Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Looking good man!

Those OHP were really nice, just make sure you keep your abs on al lthe time to prevent any back nastiness.

I do my face pulls with the attachment at the top of the cable stack, then down on one knee with a little backward lean. Just again make sure you are over extending ;).

Lovely looking session.
Thursday 21st February: OHP
  • Mobilty and warming up of the shoulders with 2.5kg plates
  • OHP: 3x5+
-Set 1: 22.5kg x 5
-Set 2: 27.5kg x 5
-Set 3: 30kg x 13

Vid of OHP:

Looked strong, you need more weight!

Few things:
When starting the press, head back not chin up. Yes, its possible you might smack your chin or your nose, get used to that fear. Head back, dont tilt it.
Once the bar passes your head, get under it. Head through. Even if it means the bar goes behind your head, this is a good thing (not too far obviously).

How wide are your feet? Are you bracing your core for each press?
Receiving the bar from each press: try not to let it just come down on to you, as weight gets heavier its a bad habit to get in to and can cause problems.
Accept the bar, like you do on the clean. Take a small dip at the bottom of the rep, then stand strong and press again.
Looked strong, you need more weight!

Few things:
When starting the press, head back not chin up. Yes, its possible you might smack your chin or your nose, get used to that fear. Head back, dont tilt it.
Once the bar passes your head, get under it. Head through. Even if it means the bar goes behind your head, this is a good thing (not too far obviously).

How wide are your feet? Are you bracing your core for each press?
Receiving the bar from each press: try not to let it just come down on to you, as weight gets heavier its a bad habit to get in to and can cause problems.
Accept the bar, like you do on the clean. Take a small dip at the bottom of the rep, then stand strong and press again.

I will also try some of that tomorrow on my OHP day, thanks Morba!.. Any other tips? Oh and sorry to hijack Delvis.
Looking good man!

Those OHP were really nice, just make sure you keep your abs on al lthe time to prevent any back nastiness.

I do my face pulls with the attachment at the top of the cable stack, then down on one knee with a little backward lean. Just again make sure you are over extending ;).

Lovely looking session.

Thanks mate, yeah try and keep tight on the OHP, they don't cause issues like they used to so I can't moan, just weak at the moment.

Hm, may give that a go, problem at my place would be using the correct attachment, got any more info on that? Or pics :o ;)

Got a nice feeling from the session though, loved it.

WTF is that bloke in the background doing with that DB!?!


Some kind of weird Db side press thing, if you look closely his buddy is on his right doing the EXACT same thing, they're hilarious.

Tasty session, and the OHP looked prety good.

Your clean technique, however... ;)

Thanks man, better than my last video anyway.

Heh, yeah, clean is terrible, but I feel by doing it it will help in other areas...At least until it's too heavy to do that.

Looked strong, you need more weight!

Few things:
When starting the press, head back not chin up. Yes, its possible you might smack your chin or your nose, get used to that fear. Head back, dont tilt it.
Once the bar passes your head, get under it. Head through. Even if it means the bar goes behind your head, this is a good thing (not too far obviously).

How wide are your feet? Are you bracing your core for each press?
Receiving the bar from each press: try not to let it just come down on to you, as weight gets heavier its a bad habit to get in to and can cause problems.
Accept the bar, like you do on the clean. Take a small dip at the bottom of the rep, then stand strong and press again.

Cheers :) Weight will go up as per the program. RM is 5x5x37.5kg, not pretty though.

About the head under the bar thing, this was mentioned in my other OHP video? Yet as a bad thing I think? So i'm now confused as I thought you DID have to power through so your head was under.....

Feet are about shoulder width, try not to go too wide if I'm honest just yet. I try and brace my core yes, naturally I no doubt delvis my core and forget.

Thanks for the tip, will try to remember to do that at the bottom of the rep :) Much appreciated
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Heh, yeah, clean is terrible, but I feel by doing it it will help in other areas...At least until it's too heavy to do that.

Cleans are awesome for pretty much everything.

HOWEVER. What you are doing is more of a SLDL-upright row hybrid and NOT a clean.

I appreciate you didn't ask for this, but I'll share it, anyway. :)

Look at the difference. And no, not the 'bounce'... :)

If you're still concentrating after the snatch, you'll see her break down the 'hang' clean: if you can keep your jaw in place, watch her hips come through and smack the bar (not helping, am I?)... :eek: :o

If you're bothered, I'm happy to talk you through it, but I'm also aware that you probably won't care (and I'm not offended, either way, so don't worry about being blunt. :) ).
Cheers mate, no no, certainly interested, just not sure how to go about applying it. That, and the only time I would be doing them is for OHP really, so won't get much time for practice.
Heh - it depends what you're after.

