Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

edit: watched the vid on my phone, you got 10 - I was confused by your 80x5, note in your workout - just put 80x10 it's easier.... Could do with a little more depth on some of your squats. Otherwise good work. :)
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Just put it as the whole number, instead of the PR being in the bracket, i.e 80kgx10. Makes it a lot simpler :)

Done my good fellow

edit: watched the vid on my phone, you got 10 - I was confused by your 80x5, note in your workout - just put 80x10 it's easier.... Could do with a little more depth on some of your squats. Otherwise good work. :)

Thanks, yeah I've changed it now, looking at what I wrote down is daft so I'll do it for future posts.

Depth (for me) is the best it's been for a while without rounding, especially on the first two sets, I do need to hammer it on the third set for sure, just got to be mindful of it.
Guys, you need a PHD in cryptology to be able to read Delvis logs!! this is why peolpe dont think he hasn't made any progress, because he hides all his good work in crazy cryptical logs of doom :p
Guys, you need a PHD in cryptology to be able to read Delvis logs!! this is why peolpe dont think he hasn't made any progress, because he hides all his good work in crazy cryptical logs of doom :p

Damm straight

Try these to loosen up the quads, I find them great for loosening bits up :)

Thanks :)

It's not really my quad as such, it's the front of my hip? I don't know the name of the muscles :p
Damm straight


Thanks :)

It's not really my quad as such, it's the front of my hip? I don't know the name of the muscles :p

Rectus femoris. Hip flexor. And an absolute bar steward to stretch properly.

You might want to try it with a strong band around the top of your femur anrchored onto a rack if you have the means available: that, together with an 'etended' shape (knee forward and really leaning into it) will stretch that sucker like nobody's business. It's the only way I can stretch it, now.

Tuesday 19th February: Chest - W1C1
  • Mobility: some shoulder stuff, bench with just the bar and 30kg.
  • BB Bench: 3x5+:
-Set 1: 40kgx5
-Set 2: 45kgx5
-Set 3: 52.5x12
  • Incline DB Bench: 18's: 10, 10, 10.
  • Dips@BW: 8, 8, 8.
  • Cable Flye (from top of rack): 14kg: 10, 10, 10.
  • Convergin chest press: 32kg: 10, 10, 10.
  • Cable pull down: 23kg: 10, 10, 10.
  • CGBP: barx10, 25kgx10, 30kgx10, 35kgx10, 30kgx10, 25kgx10, barx30.

Almight chest and tri pump was had. Tried the chest press machine today as I had some extra time, not bad. CGBP was added in again as I had some spare time, couldn't move my arms by the end.

Pleased with the Barbell bench, onwards and upwards. 18's on the incline gave me some awesome pump, in fact, all of it did.

Pretty excited about next week :cool:
Lil chest pic update, again just a quick snap after the shower.


Thursday 21st February: OHP
  • Mobilty and warming up of the shoulders with 2.5kg plates
  • OHP: 3x5+
-Set 1: 22.5kg x 5
-Set 2: 27.5kg x 5
-Set 3: 30kg x 13
  • Alt. DB press (standing): 3x10x12's
  • Seated DB press: 2x10x12's, 1x12x14's.
  • Cable front raise (supersetted with side raise): 6.8kg = 12, 12, 12.
  • Cable side raise (S/S with above): 6.8kg = 10, 8, 8.
  • Rear cable delt flye (S/S with face pulls): 6.8kg = 10, 10, 10.
  • Face pulls (on lat pull down, S/S with above): 25kgx12, 32kgx14, 32kgx14.
  • Land mines (S/S with planks): Oly Bar = 10, 10, 10.
  • Plank (S/S with above): 30s, 30s, 30s.

Fuarrrrrrrrrrrrr, loved this session, just felt awesome. Pleased with the OHP, managed 13reps on the plus set so not too shabby. Decided to clean them from the floor, need the practice and extra work it brings on.

Seated DB press, will start with the 14's next week, forgot my log book today so was working slightly blind, possibly up them on the standing DB press as well.

Cable front raises seem to do something to my right shoulder, think it's just a case of keeping the correct ROM.

Face pulls where different, need to look these up for using them on the Lat pull down.

Vid of OHP:
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