Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer


Absolutely :p

Sadly, it's what the program says to do on the 4th week of each cycle mate, nothing I can do about it :p

I do find it odd that the percentage is so low, I guess it's exaggerated because I'm a weak **** and it will be more needed once I hit real weight territory.

Yup, you'll be fresh for next week and be setting all kinds of PBs.

Indeed :)
Personally this is where I would be disagreeing with the program. A deload shuold be a break from working at a high threshold, not almost a break from lifting :p I'd be doing more volume at those weights, irrespective of what the program says.
Does it say to lift weights that a 10 year old girl could lift? If so, I apologise...


If you're lifting girl weights on your working set for bench press, like I am due to my shoulder and general phaggatory then yes, because it calculates 90% of your 1RM then uses the numbers from Week 2 I believe looking at the spreadsheet.

Personally this is where I would be disagreeing with the program. A deload shuold be a break from working at a high threshold, not almost a break from lifting :p I'd be doing more volume at those weights, irrespective of what the program says.

Personally, I'd rather be shifting more as well but it's what it's calculated. I did do a few extra reps afterwards but saw no point in recording it. Regardless of that, my assistance work isn't dropped a ridiculous amount so I'm still getting stimulus from that.

My OHP number are a tad ridiculous, ie it's telling me to do 15kg on the first set, which is less than the bar, so I might just do the bar to be honest. That said my OHP is weak as anything anyway hence the low numbers.
Yes but a deload doesn't have to be by the book, it's a deload for your body; who knows your body better, a book or you? If the volume isn't enough, increase it. I don't think anyone would agree with that. Just don't absolutely exhaust yourself. You want the benefits of a deload, but retain the benefits of still being in the gym :)
Yes but a deload doesn't have to be by the book, it's a deload for your body; who knows your body better, a book or you? If the volume isn't enough, increase it. I don't think anyone would agree with that. Just don't absolutely exhaust yourself. You want the benefits of a deload, but retain the benefits of still being in the gym :)

Aye, I'll take note for further deloads, I did a couple of single sets afterwards and kept the assistance work up so it wasn't wasted. If I feel like it I can always do a dropset as well for reps.

Like I said though, OHP the spreadsheet wants me to do 15, 20, So I'll probably just stick to 20 if anything, wouldn't go any lower.
Aye, I'll take note for further deloads, I did a couple of single sets afterwards and kept the assistance work up so it wasn't wasted. If I feel like it I can always do a dropset as well for reps.

Like I said though, OHP the spreadsheet wants me to do 15, 20, So I'll probably just stick to 20 if anything, wouldn't go any lower.

I hate deload week, it sucks majorly. Not even sure it really helps me a great deal.

I done Steeds BB routine that he gave ICE etc on my deload last time round. May stick to doing something like that for future 'deloads'.

I don't stick to the book though, just go in with no set plan and do something normally. Though I always go heavier than the 50%, but then I lift gay weights still. When I'm LiE strong no doubt I'll acctually need a proper deload week.
I hate deload week, it sucks majorly. Not even sure it really helps me a great deal.

I done Steeds BB routine that he gave ICE etc on my deload last time round. May stick to doing something like that for future 'deloads'.

I don't stick to the book though, just go in with no set plan and do something normally. Though I always go heavier than the 50%, but then I lift gay weights still. When I'm LiE strong no doubt I'll acctually need a proper deload week.

It's the end of my first cycle so I'm still getting a feel for it, I think on future deloads I'll play it by ear and do some extra drop sets or something, especially at the moment.
The thing is that Delvis hasn't been training consistently, long enough to know what the best course of action is for a deload. When I looked at 5/3/1 I thought the deloads were too light and I would adjust them to fit me better but I just went with a different routine. My deloads on my current routine involves doing a mock meet, which I'm sure doesn't sound that much like a deload to some people but it is.