They will help pretty much everything that requires hip drive, including squats and deadlifts, as they forcus on explosive power and require a rock-hard core.

They will also give you uber-traps, which is not to be underestimated.

Plus they look gorram AWESOME: being able to clean and front rack what most people in my gym can just about deadlift is an epically pointless and shortlived alpha thing. :D :( ;)

If nothing else, just watch that video and enjoy the technique, because hers ain't bad. At all. ;)

EDIT: Hell, I'm going to watch that video again, anyway. :D
Cheers :) Weight will go up as per the program. RM is 5x5x37.5kg, not pretty though.

About the head under the bar thing, this was mentioned in my other OHP video? Yet as a bad thing I think? So i'm now confused as I thought you DID have to power through so your head was under.....

Feet are about shoulder width, try not to go too wide if I'm honest just yet. I try and brace my core yes, naturally I no doubt delvis my core and forget.

Thanks for the tip, will try to remember to do that at the bottom of the rep :) Much appreciated

The last vid i can see for shoulders is page 6, so going on that one your reps were lovely. Up and over the head, push head through :)

I found that using a width for my feet that was best was my "power position" width. Sounds odd, but makes sense.
Essentially, take a step forwards and get ready to jump up from both feet. Your body will put your feet in the best place to create power from the floor.
Dont actually jump, just take a step forwards then go into the jump motion but leave feet on the floor. Take a look at where your feet are.
3:40 ish. Travis shows what I mean much better. Hes talking about a jerk from there, but its a powerful position to strict press from also.
Looked strong, you need more weight!

Few things:
When starting the press, head back not chin up. Yes, its possible you might smack your chin or your nose, get used to that fear. Head back, dont tilt it.
Once the bar passes your head, get under it. Head through. Even if it means the bar goes behind your head, this is a good thing (not too far obviously).

How wide are your feet? Are you bracing your core for each press?
Receiving the bar from each press: try not to let it just come down on to you, as weight gets heavier its a bad habit to get in to and can cause problems.
Accept the bar, like you do on the clean. Take a small dip at the bottom of the rep, then stand strong and press again.

Agreed with all of this - I will add one more point. Slow the downward movement. You're letting gravity do too much of the work - she doesn't need a work out, you do. Control it more on the way down.
Friday 22nd February: Back
  • Mobility: some shoulder work, REALLY tight hamstrings today, some deads and rdl's with bar
  • Deadlift: 3x5+
-Set 1: 82.5kg x 5
-Set 2: 95kg x 5
-Set 3: 107.5kg x 12
  • BOR: 70kgx10, 65kgx10, 10.
  • Chin up: BW 3x5
  • Pull ups: Assisted: 23kgx5, 27kgx5, 5.
  • Lat pull down: 52kgx7 + 45kgx3 (lats jaffed now), 39kgx10, 10.
  • Wide Seated cable row (lat attachment): 3x10x39kg.
  • Single arm row: 3x10x34kg

Well, today was just weird. Training slightly later than usual, which shouldn't really be an issue. Deadlifts went well, then came the plus set, did 5 reps, the 5th rep wondered a little forward which made me put my left foot out, then carried on with the other reps until 12 came. No idea what happened there.

Then after that, I just felt knackered, lats seemed to be weak beyond belief. BORs made me laugh, 70kg is too heavy (far too much jerking involved) so will work on those. I appear to be terrible at pull ups still, they need some serious attention so may add some in elsewhere.

Tried a wide cable row, bit odd, seems to work anyway so will try and continue equipment pending. Had some spare time as I'm off today so stuck some heavy rows in, did the job.

I have the videos for the first two sets of deadlifts, but the third set I completely forgot, which is annoying.

Week 1 over, time for week two, and it's going to hurt. :D
I'd do the chins before BORs. Let your lower back recover a little.

There's a LOT of volume in your work outs - but I guess you're going for size and just using the 5/3/1 as a starter for the work out?
I'd do the chins before BORs. Let your lower back recover a little.

There's a LOT of volume in your work outs - but I guess you're going for size and just using the 5/3/1 as a starter for the work out?

Cheers, will try it next week and see how it goes :)

I'm just using 5/3/1 for the time being so I have something to follow, it seems pretty good so far and I may as well stick to it for a bit, then the assistance exercises I'm aiming for 8-10 reps.

Usually, I would do the rows at the end, seeing as I had time I just put them in. Dom also said to do more on my back day, so I did :p IF however, the increased volume starts to aggravate my back injury, I will probably change the rep scale.
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