Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Something to point out delvis, if you want to gain strength, and you want to use wendler to do this, your doing to much assistance work. The point of the early weeks in the cycle is not to push yourself to the limit, and by doing so much extra work your just pushing yourself.
Its going to make each week even more tiring for you. Hence the reason why the triumvariate only has 3 assistance exercises advised.

If you want to focus on adding size, and your just using wendler as a path to follow for your big lifts then fair enough, but if your main focus is adding strength then really need to slow down on the assistance stuff, espeically as your main lifts get heavier.
Fair point. I only ever do my asistance work to a volume i can handle, no doubt i willl learn what i can and cant do abd adjust from there.

I just love volume :p Things will probably be different next week when i have a time limit anyway
Something to point out delvis, if you want to gain strength, and you want to use wendler to do this, your doing to much assistance work. The point of the early weeks in the cycle is not to push yourself to the limit, and by doing so much extra work your just pushing yourself.
Its going to make each week even more tiring for you. Hence the reason why the triumvariate only has 3 assistance exercises advised.

If you want to focus on adding size, and your just using wendler as a path to follow for your big lifts then fair enough, but if your main focus is adding strength then really need to slow down on the assistance stuff, espeically as your main lifts get heavier.

Consider rotating your assistance every couple of weeks if you want to mix it up.

I'm also interested in what your + sets look like, I will be tenderly nurturing your snaps over the internet.

Consider rotating your assistance every couple of weeks if you want to mix it up.

I'm also interested in what your + sets look like, I will be tenderly nurturing your snaps over the internet.

So what would you record,mend I do? I have a whole gyms worth of equipment now, so I get a bit lost/excited and want to do everything. Ideally, I would like to plan something properly for my assistance exercises rather than just blasting it out every week. Sadly I missed the plus set which I'm annoyed about, maybe next week

LOL Chris :D You're pretty big from what I recall? Just keep lifting and I'll keep catching ;)
Check out the first few pages of LiEs log he kept it quite simple with his 5/3/1 and it worked quite nicely.

You can fill it out with a couple of BBB sets after your + set and then pick 3 exercises and do them to your max :)
Shall try have a gander. A lot of the exercises I've done aren't normally added, its just due to the extra time I've had. The back work is because it needs work, to be fair all of it does.
The single arm rows aren't there normally, neither the seated rows to be fair, depends on the day. I do however need to be doing pulls and chins :)
Mirin the back volume bro!

Gains train is coming to a station near you! :p

That's the idea. :)

Would you or Scott mind helping with a proper assistance program at some point? As Scott said possibly with rotations every so often? I'll try write something down this weekend so I have something a bit concrete at least
Squats 5/3/1
Squat variation (goblet w/pulse, front) or walking lunges

Bench press 5/3/1
Inclined DB bench ss DB flys

OHP 5/3/1
Face pulls
DB press (standing for more intensity) ss with front bb raises
Lateral raises

Deadlifts 5/3/1
Pull ups
DB rows or BOR's
Standing cable row

do all assistance work either as volume of heavy.
3-4 sets of either 4-6 or 8-10 reps depending on mood, preference.
Throw in a core exercise at the end of every other routine, probably keeping this to your chest and shoulder days would be best.

Keep it simple, don't over complicate things, and use the best all round exercises. Oh and read the wendler book, he covered all of this in his book. You have enough knowledge that you don't need to ask Scott or Dom to give you a program. You should be asking them to critique a program you pull together yourself matey, you're more then capable, just like you are in the gym. Start believing in yourself :D
Cheers. I'll be honest, dB flyes don't work for me, they aggravate my shoulder too much, same with cgbp I believe (or at least my front dealt)

I will give it a go, I just find cable flyes much better for myself :)
Then do cable flys, and have you ever tried doing close grip bench variant using db's so that you have a little more control around your shoulders and niggle?

What I laid out above isn't gospel, adapt it to suit you, but don't add to it and over do things. Change exercises about to keep you happy, and do what works best for you.
Just been looking back over this week and comparing and its not too dissimilar :) Not tried them with DBs no? Never really occurred to me.

I'll get a base routine going and stick to that for a few weeks, then change around as you say.
Well yes, just if I don't read something or get shown it, it doesn't stick :p

Just wrote out next weeks numbers for the main lifts, going to be interesting.
Monday 25th February: Legs
  • Mobility, some RDL's with the bar
  • Squats: 3x3+
-Set 1: 65kg x 3
-Set 2: 75kg x 3
-Set 3: 85kg x 9 (fail rep 10 - vid below)
  • BSS: 14's per hand: 3x10 per leg
  • RDL's (strapless): 3x10x75kg
  • Goblet squat with pulse: 3x10x8kg
  • Jaffed

All kinds of dead, squats seem to murder me, they are by far the my worst feeling lift.

Squats in general, I am happy, managed 9 reps on the plus set @ 85kg, failed on rep 10, if you look at the vid rep 8 decided to go for a wander but I managed to hold it. My knees also seem to be caving in, need to work on that along with some BW exercises I can do at home. No idea what my arms are doing, they seem to want to fly whenever I'm under the bar, might put some wings on next week and see if it helps get the bar up.

BSS: balance on these is hilarious, I was going to try deficits but I'd end up snapping my legs with all the hopping I have to do. Think I had to reset atleast once on every set for each leg, just need to keep going at them, however I am unsure whether I should try increasing the weight still or work with the 14's for another week?

RDL's, love them, done me over though, did them strapless this week to work on grip and it's terrible as usual.

Goblet squats, nom. That is all.

My squats are by far (I feel) my worst lift technicality wise, something just isn't clicking.

Video of Set 3 of the squats, lifting doesn't start until 30's.

The bar is also at a slant for some reason, no idea if that is just due to my right shoulder? As it does sit lower than the left.
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