At the end of the day Delvis is going to be deloading effectively, there is no chance of him having too much stimulus and he is definitely going to be prepped for the next phase. If he felt it was a little easy he could adjust it by maybe including some drop sets for volume, or maybe just another set with 10 or so reps. He could also take the week completely off apart from one day when he comes in and works up to a triple @60%, that would also be and effective deload (don't do that, pointless). However the whole point of a deload in this routine is to lower the intensity and therefore the stress produced for one week which he is doing. Like I said if he wanted to add in a little more volume it wouldn't kill him but there is also no real need to.
It's the end of my first cycle so I'm still getting a feel for it, I think on future deloads I'll play it by ear and do some extra drop sets or something, especially at the moment.

no no no stop playing things by ear, ffs delvis you just cant stick to anything can you, i dont even have a clue why you're deloading when you work way below 90% 1rm anyway. Why cant you just stick rigidly to a program for a few years? Why do you always have to be changing things and fiddling and 'thinking'. Just do it and forget that anything else even exists.
no no no stop playing things by ear, ffs delvis you just cant stick to anything can you, i dont even have a clue why you're deloading when you work way below 90% 1rm anyway. Why cant you just stick rigidly to a program for a few years? Why do you always have to be changing things and fiddling and 'thinking'. Just do it and forget that anything else even exists.

Can you not read? Those numbers ARE what the program says to do.

The program makes you do a deload every 4th week of each cycle, THAT is why I am doing a deload.

I followed a hypertrophy program last year after doing a cut, I then decided to follow a strength based program for this year to get my strength up after the injuries I suffered last year.
delvis does hyperthopry hodge podge routine, everyone moans that delvis has no focus to his routine/training

delvis switches to a strength routine and sticks to the numbers and the program, everyone mians that delvis shouldnt stick to the program.

clearly a win/win situation for those that like to delvis bash.
Delvis does seem to suffer quite a lot of scrutiny.

I know I've been off the scene for over a year and that perhaps he hasn't pushed himself as hard as he should & could have previously but just from reading the last few pages (lightly) there's quite a bit of pushing/pulling over what he should & shouldn't be doing.
It's not about Delvis bashing. I think UE is has got the wrong end of the stick here. The deload in Wendler clearly seems like an after thought to me, in the book that is. I do however disagree with Dom's comments; it's almost like being an apologist.

It kinda rings of "despite training for 2+ years, Delvis still doesn't know what a deload is and how to organise one". If that's the case, then for shame. I really hope it isn't. Delvis does have a huge problem with needing to follow things to the letter, he likes to have things spelt out for him, something he can follow to the letter. Nothing wrong with wanting something to follow in a book like this, but I know FF thinks the book's deload is poop, Dom thinks the same, yet suggesting to Delvis to add volume to the deload and it's a sin!
Delvis does seem to suffer quite a lot of scrutiny.

I know I've been off the scene for over a year and that perhaps he hasn't pushed himself as hard as he should & could have previously but just from reading the last few pages (lightly) there's quite a bit of pushing/pulling over what he should & shouldn't be doing.

The issue is I've gone from hypertrophy to strength and I was conservative on my RM's.

At the start of last year I put my back out which practically stopped me from squatting or deadlifting for a few months, prior to that I done my shoulder over in 2010 which naturally doesn't help with benching and shoulder work. It's only in the last 6 months I've been able to properly deadlift without aggravating my back, same with squatting.

People can call them excuses or whatever, I still have issues with my back to this day, just sitting down in a fricking chair and driving my car along with sleeping.

Delvis does seem to suffer quite a lot of scrutiny.

I know I've been off the scene for over a year and that perhaps he hasn't pushed himself as hard as he should & could have previously but just from reading the last few pages (lightly) there's quite a bit of pushing/pulling over what he should & shouldn't be doing.

The issue is there is no real evidence of sticking to something for a long enough amount of time, while working hard as ****, and coming out on top with huge bouts of gainz.

It still boggles my mind how this program even seems like a good idea. Deloads every 4 weeks when the weeks in between aren't even close to maxing out?! What in the world. I have never done a "deload", unless the occasional beach weights session counts, but even then it's a session not a week. Maybe it's more fool me for not doing one but i can't say i feel hindered by not.. And i've been doing the same routine with decent progression since october. And if anything my strength has still gone up pretty massively over the past month or so. Bench PB while on a hypertrophy routine whaaa? DL PB after a couple of months back from snap city whaaa?

Anyway it's looking like i'll be out of lifting for a while so hopefully i'll come back and delvis will have made some mad progress.
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When Delvis is using numbers which are closer to his actual max the deload will be needed. After 3 weeks I was pretty much dead. You can't sustain working at a high % of your max for too long.

You don't really need a deload on a beach weights program xD
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