Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

EDIT: I actually start with working my left leg first...So God knows whats going on :p :D

the set that i saw you started working the right left first (left leg back on bench first) Unless i am getting this massively wrong, the leg that is doing the work is the front leg.
Had some bizzarre tightness in my left TFL / hip capsule or something for the last two days, seems to have partially cleared over night but I need to do some flossing this evening.

Tuesday 5th March: Chest - C1 W3
  • Mobility: some dislocations, benching with the bar, 30kg and 40kg.
  • Bench press: 1x5, 1x3, 1x1+
  1. Set 1: 45kg x 5 - Easy
  2. Set 2: 52.5kg x 3 - Easy
  3. Set 3: 57.5kg: 9 - Easy in reality, last 3 reps took longer but form was good.
  • Incline DB bench: 3 x 10 x 22's
  • Dips + 5kg: 3 x 10
  • Cable flyes (high position): 3 x 10 x 18kg per hand - FUU, last few reps on rep 3 where slow as hell.
  • CGBP (90 sec rest): 3 x 12 x 35kg
  • Cable pull down super setted with planks: 3 x 12 x 18kg / 3x30s (got cramp in my right quad hnng) Pretty much no pause each set
  • Leg raise supersetted with DB curl (off centre grip): 3 x 10 + 3 x 15ph x 8kg

Right shoulder has been a bit iffy this week, need to mobilise again and again and again.

Pleased with the bench, not surprising I got decent numbers on the plus set as 67.5kg isn't a true 1RM so the next cycle should be interesting. Really pleased with the 22's for incline as well.
No idea mate, I need things in plain English :p

Looking at the pic though it could be deeper. The issue I get is if I go any deeper I get back rounding which is what I try and avoid.

It also feels like something is physically stopping me beyond that point without compromising something else, ie caving in of the legs, or rounding my lower back.

Push your knees out wider: the head of the femur (and associated muscularture) can impinge movement meaning that - no matter how loose your hamstrings/etc are, you will never sort bum rounding.

I have my knees out quite wide with a comparatively narrow gap between the heels (the Olympic shoes also give me a bit of lift, too) meaning I can significantly reduce bum tuckage as a result. Feels very odd at first, but then reverts to awesome.

I know a lot of people on here will not do this, but then a lot of people on here do not front/overhead squat much. I appreciate you are back squatting, but same principle may apply. I'll have a play in the gym this afternoon and see what happens...
My knees tend to be pushed out as far as I can physically push them, it probably is the femur area stopping me from going deeper without letting my knees cave in or letting something else go.

I'm going to do some work on my adductors and TFL, as from what I can see, if my adductors are tight they could theoretically pull my knees in towards the bottom? Pure guess work there.
Back from my deep tissue massage on my back, hnnnng massage gainz.

The good thing is there doesn't appear to be anything crazy going on muscle wise, no imbalances and it all appears to be pretty symmetrical ie nothings over compensated and its well developed in general. As suspected there are some nobbly bits on my lower back that can be worked on. Had a small bit of work on the rear of my shoulders, bit of tightness, there is a bit of a build up on my right trap but nothing else too crazy there.

All in all feels pretty good, will no doubt go back again to have another go over in certain areas.
Bit delayed posting this up but nevermind.

Thursday 7th March: Shoulders - Week3 Cycle 1
  • Mobility: some shoulder stuff, front/side raises, some kind of half-ytwl thing.
  • OHP: 1x5, 1x3, 1x1+
  1. Set 1: 27.5kg = 5
  2. Set 2: 30kg = 3
  3. Set 3: 35kg = 8
  • Alt. DB press (single arm): 3 x 10 x 16's
  • Seated DB press (S/S with below): 16's: 10, 10, 7 (fail 8)
  • Standing BB Raise (S/S with above): 12.5kg: 10, 10, 10.
  • Cable side raise (S/S with below): 6.8kg: 12, 12, 12.
  • Cable face pull (top of rack, S/S with above): 45kg: 12, 12. 50kg: 12.
  • Cable rear delt flye (60s rest): 6.8kg: 10, 9/10, 10.
  • Pallof press (short rest): 23kg: 10, 10, 10.

