lazy sod (no not intending to put words in your mouth), it's because I never followed a proper program, I never had the luxury of training with anyone until I went to the gym meet in January last year or when I trained with Syla5 and LiE in summer last year for 4 weeks, I followed random peoples advice and conflicting information over the years.

So by all accounts, every other random would have given up by now and gone in to a world of self pity, but quite frankly I don't want to do that, I want to train and get past my issues and make myself better.

I'm afraid I agree with this 100% based on my experience of BBB last year.

Delvis - 5/3/1 obviously focuses on the compounds, and there's nothing wrong with that, but what you can't afford to do is compromise on form. Strict form is extremely hard to maintain after you've already pushed yourself to the limit during the 5/3/1 phase so expecting to do another 50 reps immediately after is a sure fire way to injure yourself if you don't have the experience, mental strength and stamina to get through it... I didn't :)

Thanks PK, much appreciated :) Taken note
He trains in the same gym as me, if i dont see him putting more weight on the bar i can kick his behind for you :). Oh and if he isnt doing an extra 25% by June i wont be happy!!
(hell i dream of doing an extra 25% by june!)

GOOD! Where it hurts please! ;)

I'm afraid I agree with this 100% based on my experience of BBB last year.

Delvis - 5/3/1 obviously focuses on the compounds, and there's nothing wrong with that, but what you can't afford to do is compromise on form. Strict form is extremely hard to maintain after you've already pushed yourself to the limit during the 5/3/1 phase so expecting to do another 50 reps immediately after is a sure fire way to injure yourself if you don't have the experience, mental strength and stamina to get through it... I didn't :)

Yeah, but doing a couple of dropsets I find are always good fun as I find the volume of the main compounds pretty low, and whilst it is for strength, I still like to add some volume to my work outs. However, for a novice like Delvis I agree probably not so good.

Saying that however, it means that the subsidiary exercises should, absolutely brutalise him, if he's doing it properly. And as such should get the volume right for them.

My recommendations for some subsidiary exercises would be at least 4 sets of 6-8 reps.

Bench day:

Incline DB Press / Alt press
weighted Ring Dips
weighted Dips
Decline weighted press ups

Squat Day:

Walking lunges
Single leg RDLS
Front squats
Goblet squats
Step ups
KB Swings

Deadlift day:

weighted chins
weighted pull ups
DB Rows
T-Bar rows
weighted inverse rows
single arm cable rows

OHP Day:

DB push press
DB Snatches
Cable side raises
Seated DB press
Handstand push ups

Pick a few, and perhaps alternate them cycle by cycle.
I think everyone is forgetting that the recent down turn in weight on Delvis squats is due to working on a different part of the exercise. He's been working on speed/power as that really needed to be focused on. He has still been doing at least 3 heavy sets of squats/deads a week and been increasing the weights, hes just not been putting them in his log as the working sets, which is miss leading.

If you look through the log from page 6 to current, it has only been in the last 2-3 weeks that his top end weights for his heavy sets have actually started to go backwards, hence the deload!

Since around the middle of last year delvis has rebooted his squat and deadlift, his form is really now very good compared to what it was. His speed is improving and his top end numbers have gone up, why is this progress being forgotten?

Progress isnt all about shifting bigger numbers every week. Sometimes some fundemental issues need to be fixed to really help overall progress.

Monkee, lets have a conversation in 3-4 months, one of us will be able to say "i told you so" at least :p

On iPad so can't be arsed to snip, but to first point:
Working on speed, but his squats haven't even had the speed. He's been wasting his time there, his 5x5 squats which should be snapping up with speed and maximum glute drive have been as slow as his heavy sets. Am I honestly the only one to think that? Honestly, there's nothing fast about them at all.

Dom, I wasn't actually suggesting he does stronglifts at all, I was just pointing out that stronglifts is a routine which adds strength quickly, 5/3/1 isn't.
On iPad so can't be arsed to snip, but to first point:
Working on speed, but his squats haven't even had the speed. He's been wasting his time there, his 5x5 squats which should be snapping up with speed and maximum glute drive have been as slow as his heavy sets. Am I honestly the only one to think that? Honestly, there's nothing fast about them at all.

The first set looks quicker to me. Granted could have been quicker. But to say they're as slow as my heavy sets is bit non truthful :p

I don't have my 100kg set to hand at the moment, otherwise I'd post that.
Good post. :)

The reason I was suggesting at least 1 or 2 reps of BBB is just to get some time under the bar at a decent weight, knowing that he won't have the ability to do subsidiary exercises necessarily at the right level - however your point is spot on, though it does depend on what he wants. He's got a habit of chopping and changing programmes a lot - so he needs to be given strict guidance and a kick up the arse!

I had assumed that he was "free" of his ailments and as such a strenuous 5/3/1 with big progression might help him,. However, I wonder if he's being overly cautious or not applying his training properly, as it seems a little disjointed. He needs to stick the programme and actually push himself - I think he lets himself "fail" too easily.

I'm still a believer of hitting the big compounds with all of your might - then giving a good 80% on the assistance work. And then having a proper deload - where girls laugh at you when they see the weights you're lifting. Too many people don't understand how to do this.

I think Delvis has too short an attention span, or feels he's not making progress quickly enough - but as such it's a catch 22, he doesn't push himself enough but then goes off on another venture half cocked.


I know the routine that Ice gave him was strict and it definitely worked, but maybe we need to progress to something a little more meaty now.

Dom, I wasn't actually suggesting he does stronglifts at all, I was just pointing out that stronglifts is a routine which adds strength quickly, 5/3/1 isn't.

Fair enough. I obviously miss understood :).

Delvis, would you mind posting up a summary of your current routine? Just for ease of access.

Your squats have definitely improved, but just from the looks of the 50kg sets there you could take that up a little bit so it is a little harder. FF is definitely right that you need more time under tension on nearly everything but maybe we could come up with a way of cycling it so that you have some high volume periods and some low. Just an idea.
Up until about December I was doing 3x8/10 on most lifts. It was on December 17th I changed to 5x5 on my squats, with 2/3 heavier sets before it, everything else was still 3x8/10 except deadlifts which as you know where sets of 3's to help with my back as I couldn't do high reps at a high weight.

It was January my main lifts switched to 5x5 with accessories exercises at 3x8/10. Again, deadlifts different as above.

It was mid January I pretty much changed to 5x5 on everything, deadlifts I changed to 3x5.

That said mate, its been naff, I just followed 5x5 with the aim to increase the weights this side of Xmas. I figured following something like 5/3/1 would do me good because A: it was a strength routine, B: it gave me a goal to do each week and it was something different.

To be honest after all the farting around above I'm not sure what I'm doing, I still have the rest of the week and weekend to figure something out. Let me know if you need more info :)
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