-Pumped shoulders, I now LOVE shoulders, still weady as sin though.
-Alt. DB press and seated SB press was against me today, 16's felt heavy after 5 reps :(
-Side raises I'm not too sure on, need to have a play as I seem to be stuck on 6.8kg.
-Face pulls with lat attachment, too easy, so upped the weight.
-Rear delt flyes, I like them, but I go from doing full ROM to nothing in the space of one rep :p
-Pallof press....Says it all really, just love the burn it gives.

All in all, left shoulder exceedingly weak today despite hitting the numbers above, also a bit of clicking going on. Right should just seemed to hit lactic acid territory right after the DB pressing, stupid thing...

What I don't understand, is my left shoulder is SO much more weaker than my right, yet my right shoulder is the one with the issues??? Logic?
the right shoulder would be dominant and doing more work more of the time, under stress more often, and therefore more likely to have suffered from over load/stress/general doucherie
No one likes my shoulder sessions then? FINE! That's just, fine. :(

Friday 8th March: Back - 5/3/1 - Week 3 - Cycle 1
  • Deadlifts: 1x5, 1x3, 1x1+
  1. 95kg x 5
  2. 107.5kg x 3
  3. 120kg x 8
  • Pull ups: @BW = 5, 3. Negatives (5 sec neg) = 5, 5.
  • BOR (strapped): 3 x 10 x 60kg
  • Seated row (narrow & low): 3 x 10 x 45kg
  • SAR: 3 x 10 x 28kg
  • Curls for the girlz: whatevs

I was pleased with the deadlifts until the third set, they felt comfortable but looking back at them I just can't keep upper back tightness once it goes over 100kg or so, upper back just gives way.

BORs: I'm happy with these, gets a bit heavy towards the end of the set, but my back seems okay.

Slowly working on the Pull ups :cool: SOON.jpg
Not bad - definitely better than before.

In other news, some of the guys in your gym do some utterly, utterly pointless and bizarre exercises...
mirin' the audience you're getting. ;)

Haha! Never seen the guy on my right before, should have seen him mirrin' Syla5 doing his leg stretches with the bands :D

Not bad - definitely better than before.

In other news, some of the guys in your gym do some utterly, utterly pointless and bizarre exercises...

Thanks Mrthingy, good to know. Something just isn't right in the upper back tightness department, no idea what.

:D Yeah, no idea what that is, must be a deadlift attempt or something.

8 reps for week 3 is damn impressive :)

Thanks mate, probably could have done two more, but my back was going a bit and to be honest it's pretty jaffed from the soft tissue session on Tuesday.

I find I can carry on lifting with deadlifts and let form go a bit, where as on Squats and bench I get to a point then physically can't push any more.
Bro why were you deadlifting 125kg for 8 reps at the meet 2 months ago, but deadlifting 120kg for 8 reps now?

LiE why are you congratulating him for this?
That does seem a little odd Doovis, you seemed quite comfortable with 125 for 8 at the meet, considering that was 2 months ago I'd hope you'd be doing a little more, but at the very least the same weight
How you find your 1st cycle? Got good numbers on all 3 weeks!

Pretty good, seems to favour my injuries rep wise.

Bro why were you deadlifting 125kg for 8 reps at the meet 2 months ago, but deadlifting 120kg for 8 reps now?

LiE why are you congratulating him for this?

I was fresh at the meet, practically did nothing prior to that other than some RDL's round the corner.

This is also how the calculations have worked out on the spreadsheet, so I'm following them.
he was reserved with his cycle 1 numbers for wendler, as others have been as well doing the program, still more concered with form then numbers which is fair enough. Watching the set today he could have done 10+ reps easily, not sure why he didnt!! The real work starts from cycle 2 onwards :)
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